
Posts Tagged: 'bucky+barnes+%28winter+soldier%29'

Jun. 29th, 2017




Honestly the best part of this time of year are all the fireworks. I do love a good explosion.

Jun. 26th, 2017




Hey everyone!

I'm Korra, and new to the OC, so I need a few new people to meet! Valarnet seems like a good place to start.

I just transferred to UC Irvine, and I'm majoring in International Relations. Really, though, I'm a soccer player through and through. I had a minor injury and took the year off, but I'll be back on the saddle soon.

Let's be friends!

May. 31st, 2017




Well, these dreams are...interesting. Apparently I was a soldier and fought in World War II. Or will fight, at any rate. Just got to boot camp. I wonder where I'll be sent to after I complete training.

May. 29th, 2017




To those who gave their lives for their fellow soldiers and this great country, this day is for you. Hooyah!

Apr. 3rd, 2017




So it'd seem this is where you can meet people? Kind of a lame dating service, if you ask me. Name's James Barnes, but I go by Bucky. Kind of new to the west coast, but I'm kinda digging the vibe here.

Jan. 29th, 2017




My mum has decided that she wants to help out with any baby showers I may have, which means none are going to take place until they come to visit. I also don't want to put up my parents in our place for a long period of time. Although, I guess they could stay with my Aunt and everything would be fine because my mum will just end up breathing down my neck the whole time.

I can't believe January is almost over. March can't come soon enough. I'm also getting real sick of the lack of sleep I'm getting - this child is a tiny gymnast.




What should a man do if he knows he doesn't deserve the life he's been given?

Jan. 28th, 2017




Where did January go? My goodness.

Jan. 26th, 2017




Does anyone know when Girl Scout Cookie Season starts? Does anyone have a close connection to a local Girl Scout?

Dec. 31st, 2016




I wish everyone a happy and safe New Year. Here's hoping 2017 is a lot better than 2016. I know I'm starting my year off with a positive attitude since I know my future's so bright I gotta wear shades.

Oct. 31st, 2016




Viv made the best little bee ever. She went Trick-or-Treating to family and some friends, but that was about it. We wanted to minimize our chances for a meltdown, so we made it an early night. Now she's out cold in her bedroom, bless her. And I've put on Beetlejuice. It's not *exactly* a Halloween film, but close enough. ;)

Oh, and all that candy is now being paired with a nice, red wine.

Nov. 1st, 2016




I feel a lot like I just fell off the train again I haven't slept in days. Who knew taking a baby around for Halloween would be so exhausting? Viv was a beautiful little bee. I can't complain about her at all. I'm just apparently a lot easier to run down than I expected to be on a happy holiday.

My question now is: if I'm this tired after a day of Halloween parties, what is Christmas going to feel like?

Sep. 7th, 2016




While taking care of my girlfriend this weekend, I dreamed that while the old man version of my father was recovering, robbers broke into my apartment.

Robbers broke into The Wolverine's apartment. With two wolverines, a younger wolverine clone of me and a literal real wolverine animal. There's like fourteen claws between us and that doesn't include the animal.

That's like breaking into Captain America's house, when he and the Avengers are sitting down having breakfast.

We almost couldn't stop laughing to kick their butts.

Jul. 26th, 2016




I can't believe my baby girl is one year old today.

Jul. 17th, 2016




While I would rather have privately messaged a few individuals to figure this out, since everyone I know seems to dream various versions of our world of superheroes, I thought it best to pose the question here:

Does anyone know of a man by the name of James Buchanan Barnes?

It seems the dreams have started a new tangent.

Jul. 1st, 2016




Just wanna thank those who came over yesterday for my birthday BBQ. I don't tend to celebrate my birthday but I'm glad D'Artagnan convinced me to have a get together, it was good to see you all.

Grim was also happy about all the leftovers he got to eat - by stealing them off the kitchen counter.

Jun. 29th, 2016




Some days a man should be happy only to be alive. I'm telling myself that today. For some reason? I don't believe myself. Funny. I always thought I was a better liar.

Mar. 8th, 2016




Learning how to cook today. I suppose I've been learning for a while but I'm officially trying to teach myself using internet videos now. I have a feeling I'm going to have to explain a mess then get a real teacher.




So today is International Women's Day according to the radio. I'm not really sure what it means but it sounds good. Do women have to do anything special?

Feb. 25th, 2016




My mom has decided to move to Southern California. We're looking for a realtor to help her find something she wants to buy. God, looking at real estate prices in the area is really intimidating, but my mother seems really excited about it. If anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to hear them.

