
Posts Tagged: 'katherine+pierce'

Jul. 8th, 2017




I overheard some people talking about this Valar thing, which I thought was some new restaurant or a club or something. But what do I find? This weird community with absolutely ridiculous discussion topics. Who cares what weird things people are dreaming about?

That's honestly the thing people choose to share with one another here?

Jul. 4th, 2017




Not sure what to think about you all. Ran into an old friend who gave me about as much info as I can handle (and that was some trippy shit) but I'm not really a message board kind of individual. Might be more a ghost around here but I thought I'd introduce myself anyway.

I'm Garcian. I clean crime scenes. You might of seen some mofo in a hazmat suit on a lame-ass reality TV show, what, like 'Dirty Jobs' or some shit? Yeah, it's dirty. Scraping blood and bodily fluids off the walls tends to be. Maybe I'll see some of you after you blow yourselves to bits with your damn fireworks, but here's a tip: don't do that.

Jun. 3rd, 2017




Scientists in Britain have the right idea! Developing tests to diagnose sad sheep. I find it's important to follow the news and world events, yes, but I think we all know how depressing that is these days - take the bits of good news where you can get them. Especially after the devastating blow that is the United States withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. Egad, as we say in the laboratory...

But anyway, I do have a point to this post. Are there any telepathic types out there, willing to test a device meant to amplify brainwaves? Nothing painful or intrusive, I assure you - I received the plans and designs to build the device here, the same device in my dreams, which was destroyed after an attack on our facility. But here it would be used to study brainwaves - those who dream versus those who do not. Perhaps there are differences! I hope even the slightest bit of information would help us all better understand the dreaming phenomenon secluded to just Orange County.

private to emma frost )

May. 15th, 2017




Che palle. I did not know the answer to the question 'can these dreams put you into the hospital?' was yes. Then again, it may be a combination of them plus my own stubbornness that put me into the hospital, but here I am. With many needles stuck in me and staying for 'observation.'

At least I can breathe again, that is a positive.

I took a nap and woke up to see that the statue of my likeness was also right here in my hospital room - I am not sure where it was located in a dream, though it must mean I die soon because why else would someone put a statue of me in their office? But anyway, here I had to explain it as a prank. I think I am delirious enough on drugs for them to have believed me.

May. 11th, 2017




Goooooooooooooooooosh some people are soooooo rude.

Someone actually cut my hair on the bus. There's a section missing at the back. I'm super bummed out.

They're so lucky it wasn't a lot or I'd need to hunt them down and have a stern talking to them. Now I need to get a few inches off my hair.


May. 8th, 2017




Last nights dream has my brothers and I in England. The late 1400's I think. Klaus was lord of everything, just the way he likes it. A new person entered my dreams. Klaus wanted to use her for some ritual only she escaped, which caused a large rift between him and Elijah. And in my dreams I hate the girl only because of my blind loyalty to my brother.

I'm wondering if dream Rebekah is an idiot.

Apr. 14th, 2017




I just had someone lecture me about being open on Easter, and not doing the 'Lord's work'.

I run a place called 'Purgatory'. Didn't he see the connection here?

Apr. 4th, 2017




Anyone ever come to a point in these dreams where you don't know whether to feel guilty because you inflicted so much damage to the people around you to save your own ass - or to applaud your own twisted, manipulative ingenuity on faking your own death? Starting witch hunts, making deals with a werewolf, coming between two brothers again--

Mystic Falls. 1864. What a ride. I'll drink to that while taking advantage of this hotel room's bubble jets.

Mar. 27th, 2017




I hate to bother those on this network for something that may seem trivial, but eventually I will run out of sick leave. And there is also that I dislike being away from my work laboratory when there is, well, plenty of work to actually be done.

But I have something of a problem. Magic is one specialization I am not well-versed in, but if there is a way to, say, hide appearances in the event that one has experienced a rather jarring 'dream bleedover'? I would be most appreciative of the help. And would find a way to provide compensation, of course.

At least being home has allowed me to read in excess. The world's largest dinosaur footprint was only recently just discovered in Australia! That is exciting, isn't it?

Mar. 13th, 2017




I have to say that being daggered for an uncertain amount of time really does nothing for my looks. My clothes are a wreck, my hair's a mess. I can't even classify it as an attractive level of disheveled. I look like I've been lying in someone's dirty basement for days to weeks. Oh wait. That coupled with the experience of waking up in a house I haven't been invited into. A true delight, I'm sure. Except not so much. Also I thought Elena was Katherine when I woke up, which just brought up far too many flashbacks and some very confusing emotions

Elena But at any rate, things are very interesting in the dreams. I think I'm beginning to like my dream self a little more. But it may just be the heightened levels of sass and the fact that I had a plan in the end. I wasn't going to let them die. I've learned quite a bit more on multiple fronts. Katherine Not all of it I wanted to know, but I know it all the same. Either way, it was very...enlightening.

[Private to Lexi]
I'd hate to assume too much, but I was wondering if we might talk. About the vampire thing.

