
Posts Tagged: 'grantaire'

Mar. 26th, 2017




Does anyone have any suggestions to help insomnia? I have been having the worst time trying to get to sleep lately for some reason. It's led to a lot of cleaning, late night baking and sewing. I don't even know why I can't seem to sleep. I don't have any stress, at least more more that the usual.

But I suppose on the plus side I made this, which turned out rather well




Does anyone know of a good car wash and possible auto body shop here? Someone egged my car this afternoon and I think some of the shells might have scratched the paint.

[In French] This week has to be better than last week. It has to be.

Mar. 21st, 2017




Okay, okay. Since apparently D says this place isn't entirely full of weirdos (only partially), I guess I'm giving it a shot.

Hi. I'm Peter. I just got into town. Not really sure what else I'm supposed to stay here, but I know it ain't some shit about long walks on the beach. So I guess I'll leave it where it is.

Mar. 14th, 2017




Friday night. St. Patrick's Day. Who's going out? I'm thinking of doing a little bar hopping.

Mar. 10th, 2017




Americans and their interpretation of St. Patrick's Day never ceases to amaze me. In Ireland it was once a subdued sort of thing, pubs even closed early, until the massive parade in Dublin began to emerge on a yearly basis and then later it turned into a festival.

But the shamrocks (by the way, the real national symbol of Ireland is the harp) and turning rivers green, that was all on you Yanks. It's a bit ridiculous but many things are these days. I, personally, will be at a bar distinctly not decked out in green for that night - but I can guarantee it'll be a spot with the best Irish whiskey.

Also someone tell me what the bloody hell I'm supposed to do with 'shears of destiny,' since like most everything else in Storybrooke they caused enough trouble. You can use them to sever the ties to your own destiny, but how are you supposed to even know what your destiny is? Isn't that dangerous? A question for the ages, perhaps.

Mar. 9th, 2017




About a month ago I asked Lily what she would like to do with her week off from school in March. I thought she'd do the usual for a kid her age, ask to go to Disney or some other theme park or some really extravagant and far reaching place that we couldn't manage to get to, properly enjoy, and then get her back to school without extreme jetlag the following Monday.

But Lily is full of surprises. A couple of days after I asked her about it, she told me that she wanted to go back to New York. She wants to stay in our old apartment, eat in her favorite restaurant, go see the Atlantic Ocean and her swing in the park a few blocks from our place. At first, I thought of telling her no, not really wanting to stir up the memories of what we had in Manhattan and leaving her upset when the time came to come back here, but I changed my mind.

New York is home. It's where I was raised, where Lily spent the first six years of her life. She's only seven, but that city is in her blood just like it's in mine and trying to pretend it isn't is absurd. So we're going to drop Yoshi off with my parents tomorrow night and hop on a plane for NYC Friday morning.

A little nostalgia never hurt anyone.

Feb. 22nd, 2017




I am not sure if these sound amazing or disgusting. Either way, I just have to know how anyone came up with them.




I still don’t understand how the angry yam in the white house is so convinced that everyone protesting against him, his policies, and Republicans in general are all being paid to. I mean, I haven’t seen a single check so far, but if someone wants to pay me for what I’ve been doing for free… No, I’m pretty sure there’s no better motivation than a lot of people being very, very angry and scared.

And in the meantime, our whole lecture today in class was over actual fake news being held as the truth by those in charge, while the actual news is being dismissed as fake. And how well that’s gone through history.

Feb. 17th, 2017




I've been watching Top Chef and one chef just won a bottle of tequila worth $7500. I think my heart just stopped at the thought of it.

Feb. 16th, 2017




I had to chase a group of children out of the store. Apparently there are new Pokemon and they wanted to find some in the store. I have never felt so responsible in my life. This is a strange and uncomfortable feeling so I think that I will put googly eyes on all of the dildos. You are welcome, everyone who finds them.




I'm not sure why people think we would have a post-Valentine's Day sale going on. We sell sex toys, not chocolates and flowers. There is no 50% off sale, nor will there be.

I've sent away many many disappointed people in the past two days.

Feb. 13th, 2017




Reminder to self to order things from the internet at least a week before I think I'll need to in the future. My boyfriend's Valentine present just arrived today. I was beginning to think that I'd have to rush out to get another gift tomorrow, and just save the one that I got him.

