
Posts Tagged: 'justin+taylor'

Jul. 23rd, 2016




I've decided that the strangest part of these dreams is how you feel like you know a person, despite hardly knowing them (or maybe never knowing them at all) in real life. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I've only known people for a couple of months rather than years.

Jul. 22nd, 2016




I may have had too much to drink...

But I mean, it makes sense to make up for having a boyfriend that can't get drunk. Curse his werewolf metabolism...if that's what you would call it.

How's everyone else's Friday night going?

Jul. 8th, 2016




Apparently, Grantaire is using the calligraphy I taught him to write only inappropriate things. I can't say I'm surprised, really.

Jul. 5th, 2016




Thank you to those who pitched in to help keep others safe and deal with what came out of those rifts. They're all closed now, and so is the Breach - which was the main tear in what I assume is our Veil here, and so with that patched up then no more nasty things should be coming through.

So I believe we're out one Wal-Mart and I'm out one arm, and it took me forever to even type this up, but if anyone needs help with clean-up or anything else just let me know and I'll come by.

Jul. 3rd, 2016




Considering what's going on in the OC this weekend, I'm glad I decided to spend the long weekend at my parents' place. Don't have to worry about anything too out of the ordinary happening here.

Jun. 29th, 2016




I'm hiding in my room, watching Moulin Rouge on repeat. Thank you, DVD player. If I lose this remote I'll be even more unhappy because I don't want to leave my bed. :( :( :(

Jun. 27th, 2016




Hello new friends! My friend and coworker Grantaire (though he may go by R around here?) told me I should come on here to meet people, and that it might be a good platform to share my poetry as well!

My name is Jean, but I tend to go by Jehan. Which you say like an exaggerated form of Jean (jay-ehn), but if that's too tricky for you too say then just Jean is fine!

I'm working on my MFA in Creative Writing and I hope to some day be a poet. I mean I am a poet, in that I write poetry, but a real published poet that you can find in bookstores!

I think that's about it, really. Other than I very much want one of each of these candles that I've been lusting after on etsy, haha.

Cut for image, viewable to all )

I look forward to meeting everyone! ♥

Jun. 25th, 2016




My dad called me. I didn't answer it, but he left a voice mail. He wanted to know why he hadn't heard from me on father's day. He said he was disappointed. Seriously? He can't really expect me to call him back.

I'm worried that I'll have repeats of my dreams about him.

Maybe I should change my number.

Jun. 21st, 2016




So it seems I was wrong about the dreams. I am secure enough to admit it. I'll refrain from complaining, though - my latest gift from my wayward memories was paint and canvas. I hadn't known I enjoyed painting, but I find it soothing. perhaps I can make a few things to decorate the walls of the shelter.

Jun. 7th, 2016




With school being over, the time comes once again for a summer job. Finding one is such a pain though! Why is it that half of the jobs listed say Entry Level, but still require like 3 years of experience?! I think they need to look up the definition of Entry Level Position.

May. 28th, 2016




I think I'm going to go surfing tomorrow morning. Haven't had a chance to do much surfing lately, so I've been itching to get out there. I hope the waves are good. If anyone wants to join me, I'll be at [name of beach], probably around eight.

Then Monday is a cookout at my parents' house. That means, family and family friends continuously asking me if I'm seeing anyone cause that's how it was at Christmas. This is gonna be so much fun.

May. 17th, 2016




You know, when Martin Luther King talked about his dreams, he managed to do it without boring everyone half to death or coming off like a bunch of Hot Topic rejects.

May. 9th, 2016



I have some horoscopes for everyone today. :)


May. 4th, 2016



Ugh, I hate when a guy acts like he's never seen another guy in a skirt with printed cats on it before. I LOOK GREAT, THANK YOU.

May. 2nd, 2016




Some big time Bryan Singer type director wants to make Rage into a movie, in my dreams. Michael's boyfriend seems to be the only one looking at this whole thing realistically while Michael and I are already planning what we're going to do with the money we get from it and we haven't even talked to this director yet. All we've gotten is an email saying he's interested. Brian and I also made a bet on who could sleep with this new guy first. If I win then he's taking me to Ibiza and if he wins I'll go back to school. Mention of death )

In real life news, the exhibit Saturday night went great. As much as I love showing off my art, I love seeing everyone elses'. I can't wait for the next show.




Most of the classes I'm going to be teaching nights starting this month, part of one NAMI's programs and focusing on family members who have an adult relative living with mental illness, are all full which I'm glad to see. But I thought I'd also mention one of the behavioral health conferences coming up - for all members of the community, and there will be information on patient rights and also the variety of behavioral health resources in the OC. May 18th, in Santa Ana.

