
Posts Tagged: 'bucky+barnes+%28winter+soldier%29'

May. 7th, 2014




Curious. Does anyone meditate? Practice tai chi or any of that zen type stuff? If you do ... what's it like, I guess?

Apr. 26th, 2014




Gee, fun. Panic attack from a dream. Surprised that hasn't happened more, really.

Apr. 14th, 2014




I am going out of town for a little while. I've decided I needed a personal vacation.

Apr. 4th, 2014




Cut for TW for death and loss, but viewable publicly. )

Mar. 8th, 2014




Orange County has proven very welcoming, so far, though I wonder if I ate something bad last night. My dreams made no sense.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Добрый день. I'm Eva Belova and I'm new to the area. I would have come in sooner, but my flight was canceled thanks to that volcano. Where are the best places to dine, and is there a local ballet troupe?

Mar. 4th, 2014




I didn't realize Lent had arrived so quickly. In my plan to give up smoking, I discovered today that I still had around two-thirds of a pack left. I couldn't bring myself to throw them away, but I couldn't do with the temptation around, so I spent most of the day chain smoking.

Now I'm sitting outside in my garden, hoping my lungs might forgive me. Might even take a walk.

But! To keep myself on course, every time I think about buying a new pack, I'm going to put that money aside. Then afterwards, I'll either buy myself a carton or go out on the town. Likely both.

Feb. 20th, 2014




Hey, this actually made me laugh: I opened my closet this morning and my sidekick costume showed up there. I looked like a rube.

Feb. 11th, 2014



A slightly NSFW list for Valentine's Day. I think it was #12 that set me laughing out loud at my desk.

Dear you know who you are: none of these are coming to you, even as a gag gift. Rest easy.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




I need a library. Or a librarian. Might keep my mind off the fucking brainwashing, oh God.

Jan. 31st, 2014




I know everyone's tired of hearing this, but, geez, it's already the end of the month? I feel like it was New Year's Eve just yesterday. If I didn't know better, I'd say time was passing a lot quicker here in Orange County than everywhere else. (Let's be honest, none of us would be surprised, though.)

I hope everyone's year's gotten off to a good enough start. Seems to be a lot of pretty harsh dream things happening lately, which isn't all that great, actually.

I hope besides that, everyone's all right, though.




My head aches haven't slept in days because I am afraid of what

I think the dreams everyone's talking about are nothing more than mass hysteria, and quiet self-aggrandizing, if I'm being totally honest. No, if I'm being totally honest, I say they are a self-serving, cyclical delusion. Pathetic. Superheros? Vampires? Improbably accurate super-sleuths? Rubbish.

Why am I ranting here?
Then again, who else could I...?
I not only talk to myself, but I type to myself.

Jan. 23rd, 2014




I'd like the name of a doctor good at treating dream related injuries. Cause the normal ones will all think I'm nuts but I need help.

Jan. 17th, 2014




Knowing I was going to end up hurt in my dreams didn't really make me ready for it. I guess dream me and I have something in common, we both think we're tougher than they are.

Cut for triggers; drug use, still viewable to all. )

Jan. 13th, 2014




Sometimes I wonder if it's better that I'm the only one from my dreams that's here. Nobody's died for me while I'm awake. That's a good thing. In my dreams, there were so many.

Jan. 8th, 2014




Because I need a head count for my own, personal reasons... raise your hand if you've had a Dream, and if you're acquainted with me in said Dream.

Jan. 6th, 2014



Wow, I had no idea moving was so hard. At least the renovations and stuff were taken care of by the time I got here - all I have to worry about is my apparent lack of furniture.

And food. Food is really important.

Jan. 5th, 2014




I think my dreams are finally coming to a head. I mean, everything's just added up and added up, and now ... Well, another good man is dead, and we're all marching into a fight where none of us really know what's going to happen.

I'm nervous. Here and in the dreams. It's not like trying to take down Schmidt, it feels like way worse than that is coming. But we're the heroes, right? So in theory it should be okay.

Jan. 2nd, 2014




Trigger warning: violence, viewable to all. )

Dec. 6th, 2013




In these dreams, have others dreamed about someone they've... met before? Who weren't family members.

True love's kiss is a bitch.

Dec. 5th, 2013




The more I have these dreams, the more I want to scoop up dream Me and bring her here. She's so headstrong and independent and forward thinking, there's really nothing there for her in the 1950s. Blackmailing crime lords isn't exactly something that's going to help her in the long run, I wish she'd see that.

It's like I'm watching a car wreck in slow motion. The part with Mickey Cohen was interesting, but oh, dream Jeannie, you're going to end up hurt or worse.

Edit; If you die in your dreams, nothing happens when you're awake... right?

Nov. 6th, 2013




Oh my. In my dreams I was ... really, really close to my best friend. Which is kind of ballsy considering I dream I'm in the early 1950s. Sleeping with a woman probably would've gotten me shot. Sleeping with a black woman would've gotten me shot twice, then lit on fire or something.

I have never been so glad to wake up in 2013.

... Bucky Barnes, you stop grinning, I can tell you are.