I talked to Mom on the phone today, and was reminded exactly how glad I am to not work on the other side of a counter anymore. I mean, I'll probably still help out when I go home for the summer, but there's not too many major holidays then, and they're usually pretty customer proof. She had to convince no less than three people that surprising their girlfriends with engagement rings hidden inside cupcakes was not a good idea. I'm not even entirely sure it's legal, anyway, for the very obvious choking hazard?

Then again, my very first phone call when I started working at her store was someone wanting to order a birthday cake with "special ingredients", and I couldn't get it through to them that we weren't that kind of bakery. So I'm not really sure why I'm surprised.

Jan. 29th, 2017




It seems that I have been more absent than is usual, and I am sure that some have missed me. I have been so busy with work, this is one of the busiest times of the year, I am told. I have seen so many more people than normal. I had to set up a display, it was very involved. I have been so very tired. But I do not want you to worry, mes amis. All will be well soon.

Jan. 27th, 2017




When I go to the drugstore to go buy shampoo, I don't really expect to find... well
cut for size )

I am... really not sure what they were thinking when they designed these.

Jan. 25th, 2017




Do we really need another Ring movie? And wasn't the whole thing in the first one that if you made a copy and shared it with someone that she wouldn't come after you or something?




I finally had one of those Dreams that everyone keeps talking about! It was very exciting to see myself in a dream although it was a little confusing at the same time. I was attending a school in Japan and had set up a Host Club with some friends in one of the rooms after school everyday which is an interesting idea and I wonder if the school would let me do that here. It’d be fun!.


Hi. Would you like to have lunch this weekend?


I dreamt about him. Or her. Haruhi. The one I was telling you about at my school that I like and want to get to know better. In the dreams she’s a girl so I guess here - it’s probably the same. I’m very confused by all of this cousin.

Jan. 3rd, 2017




I don't remember the last three days.

I'm going to blame the Tequila.

Dec. 18th, 2016




Someone has made inappropriate show statues in front of our store. I'm not saying I know who it is, but I do have a strong suspicion.

Not that phallic snow sculptures are entirely inappropriate for our place of work, really.

Dec. 14th, 2016




Burning down a city just because you have been rejected is not going to win you any sympathy. Then again, men who are so certain of their supposed morality against all others are not known for logic.

Also, while it is easy enough to explain why random outfits show up, it is quite a different situation to have to explain why a goat is now following you around.

Nov. 27th, 2016




Last night I became very drunk in my dreams because my friends are all idiots. They are building a barricade to fight the government and are relying on the people to help. They believe that they will. I know better. I drank until I slept and I woke up in this place again. I do not want to sleep again, I do not want to see them die

I found a glass of what I drinked next to my bed. Does anyone dare me to drink it?

Nov. 18th, 2016




I came home from school this afternoon and found the cutest little animals under our porch! They look rather like cats only very fluffy and have striped tails! I fed them some fruit that Maman had in the fridge and they seemed to like it! I wish I had thought to take a picture of them. Perhaps then someone could tell me what they were.

Nov. 14th, 2016




Times are so frightening right now, and we all deal with it in different ways. At some point I will take a more active role in things, but for now I am trying to keep myself together.

One of the ways I take care of my emotional well being is through art and creative outlets, and so I went a bit mad setting up a little house for mine and Hannah's new rock son, Pierrick.

cut for images, viewable to all )

Nov. 9th, 2016




I have to admit, I am enjoying seeing peoples' reactions to the decision that you have made. Some are quite hilarious. Americans enjoy overreacting and getting angry at things that have not happened, it seems. It is okay, in my dreams, the French are no different.

It is strange the timing. I went to sleep last night and dreamed that Lamarque died. Joly and Bossuet and I watched his procession. We got very drunk and ate quite well. Oysters. I would not normally eat them when I am drunk, or when I am sober, they are so slimy. But in the dream I seemed to enjoy them, as I woke up this morning on a pile of the shells. What should I do with them?




...I don't think I've ever been this scared in my life.

I wonder how Australia is this time of year. Or any time of year.

Nov. 4th, 2016




I helped myself to a large salted carmel hot chocolate with whipped cream today after dance. I feel like I must have danced the calories off, so it's okay. We're working harder than ever on Swan Lake. Just about one month away from the performance! Less than one month, even! It's so exciting.




Well, there certainly is nothing like waking up from a new set of dreams to see people have used paint to write "go back to where you came from" on our walls and doors.