On the dream front, it's looking pretty...dire. I'm not so sure I'm even going to make it to the end of our adventures due to the fact that my own arm is trying to kill me. We've done a lot of traveling to lend a hand where needed, which helps with building alliances. The Emerald Graves are beautiful in a tragic way, so very green, but we nearly got stampeded by herds of aggressive druffalo and ganged up on by tribes of giants. Most of the battles consisted of them swinging their arms, knocking Blackwall back, and stomping in the dirt.

He just kept coming though. Maker bless him. I miss that bearded grizzly.

I also knew I needed my very own Judgment Throne for my living room, and was so glad when it appeared there. That was sarcasm, by the way. This thing is atrociously ugly.

Apr. 19th, 2016




TFW your friend asks to be boyfriends...

I said "yes," but the timing was odd. Only in the sense that he and I were in the middle of a video game, and I was partially stunned and I died. However, I couldn't be happier. My boss was starting to hint at us getting together, ever since we attended his dinner party, a few weeks back.

Anyway, I will stop bragging...

Derek...I suppose I should let you in on a secret...that paint/glitter party was kinda my idea. ;)

Apr. 10th, 2016




I went out last night and was getting a drink when some drunk guy, apparently thought I was a hustler. He kept trying to proposition me and not in a smooth way. Brian this guy was not. I told him to fuck off, but he kept getting more aggressive. Eventually I ended up throwing my drink in his face. I've never thrown a drink in someone's face, but it was kind of fun.

Apr. 4th, 2016






Okay, not mine since Maximus is his own horse, but he's my buddy in the dreams.


Um....can I bring Maximus to the ranch?

Apr. 2nd, 2016




Forgot it was April Fools yesterday. Only remembered after a guy dumped a Slurpee on my head as a 'prank'. I didn't think it was very funny, but I don't think he found my prank of kicking him in the nuts to be very funny either. On the plus side, the professor who saw the whole thing felt my reaction was completely valid and talked the guy out of calling the campus police on me, and it was after my last class of the day so I didn't have to worry about skipping classes.

Three showers later and I'm still sticky. Anyone have guesses as to how to get red out of a white shirt?

Mar. 17th, 2016




Whose gonna come out and celebrate St. Patrick's Day with me tomorrow night?

Mar. 14th, 2016





Is anyone super skilled at hair braiding? Because I just woke up with the most hair in the entire world. Seriously - I looked up Guiness Book of World Records and measured my hair. This is insanity. It's thick and I don't know what to do with it anymore, but I'm scared to cut it.

Why am I scared? Well, I had more dreams and in them Eugene came to save me from my evil fake mother and in the process she stabbed in. So while he's bleeding out she tried to get me out of the tower and I refused until I could heal him. Thing is, when I went to heal him he used a shard from my broken mirror to chop my hair off, which turned it completely brown and the magic left me. Which in turn drains all the youthful magic in my fake mother and she ended up stumbling out of the tower window and dying. I continued to try to heal Eugene by singing and it wasn't working, but apparently there must be enough magic inside of me that when I cried the tears fell onto him and began to heal him again!

So, while I could still have my magic inside of me I'm not ready to take that risk yet and chop my hair off. So, now I just need something to assist me with all this extra weight and the massive tripping hazard it has become.

Mar. 11th, 2016




And my dreams rear their dramatic head once again. A friend of mine was beat up as he was leaving a club so the community got together to try and decide what we should do to try and make Liberty Ave safer for us. One guy said we had to take matters into our own hands and after my friend refused to pick his attackers out of a lineup, I started getting upset about my own bashing and how I didn't do anything to my attacker so I ended up joining this other guy and his group, which he'd called The Pink Posse. The idea behind the whole thing was all well and good except he went out of his way to look for trouble. We went to a straight club and after someone made a comment after Cody kissed me, Cody beat the crap out of the guy. Then he insisted we needed guns and brought me to confront my attacker and tried to encourage me to kill him.

Luckily, my dream counterpart is smart sometimes and was done with Cody and the Posse after that.

He also had us all shave our heads in solidarity and for a moment, when I woke up this morning, I was afraid that had bled over. Luckily, I still have all my hair. I know it sounds superficial and like I told Brian in the dreams, it'd grow back, but I really don't like the way I look without hair.




I piss myself off sometimes, especially in my dreams. Nikki asked me if I loved Vasiliy and I answered honestly. I told her that I did. That prompted an argument and for a second I made myself proud. I brought up the fact that she stole my laptop and left me for dead which of course enraged her and prompted her to tell me that there's something wrong with me. Then I told her that I'd always been in love with her and it has never made me happy.

