
Posts Tagged: 'alucard'

Jan. 25th, 2015




The cleaning bug bit while I was trying to relax from running. I think I've reorganized every room in the house, and I won't lie, there's a lot of rooms.

Alucard, darling, sorry if I rearranged the dressers and you can't find your socks. I promise they're still here and I haven't thrown them away.

I even made space for all the things the Dreams have given us. It's rather nice to have them organized and displayed properly.

Jan. 15th, 2015




filtered; vampires

I shouldn’t be asking anyone of this. I don’t know what else to do.

I’m aware that there are several vampires on this network. At least I’m assuming that there must be. I can’t be the only one. No, I know I’m not. I spoke to one before.

I am in need of some assistance. It appears as though I have became the creature of my nightmares. I’m not sure how to control myself.




I am, if nothing else in my dreams, a man who accomplishes what he sets out to do. Though one may perhaps use the term "man" lightly. It is a funny thing, to be dead for so long. Even now in the waking world I find that the idea of death does not bother me as it used to. In my dreams, the lives of others are hardly worth thinking about, I feel he delights in it, truly. Even just last night I dreamed of bringing misfortune upon the house of a charming young woman.

I have learned of a new trait I've picked up, in light of this. Garlic repulses me. A secretary at work brought a very pungent dish for lunch and I perhaps was too harsh on her found I had to excuse myself and leave early.




Scheduled a new fight for a few months down the road. But I signed up for a tough mudder race in March. fight in May. I figure the training for those two events will keep me busy for the next few months. I'm good with that. I signed up for the tough mudder thanks to my trainer, he's doing it too, so we're both going to beat ourselves up.

Goodness, look at me. branching out again! But my trainer says it'll be good for my fight career too, it'll help build up tolerance and stamina.

In the meantime, I think I need a social life again.

Jan. 11th, 2015




So heading home from school yesterday a guy decided to try and mug me. Poor guy, didn't know what he was letting himself in for. Hope he wakes up soon...

Dec. 25th, 2014




Definitely woke up shifted and green again this morning, and it took a good hour before I was calm enough to shift back, which made me late for Christmas.

Really wish I knew at least one shapeshifter I could ask for advice.

Dec. 16th, 2014




I have grown accustomed now to the unexpected snowfall, and am, to a degree, beginning to grow accustomed to these dreams as well. It will take more adjustment to get used to my lack of reflection. I think perhaps I have mastered shaving without one? If only because by now it is all out of memory, though I've cut myself several times trying. I am also glad that I keep my hair short.




So while I won the last fight, I took some time to myself to rest up. It was a long match, and I ended up looking like a raccoon for awhile. But it's nice to see snow, even if I'd rather there not be any. I wanted to be lazy and lay out by the pool but oh well. Guess that just means more training time! And running in snow...

What shall we do for christmas this year?

I suppose I should ask, instead of just try to guess, what you would like for Christmas this year? I'm preparing my lists, and since you are here and it is that much easier to get you your gifts, I do hope you'll indulge a girl.

Nov. 26th, 2014




I had a very peculiar dream last night. That is normal here, is it not? It feels very strange to have experienced it myself.

Nov. 1st, 2014




I'm certainly glad to have stayed in last night - I have escaped most of the OC's strangeness, I'd like to keep that going, I think. Although I'll admit, some of these happenings can be rather fascinating to watch from the outside. I do feel sorry for those who get caught up in it, though.

My fight is almost here, a few more weeks, then I can't wait. San Diego is so nice to visit, after all, and I cannot believe I'll have a match near my home. Such a nice thing.

Oct. 7th, 2014




I am still getting used to glasses. I've never needed them before recently and they're just a weird adjustment. I keep forgetting to put them on in the morning. Which, while not entirely a bad thing, is awkward when I actually need them.

Ah well, weirder things have happened.


Have the damn dreams caused anyone else issues at work? I'm fairly sure I just suffered a panic attack but</s

Sep. 16th, 2014




Right. Ten miles a day (how did I still get conned into that?) Is it November yet? I am really looking forward to my match. Training at the gym every other day, training at home almost every day, I'll be hard pressed to not be ready for it.

I have the best trainers. Both at home and at the gym. I'm terribly glad for it - I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't. Heck I've even picked up the last couple classes I need for my degree, just because Father would be disappointed if I didn't finish.

It's a good thing I love being busy.

Sep. 10th, 2014



Now in the right comm. It's morning shhhh.

It's nice to know I haven't been locked into a group to fight with yet - only because my Coach got me my next match. He was all you'll have a few extra months. Liar. It's Bellator 131 November 15 in San Diego! I'm all excited to be able to fight, almost literally, in my own back yard.

Well I guess those ten mile runs a day will pay off. My old hair girl moved, and I have more hair than I did last time, I'll hire someone to braid my hair tight the day before my fight.

So yes, we'll have to get back to training. I think my trainers like when I come in working with more knowledge. I love you.

