
Posts Tagged: 'isabela'

Mar. 13th, 2015




I won my last bout. I'm thinking about having a party or something, maybe renting a bar for an evening. Any of you random so-and-sos want to come? The more the merrier.

Edit: Going to have this shindig on the 21st at [Random Bar Address]. I rented the thing, so drink as much as you want. But if you try to drive home drunk, just know I'm really good at popping shoulders out of socket.

Mar. 11th, 2015




I think it might be time for another change. Don't get me wrong, I like being paid to fly around the United States and really take in the sights. But I also hate being away from home, especially for long periods of time. I seem to be missing out on celebrations and things I want to be there for my friends.

But on the other hand, I don't wanna go back to the same hum drum shoppe life, ya know?

Am I bouncing around too much? I think dream me is influencing my decisions too much.

Still no sighting of the TARDIS. If only...

Mar. 1st, 2015




Nothing like having a dream about a Grey Warden a Mage someone blowing up the Kirkwall Chantry. That caused a great deal of problems for the Mages and Templars and just about everyone all over Thedas. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that no one else blows up any more important places. Gives me a headache just thinking about the Mage/Templar rebellion.

Feb. 18th, 2015




Someone surely missed Zevran, no?




Allegedly posting on here will get me more publicity for my bouts, but I doubt it. This seems kind of like a niche site. At least there's nobody posting in that weird shorthand kids like. Ur is actually already a word, and it doesn't mean "you're". Look it up.

I'm Bull.




Well, Lent begins today. And, I thought I'd mention some oft overlooked aspects of scripture.

Jesus and Mary were a couple of lookers, weren't they? I mean, I could certainly see why God chose to knock up Mary. And Jesus? I would walk behind him any day of the week. Unf. God's chosen indeed.

Jan. 21st, 2015




So which date is appropriate for putting out?




One night stands have some common courtesy rules, too. Geez.

Jan. 4th, 2015




This is so utterly fascinating. I just love my field!

Dec. 27th, 2014




Thieving little ARSES! My ship, my beautiful SHIP...

This boat'll never be the same, now. It's too bloody small!

Dec. 16th, 2014




I don't even know how it happened and I don't care; I've got a SHIP. My boat's turned into a SHIP. A glorious SHIP.

It's gigantic and has really really tall sails and I'd need a whole crew to actually sail the thing. SOME of you ought to come see the Captain's Cabin. I could use a cabin boy or five. ;)

Dec. 2nd, 2014




So the Deep Roads can bugger off.

Oct. 29th, 2014




It appears as though this is a popular forum with the locals, and I'm very interested to see what life here is like.

My name, since I feel that should be offered, is Vladimir. Vlad, if you would prefer. I work at the Romanian consulate out of Los Angeles. I tried to live there a few months. I think I find Orange County more charming. I do believe I may have some acquaintances here.

Oct. 28th, 2014




Would it be pretentious to wear my Grey Warden's armor for Halloween? I'm not even sure what I'm doing, but I keep thinking that if I do go somewhere I could wear that. For anyone else, it'd be too heavy to just walk around in, but after fighting the Archdemon in it, I think I could do anything in it. But should that include wearing it on Halloween?

Oct. 19th, 2014




I've been gifted with four large paintings of this. Odd, but I rather like it. Doesn't match anything in my office, but I think I'll keep them around regardless. And along with a set of armor and weaponry, I'm feeling spoiled these days.

At least I can use the paintings to keep that damn horse in. Don't need an armored demon animal trotting around.

Oct. 11th, 2014




So. Darkspawn. That's a thing.

Oct. 5th, 2014




You'd think it would be easier to find a job, but 'my last place of employment exploded' seems to be a turn off for would be employers, I think.

I'm Hawke, and I've been having a rotten string of luck lately.

Sep. 10th, 2014





[Address in Santa Ana]

2. No fighting unless I say other wise.
3. You break it, you buy me a new one + cheese fries.
4. Stay the hell away from any of the bedrooms unless stated otherwise.
5. Clean up your own vomit. NO BARFING.
6. No kitchen breaking.

Other than that, come one, come all!

Housewarming gifts are not mandatory but completely accepted.




I'm Alice. I'm starting a club. Nutters only need apply. We'll have weekly meetings with tea and cake, as long as we leave a space for my ghost. I don't think she'd appreciate it if anyone sat on her.

There'll be hats.

Sep. 4th, 2014




Falling asleep and not waking up... is that like, a coma? Or is it something... worse? Could this be OC-Weird-Ness-Related??

If anyone wants a pick-me-up, extra shots of espresso in any of our espresso beverages are on the house when you mention Valarnet at Baxter Bakery.

Don't fall asleep at the wheel. Please.

