
Posts Tagged: 'haymitch+abernathy'

Feb. 17th, 2013




I can't be the only one that starts dreading Monday on Sunday night. It is like this rain cloud you know that will follow you around. I have a feeling it will be one of those days already.

Feb. 5th, 2013




I swear there are Gremlins in my house! You know those fuzzy demonic fur-balls? I guess my neighbors cat fits that description too... Anyhow, my toolbox magically moved from one place to another. No I didn't move it and forget because I always leave it in the same place. Today already is going to be a very Monday feeling Tuesday.

Feb. 4th, 2013




After a week in a coma, did I really need another reason to come back from the dead other than Beyonce's hips? I think not.

Jan. 27th, 2013




You know, you don't have to be single to hate Valentine's Day.

But I guess it probably helps.




So Valentine's Day! It's coming and we can't stop it but thanks to my wonderful new friend, Glimmer, who had an incredible idea we have come up with THE ultimate Valentine's Day plan.

I have hired a movie theater [address] and we are going to be screening horror films all day - no tickets needed just turn up! And there will be free ice cream, popcorn and the usual goodies too!

So if you want an alternative to the lovey dovey mushy crap that we are all bombarded with then come along!




As I was just reminded that in two weeks, it is valentine's day, I thought I'd do a check now.

Anyone want to do like a anti-Valentine sad and alone kind of party thing? Not like in that stupid damn movie where everyone got together in the end, but a real one. So we're not all alone. Well sort of.

We can watch a bunch of action movies or scary movies and play some paintball or something.

Jan. 22nd, 2013




Hockey. Is. Back. Okay, I know I'm a little late but this sickness is still wearing off. It's good to actually have something to watch on tv. I mean what is there on to watch on Tuesdays? Someone needs to remedy this.

Jan. 18th, 2013




Oi, I'm still alive. Didn't feel like it there for a while. More importantly I need a beer tonight to celebrate. Sure I could choose to not drink since I haven't had one in nearly two weeks but one to celebrate won't hurt.

Plague survivors, unite! Or some stupid thing like that.

Dec. 31st, 2012




Here is the biggest shock of 2012, ready... Haymitch will not be drinking tonight. Well, okay, nothing more than a celebratory beer because its New Year's Eve. It is my turn to be the designated driver. So if anyone needs a ride tonight let me know and I'll give you my cell number.

Highlight of the year, other than failed politicians, was watching the boy swim in the Olympics. If you thought I was going to say these screwed up dreams you belong in a mental institution. I don't think any of us think the dreams are the best part.

Dec. 24th, 2012




Okay guys and gals, lets be honest here a moment, how many people buy themselves a present too while they're shopping for everyone else? Me, personally, I am splurging and ordered my Christmas dinner from a catering service. This way we can all eat well and have to do none of the time consuming prep work.

Best present you got yourself, lets hear it.

Dec. 19th, 2012




So I've been so busy I've only just properly realized how close to Christmas we are. The impromptu snow is helping with that.

But the project I've been so busy with is now complete so if you're interested be sure to check out 'Fashion!' (ooc - a fashion magazine like Vogue) I have four pages of my own designs in there! I am beyond excited, it's due out in January so keep an eye out!




Apocalypse Checklist:

Bottled water, canned or dried food, flashlights, gas mask, lighters, fuel, liquor (for wounds not drinking), soap, battery operated radio, change of clothing, a book for entertainment and a reinforced bunker for safety.

This is the checklist the lady at the grocery store gave me so I could be prepared for 12/21/12, the official end of the world... Or a zombie invasion. Do we have an official time for the apocalypse? So I know when to start drinking.

Dec. 13th, 2012




Charlie Pace. You are dead man.
What did he do? Painted my damn car pink.

...Alright, maybe it's a little bit funny.

No survey from me.

Dec. 10th, 2012




Tonight's a good night, isn't it?

[Filtered to Team Peeta] OOC: officially dubbing Portia, Haymitch, Finnick, Annie & Rory as Team Peeta.

You guys won't believe what happened to me tonight. Katniss kissed me!

I think she was a little high on morplinghine, but she kissed me.

Dec. 8th, 2012




Thirteen days until the world ends and the so called apocalypse occurs. All the cool people are counting down to the end of days instead of Christmas. That being said I will not object to Christmas presents early, just in case.