Oct. 26th, 2016




I know that it's October and what I’m about to say is probably considered blasphemy to some people. I apologize in advance. But I think the whole Pumpkin Spice trend might have gone a little bit too far. I know that most people like the coffee, and there are air fresheners and candles. But there are certain things that don't really need to be holiday flavored. ...Cheerios are one of them. They're a breakfast cereal, they don’t need to be a special fall edition. People are going to buy them anyway because they have to eat breakfast, and Cheerios are less likely to burn than poptarts or frozen waffles.

Maybe I should just be glad they aren't maple bacon. And also try to convince Dad that I really really am fine doing the grocery shopping without any help.




I can't believe Halloween is just around the corner! My apartment looks like Halloween town threw up in there (Sorry R). I've just got to put the finishing touches on my costume and carve some pumpkins!

What's everyone dressing up as?

Oct. 20th, 2016




Maman is disappointed in me but I still feel that the detention is unfair. If the French teacher at my school does not want me correcting her than perhaps she should not make such obvious mistakes in class when I am in there.

Oct. 18th, 2016




We finally learned our parts as cygnets today! It's a fantastic part of the ballet, so even if I don't get to dance as Odette I'll get a great part. One of my fellow cygnets was getting so fed up with the choreography. She's the type who, if she doesn't get something right away, gets so frustrated with herself. I kind of just wanted to hug her and loan her some of my patience, but she intimidates me. A lot of these dancers do. Not intentionally, I just still feel like the new kid.

Oct. 13th, 2016




I'm so excited for Halloween! We've got loads going on at the store and amazing decorations to put up too.

I've never dressed up before so what kinds of costumes do people wear? Any suggestions?

Oct. 12th, 2016




Is anyone else completely ridiculously excited about the upcoming meteor showers? There's supposed to be one every month for the rest of the year!

I want to go out sometime with a blanket and my notebook, perhaps some wine and see if I can get inspired.

I wonder if they photograph well, the meteor showers?

Oct. 11th, 2016




Having one of those weeks so far and it's only Tuesday. Just many little annoying things all adding up to create something more dramatic than it should be.

To top off my morning I got a ticket. Gotta love how they tell you to 'have a good day' after costing you 400 dollars and scolding you. How thrilling.

Sep. 27th, 2016




I have once again drank too much in my dreams, and I have also drank too much in this world. I cannot tell if this hangover is from my dreams or not but I am going to blame it on them. Never drink with men named Joly and Bossuet, they will enable you.

On the plus side I have received many bottles of wine. The one that I tried was very good. The me in my dreams has very good taste.




I still can’t believe Jabba the Hutt is running for president. Clowns are apparently terrorizing the south eastern United States and Ziggy Stardust went back to the stars, but this is still the most unbelievable thing about 2016. It’s just been a really very strange year, and it doesn't look like it's going to get any less weird.

Sep. 26th, 2016




So after Saturday I can officially cross "Drink with a pirate" off my bucket list. I'm not normally a big fan of parties but I'm really glad I went to that one.

[Will Solace]

And in case you weren't sure - I really don't regret anything that happened Saturday. I'd been wanting to be with you since before our first kiss.


Mom's asked me to come see her for Thanksgiving break. I want to go but I figured I'd check to make sure you didn't have any family things planned for it or whatever.

Sep. 25th, 2016




Bit hard to get in the Halloween spirit when its 95 degrees. I wanna go somewhere where it's cold and Halloween stuff happens.

Sep. 23rd, 2016




It would have been nice if my father could have actually made time to see me while I was in Japan for the summer after making such a big deal out of wanting me to visit. Or been honest with Maman and I and told me it was really the staff at his house that wanted me to come visit so they could see "what a fine young man I'm growing into" and ask how she was doing. Peut-etre un jour je saurai d'attendre jusqu'a ce qu'il veuille vraiment de passer les temps avec moi aux visites

My cousin mentioned this network to me while I was in Japan and suggested that I join it to try to meet some people away from school. My name is Rene Tamaki Richard de Grantaine Suoh Tamaki Suoh.


Maman won't give me an honest answer I know because she doesn't want to worry me so I'll ask you - how was her health this summer?

Also - it's very difficult to get used to not using my full name here but I'm trying cousin.

Sep. 18th, 2016




Does anyone know how to play dominoes? I found a set in my bed a week past and I cannot teach myself how. It was not a good dream but I think that if I have been given a gift I should use it, non?




I'm kind of ready for the summer to be over, I'm tired of heat and hope we get snow this time around. Plus Halloween and pumpkin things. Can't forget the pumpkin things.