Sep. 8th, 2014




I am glad that Alucard kept me in the house this past few days. I apparently lost my mind in this whole mess. It was certainly not my shining moment. I do hope we can avoid them again, I rather dislike not being able to sleep and seeing things.

You are a saint, as ironic as that is. Honestly glad I cannot hurt you.
I can't, right? I mean we should just be happy I have no guns.
And it was only a sword I tried to stab you repeatedly with.

Ghouls. Why did my hallucinations have to be THAT

Sep. 1st, 2014




When my trainer convinces me that a good ten mile run is a GREAT idea, remind me to punch him in the face next time.

I'm pretty sure my legs hate me. And he wants me to do that twice a week. There have got to be better ways to work on endurance. If he is harboring dreams of submitting me to a Spartan race or something, I might have to go buy a Spa business just so I won't die.

Who ever gave my trainer these ideas needs to be shot. He's got it in his head to turn me into something all around awesome. My legs are not happy with this plan. Save me!

Unless you gave him the idea then I'm glowering at you and you need to make it up to me.

Aug. 8th, 2014




Well, I'm going to explore all my options while we're waiting for a next fight, they said it might be a few more months, so, only so many hours can be devoted to training. I agreed to another photoshoot. I do hope it'll be as fun as the last.

Dear, I had a dream again.

And stumbled across something that the OC saw fit to deliver...

Jul. 29th, 2014




I need more coffee for a morning like this.

Darling, this place has seen fit to give me a gift.

Jul. 15th, 2014




Lesson Learned: don't show teammates the one photo from a photo shoot you thought was lovely of you. They'll spend the next hour in tears of laughter wondering if you've gone soft on them.

On a side note, they got pummeled during sparring for it. I had to reassure them, after all, I've not gone soft on them.

Jul. 9th, 2014




So I agreed to go back for some more photos, and while I was very hesitant, it turned out to be a lot of fun. So, I'll share one that I loved.

Not filtered, saving F-Lists )

I have a few just for you, love.

Jun. 27th, 2014




I survived the photoshoot, thank god, I thought it was going to be awful but it was in fact, kind of fun.

May. 22nd, 2014




So next Friday is my fight. It'll be televised if anyone wants to check it out. I am not nearly as nervous as I was for the first one. I'll be glad for the downtime, I trained pretty hard this time around and am really looking forward to sitting back and working out for fun.

We get a few months between fights, so I'll take time to enjoy things. Possibly even talk my dearest into some sort of mini-vacation. I've been so focused on training I must have neglected him, should fix that, I think.

May. 12th, 2014




Anyone out there that knows how to repair extremely advanced bullet-proof material?

May. 11th, 2014




It is days like today that I sorely miss my mother. Fight or not fight you will find me eating a tub of chocolate ice cream. I'll burn it off tomorrow. But today? I cannot even go home to lay flowers on her grave. Hopefully Father will do so for me, although it occurs, he probably doesn't remember since being in the States I celebrate both Home's and Here's Mother's Day....

May. 10th, 2014




I may not have lived there for a few years but I do still have to watch Eurovision. It seems you can't rid a Brit of things ingrained since childhood.

Apr. 24th, 2014




I understand that others have had odd dreams, but I never expected to encounter one myself. I quite like it.

Mar. 28th, 2014




I finally have a moment to sit down at the computer after the mess of earlier this week, and what do I find? Nothing but wangs in socks and the same bs about which state is or isn't standing up for civil rights.

If anyone needs me, I'll be helping my daughter with her homework.

Mar. 27th, 2014




When I'm stressed, I dance. Which, I think, Alucard's in favor of. I think I'm taking a break from training for a couple days, I'm just too worn out.

Mar. 25th, 2014




Headed home from ENCOM. It's like my home away from home. I'm sure Opal will be very cross at me for having been gone for a few days.

Mar. 1st, 2014




Three weeks until my next fight in Los Angeles. I'm actually rather excited again. Two weeks until I have to make sure I'm close enough to hit weight. Two weeks to eat salads with meat on top, but no junk food. Except caffeine, sorry world, THAT won't happen.

I'd also like to announce that I have the best better half ever - seriously how many guys actually like letting their girls go get beat up? And spoil them rotten anyways? Valentine's was a successful day, the last two weeks have been perfect, and it can't get better than this. Even if the usual shenanigans of this city happened, fuck it.

Oh and I passed all my classes. One semester left of That crap until I'm done. I know daddy wants me to take over the family business but I am just not really feeling it. Sorry dad.

Feb. 14th, 2014




I haven't decided if I am going to do anything tonight or not. I may have totally forgotten about the holiday as a whole.

Feb. 6th, 2014




Feeling the urge to stab people has only increased.