Nov. 24th, 2012




This is my "accepting the fact there will be no hockey this season" face. Football isn't quite the same, sorry football fans. I want to drink my beer and watch people get hip checked into the boards, fight, and score some goals while they're at it. The 50/50 deal option seemed fair to me but as usual greed wins out. Everyone wants that bigger cut.

Nov. 13th, 2012




Finnick asked me to marry him and I said yes!!!!

I just need the world to know! I'm going to marry the man of my dreams.




Is it Friday yet? It was one of those I need a shot or two type of Mondays. Is it in people's genetic code to be difficult? All I ask if for you to make up your mind ahead of time and very few people can do that.

Makes me think that it's time for a party this weekend, nothing too wild mind you. Just some drinks by the pool.

Nov. 6th, 2012




This is Haymitch's version of don't ask and don't tell. Yes, I voted. Yes I think you should go vote too. Other than hush up and go watch TV if you're concerned about what's going on because I'm not telling you who I voted for or why.

I for one am sick of all the politics BS and am boycotting tv. Maybe someone should send me a telegram telling me who won tomorrow.

Nov. 5th, 2012




omg the county clerk took FOREVER today because I wanted to make sure everything was in order after Vegas.

But yes! The paperwork is filed, and as of today I have a temporary driver's licence that lists my name as Navi Wisdom. (I never used to have a middle name, so my maiden name is now my middle name.)

I never thought I'd be so happy about doing paperwork! BUT YEEE. And in a couple of days I get to pick up the New Kitty (she had to have one more surgery on her eye).




Apparently the dream me likes bugs a whole lot more than I do. At least, little, furry, rapidly multiplying bug-type creatures. A lot like Tribbles, actually. Sorry, Pinkie, we should have listened to you from the start. I learned an important lesson about friendship from my dream. Hey, isn't that the point?

Back to work again now after the Daylight Savings Change. I wish I could sleep a bit better.

Oct. 25th, 2012




What is the best Halloween candy to hand out? Figured I should get something good for the kiddies in the neighborhood but isn't all candy, candy? Not like I am one of those downers that give out toothbrushes or something of the sort but what is the top candy on the candy hierarchy? Personally I would rather have a Snickers than say M&Ms, but how can you hate M&Ms?

Oct. 20th, 2012




Oi, anyone know where you can find one of those tiny little flag pins that all the presidential candidates wear or any politician really. I don't want one that looks fake but I want one that isn't hundreds of dollars either.

I also need a bar stool or chair for my costume but I figured those are easy enough to find or make myself... I suppose I should get going on this costume thing.




Yay, I have insomnia and the chest cold from hell. That's a super fun combination. I forget - are you supposed to just let the fever run its course or are you supposed to take ibuprofen and pray to die? I figure I'll do that second one after I get sick of the first one.

Oct. 16th, 2012




I'm kind of jealous of you guys, you all dream of being awesome things. I dream of doofy stuff.

and it feels really real and I wish it was sometimes

Oct. 15th, 2012




My horoscope stated that I am keeping a secret that could spell trouble. Isn't that the case with all secrets? But least I'm not a Leo. Those unlucky lions are being told to bend to the every whim and need of someone else... What kind of life is that? Lions need to be out on the prowl.

Who writes these things? Better yet who reads them outside me? I find it a nice dose of amusement with the morning coffee. I'm a Scorpio if anyone was curious and yes, you should be sending me birthday presents soon.

Oct. 9th, 2012




I just pulled the Halloween night shift and by pulled I mean I assigned myself to it. It never ceases to amaze me the kind of things that happen that night and are left on our front door. Last year It'll be all hands on deck, but here's to hoping it won't be too crazy this year.

I just jinxed myself, didn't I?

Oh right. This is the point where I warn everyone about Halloween candy and how poisoned apples are not just a myth. Not that I think anyone here is going trick or treating, but if you've got kids don't let them eat anything that looks iffy.




Could someone please step outside and tell the garbage truck outside of my office that it's not making enough noise? I still have some hearing left in my right ear.




Correct me if I'm wrong but the best part of breakfast is pancakes. I mean you can have them with tons of maple syrup and even fruit! It makes getting up in the morning a little more acceptable. That and a large cup of coffee.