Aug. 31st, 2014




Ever wake up really hung over with a Taylor Swift song in your head? And for some reason your mouth tastes like waffles, when you know damn well you'd remember if you ate waffles last night or not? At least I'm not on the news, so it couldn't have been a TERRIBLE night.

But seriously. Waffles. Must obtain.

Aug. 21st, 2014




Since this is a network, I might as well do some actual networking.

Since the business deal has now been finalized meaning the fucker is finally dead, I'd like to proudly announce that I've become the new owner of Castle Casino & Hotel, located in our very own San Clemente. We proudly feature a unique gaming environment, accompanied with over 100 gaming tables, over 3,000 slot machines, an all-you-can-eat buffet with the freshest items, and live music lounge.

The attached hotel is a full-service venue, able to hold receptions and meetings, as well as a rooftop pool.

We are currently in the hiring process for multiple positions. They include, but are not limited to: cocktail waitresses, stage dancers (your clothes will remain unless I want a private show), dealers, floor management, an array of hotel personnel, and so on. If interested, please send all your resumes directly to me.

We will be holding a grand re-opening in September and would like to extend invites to those interested. I will be holding a VIP event in the music lounge for selected parties.

casino images )

Remember: Gamble responsibly.

Aug. 12th, 2014




My dreams have seen fit to rip my heart out. I'm in need of drink. I'm in no mood for laughter.


Did you know? What happened to mother? And you?

Aug. 6th, 2014




What. Is. Up, Orange County? Frequent visitor, first time resident. The name's Peter (not Petey, not Pete, not P-dizzle, it's Peter), I'm from a little town down south y'all probably have never even heard of. So I'll spare you all the Googling.

PS. I own this place called Star-Lord Collectibles, a place where you can get all your hard-to-find collectible needs. Or where you can sell them. And if we don't have what you're looking for, chances are I know how to get it for you. Grand opening is this Saturday, so until then I'll be enjoying the beaches and the babes.

Peter, out.

Jul. 29th, 2014




This the right place to introduce myself? Names Raleigh.

Jul. 23rd, 2014




Heard a little rumor that if I wanted to mingle with the locals, this was the place to be.

I'm Garrus.

I'm also bad with social networks. Don't mind the eventual awkward.

Jul. 16th, 2014



We have like three bags of penis pasta left over from Italy we didn't give to people. Who wants to come over for a dinner party? The classiest dinner party ever. Penis pasta and alfredo sauce.

Jul. 6th, 2014




I finally get a chance to sign up for this network and it just so happens to coincide with the day that half of my underthings seem to have gone missing.

This is what I get for having to wash laundry in a public laundromat. Has there been some mysterious red panty snatching thief running about?

Listen, I'm not about to complain about someone loving my underpants enough to make off with them, but you've only snatched the red ones and some of those weren't even the more interesting pairs.

But you did it without my even noticing, so full marks for that.

Edit: Mildly NSFW things going on in the comments.

May. 20th, 2014




Oh man you guys, The week started out great with this whole 'new roommates!' thing and I'm super excited about that, but then my mom called me from Japan just to be mean to me, and I am like...

Screw today, I'm going home.

Here, let's all have some bunny therapy.

cut for image, viewable to all, it's seriously adorable )

May. 10th, 2014




I may not have lived there for a few years but I do still have to watch Eurovision. It seems you can't rid a Brit of things ingrained since childhood.

May. 8th, 2014




There's only one question that annoys me still, after almost ten years and that's from people who know mine and Lian's situation and ask, especially around Mother's Day, if Lian gets upset on Mother's Day cause she never knew her mother. I mean, I get why they'd ask, but the answer is, no. She's known what went on with me and Jade since she was pretty young. Some people told me that I shouldn't tell her until she was older, but I didn't want her to get to preschool or daycare and then come home and ask me why she didn't have a mother or anything. So, for the record, no, Lian does not miss her mother on Mother's Day.

May. 5th, 2014




So if anyone is looking for me from now on, I'm officially living with Zevran. My stalker was arrested and we decided that neither of us wanted me to move back to my place. Moved everything over the other day and I've just been enjoying spending more time with Zevran without having to worry that someone is out to get me. Whats nice is that when I have dreams, I can just tell Zevran about them right away. Of course he's already had them, but he still listens.

Speaking of dreams, I had more dreams. We met a stone golem called Shale, had a whole incident with the Urn of Andraste's Ashes, some crazy shit with mages at the Circle Tower and The Fade. Then there were Dwarves in an underground village called Ozrammar. It seems like everywhere we go there's some sort of trials we have to partake in and depending on what we do, we usually end up angering one set of people or race and get the others on our side to help us. Now we're on our way to The Brecilian Forest. I can only imagine what we're gonna find there.