Then we had sex.

Boom. Every bit of progress I made out the window. I frustrate myself beyond words.

I need a drink.

Mar. 7th, 2016




I need to be more mindful of what I say, after a few drinks. Having to cover up marks from Saturday night isn't as easy as I remember Still, I did have a good time out and back home.

[Filtered Away from Derek Hale]
I was thinking of planning a party. My main criteria is glow-in-the-dark body paint and glitter...because of...reasons. I'd say I would host it, but my place isn't that big and I don't want to have glitter as a permanent decoration.




Is "things randomly appearing in your house" the Weird Thing this week? Because if not I need to change my locks.

Mar. 2nd, 2016




Jumping in on this network. Seems difficult but I'm going to give it a try anyway.

Hi, I'm Maxwell Trevelyan, will take most variations of either name. I'm not really new to the area but I'm new to the forum - and just bought a house to fix up in Anaheim, so I guess that means I'm staying for awhile. Sometimes I travel for work but I'm originally from Seattle, so that means I'm sort of missing the constant rainclouds.

I've also got my office situated in Anaheim - I'm a counselor, therapist, not a shrink, and while I have a couch in my office I don't really insist people lie down on it. I prefer to sit face to face and talk.

What else? Should I ask about coffee shops, the local ones? Always up for finding new caffeine suppliers.

Feb. 26th, 2016




What is a doujinshi and why am I obligated to sign them?


Feb. 11th, 2016




I have the urge to just spend this weekend high and drunk. Would that be irresponsible of me? I just don't want to be reminded that it's Valentine's Day. I can't even go to Starbucks without being reminded cause they have hearts on their cups this week.

Feb. 3rd, 2016




Anyone want to plan a trip to New York for rainbow bagels? I'd buy a ton of those to bring home with me.

Feb. 1st, 2016




so not only am i dragged to this place because my brother decided he had to go someplace new (so exciting) (thanks a heap, coyote ugly), but now we have to stay in a hotel because he's a hard ass motherfucker and people can't please him properly (note my double meaning. ha ha).

i thought california was supposed to be warmer than this.

i need some fucking cheetos.

Jan. 19th, 2016




Okay, so this is gonna sound completely crazy, but stay with me. I was going to post this earlier, but I had to go to class and now I've just been putting this off. I swear I'm not crazy!

ALRIGHT. I had more dreams. Big deal, you're thinking, but you're totally wrong. So Flynn Rider and I ran off and got into a bit of a situation and he ended up getting injured. So, I decided to just show off my magical healing powers and once we were out of the situation we explained things. I told him about the hair and how it works and he told me about his past and that his real name is Eugene (side note: this is hilarious because I'm from Eugene, OR). So, then my mother shows up and warns me that he only wants his crown and blah blah. But of course I don't truly listen to her and I continue along with Flynn as we make our way to the kingdom (!!!).

Okay, now that we're caught up on here. I was singing the little healing song like usual just to test it out and didn't expect anything. WELL SURPRISE, my hair started glowing and I basically tripped over myself and busted my ass on the kitchen floor. So, of course I needed to see if this was just a fluke and I cut my hand a little bit and did it again. MY HAIR IS ACTUALLY HEALING.

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I have glowing magical healing hair!

Jan. 8th, 2016




Since the weather is back to it's regular self, I was wondering if anyone wanted to get together for like a group outing, tomorrow.

Maybe Universal Studios or Pacific Park out on Santa Monica Pier...I'm also open to ideas. My car can comfortably seat three more people.

Who's in?

On a completely unrelated note, why isn't this version of "Run Away With Me" unavailable? I guess I will just download the regular one cause it's so damn catchy.

Dec. 29th, 2015




Went home for the holiday but decided that I wanted to spend the New Year's festivities here in Cali.

I ate so much...I think I need to start hitting the gym a bit more for the next month or so. What do you guys think?

Can't say no to mom's cooking...

Speaking of festivities, anyone know of any good parties that I can 'crash'? Maybe find someone to kiss at midnight

Dec. 28th, 2015




Soh, uh, a Gremlin tried to sneak into my house and I just went demon on its ass. I wonder if the fiancee would let me keep a Gremlin as a pet? They're ... cute fun.

And I think it's kind of scared of me.




Add paint thinner to the list of useful household items to use against Gremlins. Well paint thinner and matches. I may have just lost my security deposit though. I can't believe that just really happened.

Dec. 15th, 2015





I woke up this morning to get ready for my final and there was a small green creature staring at me. I was just about to scream and scramble, but then I realized it's my chameleon, Pascal, from my dreams! I can't believe he's here and he's just as cute as I remember.