Best way to eat pancakes, go! For the record I'll say the most peculiar combination I've seen is gravy on pancakes.

Oct. 7th, 2012




Okay, so there is this drink I want to learn how to make on my own. It's called Kombucha. Has anyone here had it? More importantly, has anyone here made it? There are some tricky steps and I want to make sure I'm not going to kill myself, bottling my own.

It's almost like... a magic potion.

Oct. 6th, 2012




Does anyone else have dreams while napping, not just while sleeping overnight? Also, does anyone else have dreams that feel like they're not finished?

I don't know what's gonna happen after this dream. It's a bit scary. Not like the last one.

Oct. 7th, 2012




You ever find out what an asshole you are by getting forwarded a petition to fill out that's been addressed to, and is about you and what an asshole you are?

I miss Thursday.

Oct. 4th, 2012




I do not understand why fans of mine send me their underthings. As someone who does not wear them, there is little point! Perhaps they are trying to send some sort of signal? A distress sign? I jest. I know they mean for them to be seen as a sign that they want to have sensual interludes with me, but alas, I am only one man. I cannot get to everyone.

Though I do try, and I like to think that means I am a man of character. Hello! I am Zevran, but you may call me Zev.




Note to self: Taking an impromptu post breakup trip to the East Coast is frowned upon when you've only been working at your job for a couple of weeks.


Anyone know of any place that's hiring?

Oct. 3rd, 2012




Oi, I have a feeling that despite my numerous awesome plans I will end up wearing a sparkly tutu for Halloween. You see that's the thing about when you get into a pranking war with someone, it never ends. I mean it was only cockroaches and fake ones at that. Any prank I get back will be worth it though because it was amusing to watch them jump around. Cursing sounds a lot more attractive in French too in case you were wondering. They were rather cute but don't tell them I said that.

My Halloween costume is pretty awesome though so maybe I will save the tutu for another occasion.

Oct. 2nd, 2012




Oi, dreams. Again. Really tired of dreaming of this Panem place. It is rather taxing. But hey, Peeta was there, the girl that thinks he's a stalker, and even Portia. It's an odd team if I do say so myself.

Sep. 28th, 2012









Is it normal to hate the person you are in your dreams?

Without our Princess, we'd have killed her and doomed the world

Sep. 27th, 2012




Aww, no more fun texts from surprise friends? Sadface!




I need a new day job.




I need a drink now that I am not getting random texts all day and night long. I know way too much about most of you and your relationships now.

And why is the only sports on tv now football or baseball? It will be a long year if there is no hockey.

Sep. 25th, 2012




I'm not even going to attempt to text since god knows where it will end up.

Vika - I'm pulling a late one tonight so don't panic if I'm not home. You're gonna be okay right?




Building a new life for yourself in a new place is no easy task, especially when you're not exactly an American citizen. I was able to buy a used car easily enough because I had the cash on hand, but getting an apartment is another thing entirely. I don't have a job because I want to re-open my flower shop here, but all of these fancy apartment complex places won't accept you if you don't have a job and I can't open up the flower shop until I can prove I'm an American citizen. I feel like I'm living in a big Catch-22 right now.

Sep. 22nd, 2012




And this is why you should never trust technology with your deep dark secrets.

Sep. 21st, 2012



[private lock FAIL to Peeta]


Are you a crazed stalker?

Sep. 22nd, 2012




I'm going to set up a tumblr. It's going to be called Damn You Auto Texts of This Internet Site.

Though I might change the name.

I'm going to put all of these messed up texts and posts in it. For posterity's sake. I mean this stuff should be on the internet.

I only laugh because I don't get messages in the first place.




I've never been more glad that I don't tend to use my Stark Phone. Even if the logistics of a glitch like this are somewhat fascinating.

Sep. 21st, 2012



[Failed private to self, visible to all]

Right, note to self:


I mean, not texting whilst topless, texting photos of topless self.

Sep. 19th, 2012




They're dead! Oh my god, the capitol killed them all!




Since I apparently complain a lot and people don't want to hear the truth, I figured I would share something comical; my phone, my accessory to murder.

Cut for photo )

Remember they were designed by fellow human beings. That probably explains a lot more than it doesn't.