Feb. 7th, 2016




There goes the hope that I would be one of the lucky ones and not have any dreams. Jesus, I wasn't getting much sleep before this, now I'm not going to be getting any.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




Okay, I'm new to this whole social media thing, so don't laugh too hard if I screw up. I figure it's time to meet some new people, and it was this or okcupid... and I don't think I'm ready to visit that side of the internet just yet.

Where do I start? The name's James, but most people call me Bucky. I just moved to the OC a few months ago-- I'm from Brooklyn, originally. Thought the change in scenery would be nice. I work at the VA doing social work.

Is that enough information? Or too much? I can never tell with blogging.

Mar. 10th, 2015




And my sister shoved a cupcake in my face.

Feb. 18th, 2015




I had to call in sick this afternoon. I've got some sort of plague cold. Flu? Whatever it is, it's miserable and I feel like I'm going to die.

I need chicken soup and thirty or so hours of solid sleep. Nyquil. Drugs. I need lots and lots of drugs.

Feb. 17th, 2015




I just ate an entire box of Girl Scout Cookies and I'm not sorry.

Feb. 16th, 2015




As a native New Yorker I have to admit it chafes a little bit when your boss decides you have to move to Southern California. Even when your best friend in the world is here. (Hey, Buck.) There are just so many things that California does not have. Public transit. Seasons. And no disrespect, California, but you wouldn't know a good pizza if it bit you on your ass--and good pizza definitely bites you on your ass.

Also, I still haven't forgiven you for stealing the Brooklyn Dodgers. I don't care if it was 70 years ago. What kind of Brooklynite would I be if I forgave a thing like that?

Anyway. It's that other Brooklyn guy's fault that I'm signed up for this thing. What self-respecting 20-something guy needs to talk about his dreams in some online community? This one, apparently.

Feb. 15th, 2015




In honour of Valentine's Day, comment on this and I'll reply with a physics or science pick-up line. Yes, I'm that much of a nerd!

Feb. 2nd, 2015




Wow okay, someone remind me to not be out driving when Superbowl parties let out because holy shit that was insane. The cops are no doubt going to easily meet their quotas tonight.

Also seriously, what's up with all the crime? Totally thought Orange County was better than that. But hey, made it back to my apartment in one piece, at least! God damn it now mom'll know I'm here

Feb. 1st, 2015




Going out tonight, I think. I don't have work until the afternoon tomorrow, so... might as well take advantage?

Jan. 17th, 2015





Jan. 14th, 2015




Had the pleasure of going out East for a few days. Came back with an amazing amount of photos. You'd think having lived in Chicago most of my life I'd remember what Real winters were like. But I'd forgotten. It's beautiful, our snow was beautiful too, but this was something else.

Dec. 21st, 2014




I was dreaming of a White Christmas when we made these reservations. I had no idea I'd be escaping one White Christmas for another. But I have absolutely no regrets. Tahoe is beautiful. The cabin is magical. This is exactly the weekend away that I needed.

Dec. 20th, 2014




This recent blizzard, wow that's weird to type considering I'm in California, has given me plenty of time to paint my living room. So now I'm almost done unpacking and setting up that room and was even able to do a little bit of Christmas decorating. Nothing too big. No tree or anything since it's just me, but a few strings of lights and garland. Despite the fact that I'm not really looking forward to Christmas this year.

So, speaking of snow, anyone know exactly why it's been snowing in only one part of California?

Dec. 17th, 2014




I must say that it's been a while since I've done a work Secret Santa, but I'm highly amused by all of this. I've been thinking a lot about what to get my person, which is great for keeping my mind off packing and buying gifts for my family. I'm so ready to hop on the plane and go back home though, but I'm also a little nervous about it being delayed with all this snow. Fingers crossed it clears up next week.

Private to Sharon
Hey, I got Porthos in the Secret Santa at work. I figured since you know that group of guys you could give me a good idea on what to get him. Thanks, love.

Dec. 2nd, 2014




And here I sold or donated so much of my cold weather stuff before I moved cross country.

Everything else is packed up. We're moving this weekend. Carp. I guess I'll just pull out an emergency blanket or two.

Nov. 23rd, 2014




When you do people things you aren't proud of. But god that was good

Nov. 12th, 2014




A couple things to address. First off, and not very originally I suppose, but I want to thank all the men and women out there who have served and continue to serve their country. One day isn't enough to thank everyone for what they've done, but it's all we officially get, so there you are.