Mar. 12th, 2017




Two fights in one week. This is a club where people have a good time. It's not som pub, and having a punch up in my place is not something I take lightly. Take that outside.

So I might have broken the guy's wrist on the bar. The bouncers had it handled quickly, but my place isn't that kind of place.




What does one do when their older brother, who has two children and a ... fairly decent wife, decides to drop the 'I'm gay' bombshell, having gotten to the point of wanting to live honestly with himself, and wishes to tell a horribly conservative and grossly judgemental father that he's divorcing his wife to shack up with his very male lover?

Considering I know what my father is capable of, regardless of how grown we are, I'm not entirely sure Christian knows what he's doing. Other than finally being honest about things. The sweet thing doesn't fully understand my concerns either.

Feb. 11th, 2017




The dreams seem no less unusual the more of them I have. I saw myself in England briefly. Very briefly. I can't say my hairstyle was something I'd ever want to repeat. The clothing either. I also seem to have interesting ways of handling problems. I'm not sure that I'd choose to repeat those either. I suppose if I had to, I would, but

Apparently I am attempting to lure Klaus out to kill him. What sense that is supposed to make, I cannot say My choices seem to make less sense the more of them I see, but I suppose having the full picture might explain a few things, but it isn't explaining anything better at the moment.

Feb. 6th, 2017




Good morning, and happy Monday! What an exciting way to start the work week, with news that scientists may have discovered the lost continent of Mauritia! Formerly located in the Indian Ocean, not much is known about it besides, well, where it's located. However, the discovery of embedded zircon crystals that are almost two billion years old, much older than the island of Mauritius where they were discovered, suggest that there's something lurking underneath. Figuring out what happened is vital to understanding what may be in store for good old Mother Earth in the future, in terms of continents potentially breaking up.

But oh, I apologize, I've gotten ahead of myself. Hank McCoy, newest member of this forum and fresh with an account. It's very interesting to read! I don't specialize in the science behind dreaming but reading what a majority of posters have to say certainly fights back against the neurobiological theory of activation-synthesis hypothesis, which suggests that dreams don't mean anything at all, doesn't it?

Well, anyway! I have been told I should get out a little for more enjoyment and/or lighthearted pleasure. Supposedly stopping to get my morning coffee on the way in to the laboratory every day does not count. An online forum is a good way to get people's opinions on what they consider as such!

Feb. 3rd, 2017




Damn, so let me tell you about this year's Oscar goody bag. You know how when you were a kid (well, maybe not some of you - fuck, am I that old?) you went to classmates birthday parties and got goody bags at the end? Yeah, they do that for the Oscars too (by the way, Inferno's gonna sweep again - just saying my 'Best Director' trophy is coming soon).

Last year's swag bag was out of control.

Among other things, there was a breast lift, personalized M&M's, a 10-day trip to Israel, a 15-day walking tour of Japan, laser treatments, a vaporizer, and (kids, don't look), a vibrator. That sucker is worth $250, I mean, it was top of the line.

The Academy totally got on their asses for all that too, so this year it'll probably 'pale' in comparison. I'll keep you updated.

Jan. 28th, 2017




Oh, wow. You people really are serious. That's cute. I guess there's no point busting in here advising any of you to get therapy for your daddy issues.

Anyway, since this quasi-dream diary Facebook also allows random inquiries, if anyone has recommendations of places that don't suck around here for entertainment that'd be much appreciated. It's been awhile since I've roamed around the childhood land and a lady could use a list from the locals. The more variety, the better. Dining, clubbing, theatre, concerts, lounges - none of that 'get tickets to the bay and watch dolphins mate' because that's not a beautiful experience.

And don't mention Disney. Been there, done that, and I still have bad memories of a sibling tossing her cookies onto my lap after a coaster ride.

Oct. 30th, 2016




Ladies & gentlemen...

THIS is the man I am going to marry in two weeks.

My mother must be so proud.




Well this is convenient of the dreams to leave for me, right before Halloween no less. I guess I have a new costume to try out now.

Cut for image )

Oct. 4th, 2016





So part of me thinks this is awesome and another part wonders if we shouldn't be encouraging people to find companionship with real people instead. Still it's pretty cool.

Oct. 3rd, 2016




While things have certainly improved from 1482, I feel that dream me would be quite disappointed by the way things remain all things considered. She has accepted that the change she believes will come after she dies, but I feel it would be rather disheartening all the same to see that greed and prejudice remain so prevalent.

Sep. 30th, 2016




this sounds like something people from my dreams would say.

Cut for picture, not filtered )

Sep. 27th, 2016




Watched a guy eat cheez its and jellybeans together at a store the other night. The snack bowls were next to eachother, but you don't need to eat them all at once?




I still can’t believe Jabba the Hutt is running for president. Clowns are apparently terrorizing the south eastern United States and Ziggy Stardust went back to the stars, but this is still the most unbelievable thing about 2016. It’s just been a really very strange year, and it doesn't look like it's going to get any less weird.