Sep. 17th, 2016




You are looking at one of four cygnets and the understudy for Odette/Odile! I'll be dancing no matter what! I think this calls for cocktails! I already celebrated with my ballet friends last night which is why this news is a teensy bit late.

Sep. 16th, 2016




I'm unfortunately going to be out of town for whatever day it is where you talk like a pirate, however, the Jolly Roger has got a nice space for a fire pit - or really, it's a metal box filled with sand meant for grilling or heating preserved food. Nothing fancy but I quite think it's about time I had people over to see my beautiful love for a get-together on deck and under the stars.

She's in private dock space in Newport Beach - how about next Saturday, I'll just invite the whole bloody network. No boiled and salted leather or turtle's blood, but there will be lots of fish and other delicious things. Perhaps rum as well.

Someone else is quite ready for it too, mind you.

cut for image, viewable to all )

Red and black is my favourite piratical colour combination.

Sep. 15th, 2016




Update! I'm on the callback list for the cygnets and for Odette/Odile, but I think landing a role as one of the cygnets is 1000x more likely. It'd be cool to dance that part. It'd be cool to dance any part! Anyway, we'll see how I do tomorrow.

Sep. 9th, 2016




You ever have one of those days when you wake up and think "Wow, I really need to expand my social circle?" That was me last week. And clearly, I decided the best way to be more sociable was to sit behind my computer and talk to a bunch of strangers. This seems as good a place as any to do that.

So hi, I'm Lowell. I come from across the pond, enjoy scary movies, and long walks on the beach. One of those is a lie.

It's the walking. I hate walking. But put me on a beach with a cold drink and I'll be a happy man.

Sep. 2nd, 2016




I dreamed some nights ago that I volunteered for duties for Enjolras, to convince men at the Barriere du Maine to join our cause. He had no others who could go and he disdained my abilities, because he hates me, and I want to convince him otherwise. I want to show him that I am good enough to have his attention, even though I know that I am not. To show that I am a patriot I went to my rooms and changed my waistcoat to one that is red, the color of passion. And the color of the blood that will be spilled by his revolution, as it always is. My dedication has convinced him, though I know that I will still find a way to disappoint him. I am a disappointment, it is what I do. I have apparently not accepted that fact in my dreams. Perhaps I am more hopeful than I thought.

But, I woke up and was wearing that red waistcoat. It is very nice, but it is not the kind of thing that I know how to wear. I do not think that it suits me in this life, it does not fit in my wardrobe very well. What does one do with a waistcoat?

Aug. 31st, 2016




Fat-shaming is never okay. But it's especially not okay in a video game like Pokemon Go. I decided to play while I was walking Whit at the park and came across a nidoran, cute little bunny unicorn and I didn't even think anything about catching a second one because hey experience points right? Anyway! When the information came up about her she was marked XL. She was maybe 1 kg bigger than my other one and there was nothing on the first one about being large or anything like that. Not cool Pokemon Go. Not cool.

Aug. 30th, 2016




I feel excited, nervous, sick, and ecstatic all at the same time. The last time I felt that way was when I was taking the final exams, senior year of college. My book comes out tomorrow, and it still doesn't feel real? I spent so much time and energy on it, and the fact it's been published and shipped off to stores still hasn't really registered. Jess has even personally given me my own copies, after stealing one of them for herself and it still ...it really doesn't feel real.

I have three more copies, besides the one I'm keeping for myself. Sirius, Remus? When do you want to pick yours up? Amycus, I'll give you yours Thursday.

Aug. 26th, 2016




Anyone know any good drinking games?

Aug. 25th, 2016




I've realized that when you get used to living without a roommate, you tend to forget that you actually have one when you finally get one. I learned this by my new roommate walking in on me dancing like a weirdo in the kitchen while cleaning. Thankfully R is a pretty relaxed guy and there were no looks like I was absolutely insane

Aug. 23rd, 2016




Nothing like coming to my room and finding the warrant for my arrest from the dreams. Honestly, as if life in the dreams wasn't complicated enough to begin with.

[original edict written in French]

Translation for those who don't speak French?

"By royal edict warrant of arrest, the gypsy known as 'Esmeralda', being under suspicion of sorcery and witchcraft and the arts of hell. Anyone found harboring or helping her will be charged as well"

So that should be fun as I'm now going into hiding. All because I told someone something they didn't want to hear.