He's currently in my backpack because I didn't have time to do anything else with him and I don't want to leave him alone in my apartment. So, now I have to ask, does anyone know how to take care of a chameleon??

Also, hair update: Definitely growing. It's a lot longer then it was at the beginning of the month and I'm a little scared to cut it.

Dec. 7th, 2015




While I was shopping downtown, I saw a green fuzzy dude tried to take a kid's present. I'm not a huge fan of the holidays - I've never had a family before - but that's just low. So I kicked the dude in the crotch and gave the kid her present back.

He said he was the Grinch and that I had a colder heart than him.

Does this make me Queen Grinch? I'm kinda okay with it.

Dec. 5th, 2015




Now this is a rather pleasant birthday surprise.

I suppose now that I've stolen Wiccan's power regained some measure of my own power in my dreams, these things happen. Though I'm still not entirely myself there. Not that there's much sense in complaining, really.

I may even be prompted to go out and celebrate.

Nov. 30th, 2015




What's a better cure for a "Monday" than to go to the beach?

Gonna enjoy the sun, the waves, and the sand! Company is more than welcome.

Nov. 8th, 2015




I'm going to be doing an art show at he end of the month. It'll be at the same place I've done it before. [Name of gallery]. I haven't done one since right before Billy left, so it's been awhile and I have a lot of new stuff. I'm a little nervous, cause it's been so long and cause part of me doesn't think a lot of it is very good this time around, but my friend insisted that I be part of the show.

Nov. 1st, 2015




I went to my first ever college party last night and it was a lot of fun. However, I had these dreams of memories of being a baby, but I would never remember that of my real life. But there was also dreams of a woman who looks a bit like my mother here and growing up with her.

Weird thing is that I live in a tower with her. But I did see some amazing lanterns in the sky.

Blah. Confusing. Also, does anyone want to model for me for my drawing class? It doesn't require being nude, unless you are into that.

Oct. 30th, 2015




Getting to work on set pieces helps business, but it amps up the pressure. I keep telling myself I'm good enough. My work speaks for itself. It doesn't matter I'm not a genius on art history. There are a thousand things to say to make it all seem okay to be a guy who sells to a Hollywood set.

I'm not usually a guy lacking confidence.

Guess it all comes down to how much something means to me as to how much I care about the rest of the world's opinion.

Oct. 15th, 2015




She said yes.

Oct. 11th, 2015




It figures that during a real election I'd dream about an election. So, in my dreams there's this guy named Stockwell who is the police chief and he's running for mayor and he's been cracking down on closing all the sex related businesses on Liberty Ave like the bathhouses and the backroom at Babylon. I started defacing his posters by painting Hitler mustaches on them and writing "Heil to the Chief" then I made my own posters and started putting them up. Brian told me to stop cause he was actually working for Stockwell's campaign as Stockwell's way of claiming that he wasn't homophobic, but later on Brian started helping me.

While that was going on Brian and I decided to try and find out who had killed the guy we'd found in the dumpster behind the diner. We'd found out that it might have been another cop and we wound up getting the evidence that we needed, which I'm not going to go into details on cause some people would probably think it's pretty gross. But we were told that we need more hard evidence before anyone could actually do anything.

I also got in trouble with my internship for the posters about Stockwell and I was supposed to apologize to the board for it, but I didn't want to cause I didn't think I had done anything wrong.

I've been having these dreams for about two years now and it still boggles my mind how fucking over dramatized they are. I mean, I know some people have dreams about vampires and superheros and other crazy stuff, but mine are more or less normal except for how over dramatized they are.

Sep. 25th, 2015




I love how Orange County fuckery repeats itself.

Sep. 23rd, 2015




This is a friendly PSA reminding you all that Halloween is in a mere 38 days. And that's pretty much the best news I've heard all year.

Sep. 18th, 2015



Locked from Kitty Pryde

What're cool ways to propose to someone? I have ideas, but I wanna see what you guys think. I might be weird.

Sep. 12th, 2015




In my dream last night Michael and I were working on the next issue of Rage and clashed a little on the cover art. He thought it was pornographic, but I thought it was supposed to push the envelope. Dreaming about this reminded me about how much I've been wanting to do a comic. Billy was going to help me with the plots part since he was a superhero in his dreams and I was gonna do the art, but now I'm at a loss as to what to write it about cause I don't really know as much about comic books.

Sep. 11th, 2015




I've got that itch to get another tattoo, but I never know if I should or not. I'm thinking of getting something from my dreams, but it's hard to describe, and I'm not much of an artist.