Sep. 26th, 2016




So after Saturday I can officially cross "Drink with a pirate" off my bucket list. I'm not normally a big fan of parties but I'm really glad I went to that one.

[Will Solace]

And in case you weren't sure - I really don't regret anything that happened Saturday. I'd been wanting to be with you since before our first kiss.


Mom's asked me to come see her for Thanksgiving break. I want to go but I figured I'd check to make sure you didn't have any family things planned for it or whatever.




I'm exhausted. I don't even know why. I just am. And I might be debating my job's requests to go back overseas.

The more I think on it. The more I miss it.

Except I don't miss parts.

Aug. 27th, 2016




Well, I did enjoy my trip to Japan and I got a lot kimonos. Hell yeah.

Aug. 18th, 2016




I cannot tell if I have a hangover from the dream I had last night, or if I just have a hangover. I suppose it does not matter which. I do not remember the dream very much, I was very very drunk, this is no surprise. I think that I talked too much. This is also no surprise. I woke up with some absinthe in my bed, I am not sure how it got there, I assume that myself who was drunk bought it for me. He is a very kind me. I appreciate him.

I do not appreciate hungover me for leaving it at home, or for not buying coffee before I came to work. The hungover me is very stupid.

Aug. 17th, 2016




Vacation was amazing. I love Japan, and I love Tahiti. Big noisy cities, and perfect blue water.

After that, I came home to dreams. Apparently, after a feud with my brother that should have been long buried, Enzo and I are possessed and eating our way somewhere. Awesome!

Aug. 11th, 2016




Well, that was a successful first class! I was pretty satisfied to see so many people show up. I hope you all had a good time. I had a blast teaching you.

Jul. 18th, 2016




I am so excited. I'm going to buy myself like twenty kimonos.

Jul. 14th, 2016




It's almost time for vacation.

Who has two thumbs and tickets to Japan on the 20th, with an additional week in the South Pacific? This guy.

Are you ready, Kitten?

Jun. 24th, 2016




So it seems like things are looking up for me. Told my roommates about being a vampire and surprisingly, they believed me just like in the dreams and they're cool with it. Cool with it as long as I don't try and bite them or anything of course, which I wasn't going to anyway.

So that's one point for real life Simon. Maybe dream Simon will catch a break too, but I doubt it.

Jun. 18th, 2016




My dreams this time first involved cockroaches (fucking gross!) and men who decided to rob banks dressed as us. Why no one could tell the difference between three five year olds and hairy men in dresses is beyond me.

Oh and I woke up fucking floating above my bed.

Jun. 17th, 2016




If I've learned anything from these dreams it's 'never trust Isis' and 'you're doomed to a life of being trapped in a never-ending fight with chaos'.




So weird that I am not celebrating summer freedom. I miss teaching, but freedom from grading is worth it - kind of. I have more and less responsibility. It's weird. I think I'll toast to it anyway, just because.

May. 30th, 2016




Ugh, I do miss tanning.




If I were the boozing to deal type, I would be all up in the bar scene right now. Dreams, why do they suck so bad? The title of my memoir.

Anyone know a good place to get something bronzed?

May. 21st, 2016




Got one thing sorted out only to be thrown for another loop. Wendigos. There are apparently Wendigos on the mountain too. Here I thought my dreams wouldn't have any supernatural elements to them, man was I wrong.

May. 20th, 2016




Last night I dreamt I was at an all you can eat BBQ buffet but I woke up before I could eat any of it :(

Apr. 19th, 2016




No dreams? I'm feeling like I should throw a huge party. Damon, baby, can I possible plan something at the club?

Apr. 16th, 2016





A rare night off for both of us and we spend it together discussing other business ventures and toasting our success.

Apr. 13th, 2016




Succulents are some of neatest little plants ever. Don't you think?

Apr. 11th, 2016




Since today was national pet day I couldn't pass this opportunity up.

Peeta and I are now pet owners :)

For those of you who haven't seen him already here's the little guy.

Sonic )




I take my final exams in May and then I am a fully qualified advanced beautician and hairdresser.

So this is my first advert for potential customers for when I officially launch my business. I have business cards and leaflets including price lists available and currently a fairly open diary. If you have any beauty or hair needs then just let me know and we can see what we can do!

Mar. 30th, 2016




Everyone is going on about dreams. I personally hope I never dream about my AU life again. Ever.

Mar. 29th, 2016




Dreaming that I lived over a thousand years ago is..odd.

Mar. 27th, 2016




Seems Mer-daddy didn't like me playing with my sister during the royal walk....But the walk is so boring! >.

Mar. 19th, 2016




Too many people on my Facebook feed need lessons in selfie taking. If you're taking a selfie, as especially for your profile picture, for the love of God, don't hold the phone down cause all that angle is not flattering in anyone. Always hold your phone or camera up and away and look up at it. That is a much more flattering angle.

Mar. 6th, 2016




I really, really, really need to get my hands on a fake id.

[Derek Hale]
OMG. I almost cut your arm off in the dream last night!

Mar. 5th, 2016




It's official! The end of the year performance will be Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! I can't wait to audition!