Secondly, I'd like to apologize for being an angry seventeenth century Frenchman for a few days there, and making embarrassing posts. Apologies to anyone I shouted in French at.

And last, congrats to Clint on his new place, looks gorgeous.

Nov. 11th, 2014




Happy Veteran's Day/Armistice Day/Rememberance Day. Thank you to every single person who has worked with the military in any form. I still can't believe it's been 100 years since the start of WWI.

My mum was sweet enough to send me a poppy to wear for the past few days and a sweet letter thanking me for my service. I wish I was home so I could see the beautiful poppy installation at the Tower of London. The pictures are breathtaking.

So, if you see someone out and about in military uniform today, please tell them thank you. I promise it will brighten their entire day.

Nov. 10th, 2014




As it turns out it is impossible to say no to your younger sister.

Personally I think that I’m doing just fine socially. If any my sister would take my word for it. I don’t know if she would know if I didn’t do this. Nah, I’m not risking it.

I’ve decided to do as she asked and start to socialize. Alright, here I go. I'm James Barnes. All of you can call me Bucky, everyone else does. Originally from Brooklyn but I’ve been in Orange County for a couple of months. I’m still settling in but I'm liking it so far.

Oct. 1st, 2014




Made it back to work on time this morning, but I'm exhausted. Need more coffee.

Sep. 28th, 2014




Attention Super Secret Organization with Super Secret Heroes that no one talks about:

Sharon Carter will not be into work on Monday evening or Tuesday.

That is all.

Sep. 25th, 2014



You know, I've seen people here talking about their dreams like they were real and I just kind of ignored it, since mine weren't ever anything like that, but... I had the worst nightmare I've ever had last night, it felt real, and when I woke up, I had a draft notice and dog tags from the forties on my desk. Cap had to wake me up, the dream got so bad. Is this what the "Dreams" are? Terrible shit happening to you in your sleep, waking up with things you've never seen before?

Private to Steve
You're in my dreams -- so far you've been the only good thing in them. Does a trip to the World Exposition of Tomorrow before I ship out for England sound familiar to you? We were on a double date, there was a fella with a flying car? You wanted to get your punk ass sent over even though it would kill you? Ring any bells?

If it doesn't pretend I didn't even say anything.

Sep. 17th, 2014



Is social networking the new version of passing around business cards? People keep telling me I need to get on top of it. So here goes nothing, I guess.

Connor Russo. Pleasure.




YES! We've got a live Weevil!

Aug. 30th, 2014




Thank you to all of you who came out to our opening night last night! It was hugely successful.

For those of you not in the know, Loki Odinson and I are both in a run of Midsummer Night's Dream, that will be going on for the next two weeks. It seems like such a short time, but all good things must come to an end, I suppose.

I hope to see all of you there!

Aug. 11th, 2014



So I know I've been radio silent for a while, but there's a good reason for that, I swear.

Meet Captain, my new service dog. It took a lot of paperwork and a lot more training for me than her, but I've had her for a week now, and it's been working out great. I've never had a pet before, I didn't realize how much it would help.

I've had a couple weird dreams lately, too, I guess, but I can just put that down to the stress of getting Cap, I think.

Your ma's still alive, right? I didn't miss anything while I was working on getting my dog?

Jul. 16th, 2014



Wish I had a more interesting or upbeat reason for my first post, but...

Anyone know of any good therapists for vets? I just moved from Brooklyn a few weeks ago and I haven't had the opportunity to look anybody up yet. Preferably someone with experience with guys coming back with traumatic injuries.

Guess I should introduce myself too, huh? Name's Bucky Barnes. Nice to meet you, ValarNet.

Jun. 25th, 2014





Just realized next week is my birthday.

Jun. 2nd, 2014




A few observations about my dreams.

01. I can't believe they turned Captain America into a fugitive.
02. I'm really bad at going undercover.
03. I really, really hate HYDRA.

But hey. The motorbike from my dreams was parked outside my building this morning.

May. 13th, 2014




Well, it started again. The new batch of dreams. I'm glad that dream-me is getting used to modern times. The list I keep is pretty hilarious. That's pretty much where the hilarity ends, though. I think I'd almost take alien invasions and Nazis over whatever weird espionage thing I'm likely about to get involved in.

But, hey, I got a new suit. I opened up my closet and next to my other one, there it was. It's not as spangly, decked out with the SHIELD logo. It's pretty snazzy.