Apr. 30th, 2014




I don't know if I've ever needed cash badly enough to comply with this ATM. Also: it's sexist. Bastard ATM.

Apr. 20th, 2014



[Locked from Hannibal Lecter]

I want to take self-defense classes. I'm already pretty good with a gun, but I want to learn more. Does anyone teach that?

Apr. 16th, 2014



Starting to think about names. I don't really have any close male relatives I'd name a boy after, so I've been thinking about my mates. I'd like to have at least one of the baby's names be for someone in my life. Though I think my son would get mocked endlessly at school if I agreed to name him Obi-wan or Zevran.

Mar. 31st, 2014



So, erm. I was going to post about this but then all hell broke loose. Atton and I are having a boy.

Mar. 15th, 2014




I don't know about being pregnant, but trying? That's fun. I highly recommend it.

Mar. 3rd, 2014




CRAP I DID VALENTINE'S DAY ALL WRONG and apparently hella dangerously. Next year, I'll use these Tips from Dr. Oz, because clearly he knows everything and I don't want to have a testicle funeral.

Isabela's about eighteen weeks along (four and a half months for those not on Baby Time) with the Littlest Rand. Is it too early to buy cute clothes? I wanna buy tiny shoes.

Mar. 1st, 2014




I can't bloody sleep anymore, not without terrible visions. Bugger.

And then the dream world saw fit to grant me a certain Witch of the Wild's grimiore. It's been a rather interesting read, and I've learned a few things.

Not how to turn into a dragon though, I'm terribly sorry, Marian.

But there are some other things that will be handy if it comes to it.

Locked to Dragon Age peeps

A Blight is coming, I can feel it in my blood.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




I'm really starting to regret not having cable.




I can only assume that most of you by now have found a place to stay while this plays out. If not, there are plenty out there who are opening their doors, but if you plan on going somewhere you'd best decide if it's worth going outside or not.

However, don't despair. To get us all through being stuck indoors and to keep our minds distracted, Logo's facebook page has the first episode of season six of RuPaul's Drag Race up. It's as delightful as you would expect it to be.

Feb. 20th, 2014



I don't suppose anyone can talk to animals, can they? In this mad town?

My cat's begun to hide a bit more than normal, and I'm worried.

Feb. 12th, 2014




There is no pleasing my father now. I told him that I got a job as a stagehand at a local theater and he told me that I was supposed to get a real job, not a hobby. I suspect he's still angry about my moving, but he could at least be pleased for me. But if it isn't something he's told me to do then it isn't important to him.

Feb. 8th, 2014



Well, according to my doctor, I'm at week thirteen. I can't believe I've already been pregnant for three bloody months. My app still says I'm in the first trimester, though. I thought that I'd be in the second at twelve weeks. I don't know. Just glad all seems like it's going according to plan, and that Atton's not hovering too badly. I'm still going to work until it's not safe to. I'm just glad I'm not throwing up anymore!

Feb. 2nd, 2014



I hate American football. It's boring. And I'm ill and grumpy. Sorry to all those happy as clams, but I'm sitting this one out.

Jan. 24th, 2014




I actually did wear a tux to the AVNs this year, and I think it was my lucky charm. Two awards, which are always nice to have. Though truly, I have never understood why we have awards shows at all - it is not as if they increase sales.

Perhaps I should retire and start a business of my own or something. I think I need a vacation. I grow restless, and I want something warm, something beachy. Something like Antiva.

Jan. 17th, 2014




So, tomorrow I'm going to the AVN awards with Zevran. I still don't know exactly what to think about that, but he asked me and after blushing furiously and stuttering, which I'm sure made me look like an idiot I said yes. This is definitely something that my father would not approve of and I hope to god he doesn't find out, but I'm not going to say no just because he might.




This is a cute idea, a stay-at-home-dad who leaves Post-Its for his wife, detailing his day. I think when I end up Mr. Dad and staying at home with the kid I made with Isabela (NEVER going to get tired of saying that), I'm going to do this too.

Jan. 16th, 2014




Right, lovies, let's have a roll call please.

If you know a Hawke or think you might have known a Hawke, and you know this Hawke, or some other Hawke, please do check in let me know if you're:

A: Still you and remember me.
B: Not still you and remember some other me.
C: Not still you at all, in which case, I'm not sure you'd know to post here.

Do NOT post if:

D: You know a Hawke that owes you money.

I'm not that Hawke, ever.

Jan. 2nd, 2014




"I like big boats, I cannot lie", she says.

Oh, Isabela. I knew there was a reason we were keeping you around. I'd never have survived Kirkwall without injections of humorous half-betrayal.