Jan. 24th, 2014




Lesson number six for the day: crashing and burning in the middle of training is a good indication you haven't slept enough in a few days and probably should stop training seven days a week. Also it results in a beautiful black eye. Sorry, Alucard, I messed up my face XD




So I'm thinking of taking up Judo at school with the hopes I can be a bodyguard or something in the future! Any advice?

Jan. 15th, 2014




Good news! I have another fight scheduled. I'm so excited I could jump around the house like a crazy person. Which I may have done regardless. Instead of hitting the gym today I think I'll hit the ballet studio and limber up a bit more.

In other news, I've had more dreams - they're interesting to say the least, I suppose. At least life isn't boring, right?

Dec. 9th, 2013




Eggnog's invaded absolutely everything. This is worse than the pumpkin epidemic.

Someone had the audacity to bring me an eggnog latte the other day. I ask you, who mixes eggnog with perfectly good espresso?


Dec. 2nd, 2013




I don't think I will ever understand the appeal of Black Friday. Just reading about the chaos after the fact makes me glad I hid in my house all weekend. I never got into Thanksgiving myself, it's one of the holidays I haven't quite adopted yet. And I think I'll avoid adopting Black Friday shopping madness. I like to shop but that's taking it way too far in my book. I can wait on sales.

Nov. 17th, 2013




I find myself unable to part with the item that my dreams showed me then appeared in my rooms. I've grown rather attached to it. How strange is that?

Dearest, what say you to a drive up the coast?

Oct. 3rd, 2013




Hey, y'all! So the vintage of my wine that just came out good for drinkin' - I made way too much. So I'm gonna give anyone who answers this a free bottle of their choosin'. Just let me know what kinda fruit you like best, and I probably have somethin' you can have.

Legal people. No high schoolers are gettin' free wine from me. Jail ain't near as fun as they make it out to be on Showtime late at night.

Sep. 12th, 2013




It is always a surprise when one's father randomly shows up. Lord help me survive the next day or two with him hovering around my house, while trying not to get under my feet. Although he has stated he's not going to ruin my relationship, he's still hovering with a sense of disapproval.

Also, glad whatever crazy hit us here now isn't affecting me so I don't have to deal with that too.

Sep. 5th, 2013




Nothing like getting back into the swing of classes after a huge night. My brain is saying "school? why school? go train for your next fight!" instead of "STUDY". Great adrenaline rushes are addicting, who knew?

The looks I get from the bruises, that are fading slowly, are hilarious. Not really expecting a business major to look like she got her butt kicked. I really do enjoy telling them, no I wasn't mugged. I won a cage match. The looks are the best.

Sep. 1st, 2013




Vegas? Was wonderful. The drive to Vegas was wonderful. My classmates, however, are going to wonder, who the hell beat me up. A day after my fight the left side of my face is a nice bruise, pretty sure anyone who saw my ribs right now would think I got hit by a car, bruises everywhere. And cuts and scrapes and mat burns.

Aug. 30th, 2013




Okay Net people...

Who wants to go on a field trip? Halloween is coming... We need to petition to do one of those ghost hunting things. See if it's real or garbage. I want to go to Alcatraz.

Aug. 29th, 2013




I'm off to Vegas. I can't believe it's only a few days until my fight. I've been training hard, so hopefully it pans out well. If not, always my degree right?

Aug. 28th, 2013




When someone says "Hey, I hear Iran is nice this time of year" it's best to ignore the attempt to get you to say "Oh, really?." It's a not-so nice way of saying that's where you'll spend a month of your life.

Sometimes I love my job. And sometimes I spend a week vacuuming up sand. I think there's still sand in my boots.

Anyways, someone at work gave me this group's address and so, here I am.

Aug. 22nd, 2013




So I punched my trainer in the nose hard enough to make it bleed....

there was a valid set of reasons!!!

For one, I drove to the gym after finishing up paperwork for school. Turns out my brakes are going on my car, so parking was fun. That's a good way to start my day and so I spent my morning beating up my trainer. He wasn't happy with that hook to the nose but you know, I was a little upset with the way morning went and he was egging me on.

This is what he gets for putting me on a no caffeine diet for the next two weeks before the fight. No caffeine. Pasta only once a week, minimal breads, high protein. I'm a grump without my coffee. (don't worry, I am cheating, I went with Tea. He's grumpy about it, but I told him no caffeine cold turkey would make me turn his face into a mass of bruises!)

Now I'm just waiting for a ride home (Alucard if you're reading this instead of your texts, answer your texts.) where I will go for a long swim in the ocean then who knows.

Aug. 17th, 2013




School picks back up shortly. I'm rather excited to begin my classes anew, although I am not sure how I feel about a few of them. I am, however, extremely glad to be back to a regular routine. It's not that I don't enjoy my trips to see my Father, but he is my father, and generally a wee bit overbearing.

In other news, I figure I should share this here, I have my first fight coming up. I'm anxious about it, but it'll be exciting. Although the dieting before hand is a little saddening, I am a girl who loves her pasta.