Oct. 29th, 2013




(1) So. Coughed up blood when I was doing my 20-mile run the other day. I'm fine, just a little hoarse.

(2) Despite that, life is just ... well, awesome right now.

(3) Midna, Jeannie loved the glass lily. You're a genius.

Oct. 27th, 2013




I think the Stark party last night was great. I mean, would it be anything else. Conveniently I got my suit just in time, but this morning I got something else from the dreams, too. And it's not the first time, obviously, but this one is ... I feel sort of emotional about it. Not sure why.

There's a picture in it - it's a compass - of this woman that I knew in my dreams. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure I loved her in my dreams. I've never met her in this world. I don't really even know much about her in the dreams. But looking at this picture brings a lot up. Is that weird?

Also, I'm glad I'm not afflicted with whatever's going on here right now. I'm sorry to everyone else, but I'm glad I still have my voice.

Oct. 6th, 2013




Two weeks until my marathon. I'm so ready. Kind of wish it was tomorrow! Now I'm doing maintenance running - like, you should never run the full 26.2 miles unless you're in a race, so toward the end of your training you run like 20 and stay there.

Jean )

Sep. 24th, 2013



Locked from Jean Spangler

So. Looking for a little help from you ladies.

I'm going on a date with this girl - lady, really - who's just beautiful. But she's kind of ... retro, I guess? She dresses vintage, her hair is in a vintage style and she likes old music. So my question is, my normal date gifts might not work for a woman like that. Any classic ideas? I'd sure appreciate it.

Sep. 20th, 2013




Tomorrow is the OC Fest of Ales and Beer Run 5K! I know some people are going, but hopefully this will get a few more. If you want to join the run I made a team named "Valar" so you can join me. Hope to see a few familiar faces there!!

Sep. 15th, 2013




Had a dream I was born in 1923. I must say, I look damn fine for my age.

Is this what you lot mean when you say dreams? Somethin' really ... I don't know, I dreamed about getting married and I woke up with tears on my face. I was so happy.

Sep. 7th, 2013




So, I've been trying to figure out how to work with this shield, and I gotta say it's going pretty well. Except for a few broken windows. It's kinda like riding a bike? I dunno, it just feels so familiar. And it's pretty cool, so, there's that.

Sep. 5th, 2013




No matter what happens in my life, as long as I have my dorky dog Daisy grinning at me like this in the morning when I wake up to train, life is good.

Speaking of training - does anyone else on here surf? Some mornings it gets so freakin' cold, it'd be nice to have someone out there to grumble with. I can also teach people who want to learn. Despite what you'd think, surfing doesn't really have an 'off' season.

Sep. 3rd, 2013




It's official. The inheritance money is dwindling down into nothing and it's time I start looking for a job again. It's probably unwise to join a traveling carnival and show off my dragons for 10 bucks a pop, right? Sigh. I will have to go legitimate again, and considering how it turned out last time? You know, with my boss dead and all... I'd like something kind of low key. And that does not involve me taking off my clothes.

Actually, that last part is negotiable.


Kind of.

Sep. 2nd, 2013




Wanted: a new brain. Or enough booze to wipe away the fact that I just sat through a TLC special called The Man With the 132lb Scrotum.

Guess what it was about.

I need to go hug my groin.




Bears. Ah've run into Gators. And Cougars. But never a bear. That was... interestin'.

Aug. 31st, 2013




Hi. I see it's standard practice to introduce yourself when you get invited to this network thing. I'm James Barnes, but everybody calls me Bucky. I'm more used to it than my real name.

I'm an accompanist for the South Coast Youth Symphony Orchestra - I went to school to play piano. Sometimes you'll see me out in North LA busking, if you're ever up there - I like to do it for extra cash. I love my job and classical music, and I also like to train for marathons. It's actually pretty liberating when you can run 26 miles all on your own.

Anyway. Hi. I guess I'll be around.

Nov. 24th, 2012




What are we teaching our children? They see their Black Friday injuries as badges of honor. One kid had four teeth knocked out from an elbow to the face and the other a broken arm because he tripped and someone stepped on him. All over this WiiU thing. What is it? Outside of an overpriced video game thing.

Nov. 18th, 2012




Oh God. Oh God.

We pulled straws to see who's working on Thursday. Guess who one of those poor bastards IS?


Honestly, it's not the working a holiday part that bugs me. It's not like I was gonna take the time off to go home for just a day after I'd taken the time to do it lately, and Macy's is almost as good on TV as going into the city proper anyway and stuff.

It's more...

The most stereotypical dramatic holiday of the year, and I'm going to be the one wading in to deliver people who've been enucleated by spoons, gotten laddles wedged places you wouldn't even think they could FIT, families torn apart by the visage of sheer resentment that only comeso ut when they are all together, and turkey fryer related injuries similar to those William Shatner spoke about last year, that has since been remixed ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8t2dwPTnsyA ) into this delightful video.

Thing is, as funny as that all might sound? It's horrible to look at and be a part of, and that powerless to do much to help people thing...We know what I do with powerless. It isn't going to be good. It's going to be horrible. So completely seriously here?

Please be safe. Follow directions, don't try to kill each other, and for the love of everything that's holy, Valarnet, have a designated driver. Think of your lives, and think about the rest of us this really matters to.

I'd like nothing better than for Thursday to be a night of watching taped Thanksgiving specials from the eighties, and participating in the Trivial Pursuit game we're planning while we wait, or at the least, just the calls from things that people haven't done to themselves. Think about all of that, will you please?

Nov. 16th, 2012




Och! More bad news!!

End of Twinkies?

Thought this week couldn't get worse.

What? I happen to like Twinkies.
...God, no more HoHos either.

Nov. 7th, 2012



I love the smell of democracy in the morning!

Nov. 6th, 2012




My business is failing, I'm going to lose my flat, I'm hungry.

Being an adult sucks ass.

Anyone got any life suggestions?

Nov. 5th, 2012





Halloween was weird, and Sandy was a bitch, and it's SURREAL to look at all the photos people got of the damage, and think about the possibility of something like that even happening in Brooklyn. Okay, so everywhere, but Brooklyn, hell, my parents and my grandma are still there, you know? Plus, Coney Island is a mess. and, even though it's not as bad as Jersey or the other places? Seeing somewhere you've lived all your life like that...

I don't really like it. Makes me feel all kinds of powerless to do anything about it, but if there's one thing my dreams have been showing me, that STEVE in my dreams has been showing me, it's that I don't have to stay that way.

Long story short, that's why I'm in New York right now. My family are all fine, but that doesn't mean that other people don't need my help too. Took care of voting ages ago, since I expected I'd be on a shift that day, so I've just got the one thing I can help with. Not sure how much good I'm doing, but it's something, right?

Hate my city being Nature's action figure though.

Oct. 30th, 2012




Guess what, world? I have a unicorn. EEEEEEEE!!1!

[cellphone photo of only the unicorn]
[photo of genie!Aredhel posed on top of unicorn]
[photo of her and two drag queens by the unicorn, drama!posing]
[photo of Aredhel making ducklips next to her unicorn]
[photo of one foot held up so cute shoe is in view, in front of unicorn]

This is the bestest Halloween EVER. I don't even need that dungeons and dirtiness dice game or anything! =D

Oh wait. Too bad it's not pink!

So. I need a new unicorn. Now this one's not good enough. =(


Oct. 31st, 2012




Okay, so usually when we get...whimsical...patients, we can all agree they're insane. Usually. Tonight though? I picked up Dr. House because he'd OD'd on Vicodin. Throughout the ride, he proceeds to lecture my partner and I on how stupid we are, and everything we're doing wrong, while the wife, who'd gone along in the ambulance, tried to keep on clarifying that this was a costume. Not that the the dude believed her. Considering my partner was convinced, at the time, that he was Elmo and that I should tickle him when we weren't busy...

Fuck, I'm sorta scared to put on MY costume tomorrow night.

Oct. 23rd, 2012



So things are always this dramatic on here, huh? Therapists must be making a killing. I mean, this place makes the Real Housewives look fucking sensible.

Oct. 21st, 2012




This greeted me at work today:

Read more... )


It was delicious.

Oct. 20th, 2012




Yay, I have insomnia and the chest cold from hell. That's a super fun combination. I forget - are you supposed to just let the fever run its course or are you supposed to take ibuprofen and pray to die? I figure I'll do that second one after I get sick of the first one.

Oct. 14th, 2012




At what point does a "vintage" costume become just hopelessly, "this is probably what my grandfather wore for halloween" levels of sad? Not that I'm changing my mind because it's seriously the coolest thing I could think of to do, but dressing up as a comic book character who isn't even being written anymore? If this was NEXT year the costume might actually make SENSE but right now? I'm either way ahead of the cool curve, or just pathetically sad. Hard to say, really...

Steady pace tonight but so far run of the mill calls really. Aside this guy who got bit by a opposum, anyway...

Oct. 13th, 2012




I think the worst thing in the world is not being in control of yourself.

[locked to Alleria]
Going out. I'll be back late.

Oct. 11th, 2012



...Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter?

I don't know what to say. I guess if it gets people interested in history?

Sep. 30th, 2012




I've been posting ads in the local newspapers and on the UCI website, but I figured this is as good a place as any. Actually, it's probably the best place to look for candidates considering people on this network seem to be so much more open about their dreams.

I'm looking for 5 to 10 human participants for a clinical trial I am putting together. The trial is regarding the dreams, so having them is a must. It involves spending nights at the my medical facility in UCI and answering questions. There is a fair amount of pay involved and it can be negotiated depending upon what the participant would be willing to do (I'm looking into doing some sleep deprivation trials as well, for example).

If you have these dreams and are interested in earning some extra cash for simply having them and letting me study observe you, then please let me know so we can discuss it further.

Thank you.

Sep. 29th, 2012




I really like the expressions on the llama's face in this online game. Anythin' that says "fight off annoying peoples, before they invade your happy bouncy palace" in the description's somethin' that I wanna play. Nothin' naughty that I've seen so far. Can probably play it at work, if you can get away with that sorta thing.

Thought I'd share. Enjoy! ;)