
Posts Tagged: 'finn+mikaelson'

Nov. 22nd, 2013





I am getting married tomorrow. We are in Tahoe right now and it's beautiful around here. Everything is coming together and I think we'll be able to pull this off without a hitch. I cannot wait to be Mrs Rebekah Salvatore. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep at all - too many butterflies in my stomach.

Nov. 7th, 2013




TW: Drug use )

Oct. 31st, 2013




Being unable to talk or make any noise at all has been very disconcerting. Considering my job consists of me talking, I've had to call out or should I say, I had to text my boss, which I think I unprofessional, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Oct. 30th, 2013




I am so over these dreams. I just want to break something. My family in these dreams are insane and we're all horrible people. My own mother possessed me in an attempt to figure out how to kill all of us because we are abominations. I've watched my family members die and I've helped kill people as well. Is this really what being a vampire consists of? I just want to forget all about these dreams and just go on living like a normal person.

Ugh, I look crazy with tears running down my face and I'm not actually able to make a sound. Damn this Wednesday. I am staying in bed all day.

Oct. 27th, 2013




Nothing like waking up to a nasty case of laryngitis. Maybe ah drank too much this weekend? and ah don't remember getting punched in the throat. And now all ah want is a bowl of chicken noodle soup and hot cider. Ah don't feel sick but ah guess ah am..

Oct. 23rd, 2013



Usually I'm not really into this whole...social media sort of thing, but I thought I would give it a try and broaden my horizons. I suppose an introduction is the best start. I'm Sage. I enjoy sex stiff drinks, boxing, and roller derby when I'm not dealing with customers in the retail world. I'm sure a lot of you know what I mean.

Oct. 22nd, 2013




Before I left today, I was looking over my appointments for tomorrow and one of the new patients is someone I went to school with. Cut for mention of drug abuse - viewable to all ) I'm wondering if I should request he see another counselor. It all reminds me how different it could have been for me.

Oct. 19th, 2013




[Blocked from family and Tom Branson]

You know how they say that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life? That isn't true, is it?

Oct. 18th, 2013




I need a drink

I think this is one of those evenings that calls for turning off my phone and finding a quiet corner to read in.

Oct. 16th, 2013




It's strange to think that certain things that happened to my family in the real world also happened in the dreams, but with very different consequences. It's a relief that no wars were started as a result of one event like it did in the dreams. Things were already had enough during that time, the last thing we needed was a war between two mythical races.

I suppose the dreams aren't all bad, because I did meet someone. I would sneak out to meet her, which seems strange when you think about how I'm a vampire, but still have to sneak out to meet with someone. It shows just how much our father had us all under his thumb.

Oct. 10th, 2013




Well, I feel like wedding planning would be going much better if I didn't have to deal with these damn dreams. I thought I was in the clear for a while, but apparently not. Mystic Falls is such an interesting place that it needs to appear in my dreams once again. There's just too much craziness going on and it's really making my head spin because everyone is so different here than they are there.

I am such a bitch in my dreams. And everyone is out for my family. At least I can say that my family tends to stick together. I really don't enjoy seeing this side of myself though. I know that my family isn't perfect here, but holy crap at what we do in these dreams. It's not okay.

Do you know someone named Sage?

Where are you in the dreams? Because some more things happened between us and they're kind of crazy.

Sep. 23rd, 2013




filtered; Mikalesons
Who thinks Dad will let me do an independent study next semester?

Sep. 17th, 2013



I think during the next family dinner, there's going to be some giant argument about who Nat's favorite uncle is. WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS?

Sep. 5th, 2013




I cannot believe I'm watching Ragin' Cajun Redneck Gators. The title alone screams sheer stupidity and loss of brain cells. Clearly I wasted my entire high school and majority of college career on basketball. The real money is in writing stupid monster movies for Syfy. Apparently anything will green lit.

I'm thinking of Sharkadile or Sharkagator. Or Sharkadile vs. Sharkagator. I'll make....thousands?

Aug. 28th, 2013




Sleep is for the weak or the brave.

Aug. 27th, 2013



Filtered Away from Mikaelsons

I know quite a lot of people here have dreamt about having powers or being a supernatural creature and I know that quite a lot of you have acquired these powers or became these creatures. My question is, is there anyone who hasn't? My sister has dreamt about us being vampires and I only just had the same dream. This doesn't appear to bode well for me and my family.

Aug. 24th, 2013




If you haven't lately, you should come down to The Red Raven Club. Not to toot my own horn, but it's the best club in Orange County.

Aug. 13th, 2013



Nothing like dreaming that your father has set you up to be married, but none of them want to be married to you because you look like a man.

Nice one.

Aug. 4th, 2013




Clearly there were some. . . errors in my calculations. I take full responsibility for any changes people are experiencing, and I promise I'm working on it as fast as I can.

Jul. 26th, 2013



Nat is sick and I just get into that protective daddy mode. I wonder if I'll still be like this when she's a teenager...

Jul. 24th, 2013




I've been back in town now for almost two months and aside from working and catching up with my family, I haven't done much else. I was only gone for six years, but it feels like so much has changed and I'm not entirely sure what to do with my free time.

Jul. 23rd, 2013




Sign number 192 you've played too much Animal Crossing:

A bug crawls across your perfect, pristine workspace, and instead of screaming or trying to capture it to release it outside into its natural habitat, I wondered how many bells it would bring in.





And I thought I was good to go on dreams since they hadn't hit me yet, but apparently not. And I'm apparently a terrible person in these dreams as of right now. Klaus and I invaded the high school and were completely horrible to people I actually know here! Elena, Stefan, Caroline, and some of their friends. Something about dopplegangers and Elena having the necklace I really want. And to make things even more awkward, I've enrolled in the high school and I'm living with the Salvatores because Klaus ditched me. And apparently I want to date Caroline's random boyfriend that I've never met. This is like the weirdest repeat of high school drama ever.

[Filtered away from TVD-people]
How do you tell your family about dreams that greatly affect them? I've seen our "past" in my dreams and I'm afraid to tell them.

[Filtered to Mikaelsons - minus Henrik]
We need to get together to discuss these dreams. I've had some very important ones that we need to talk about.

Jul. 22nd, 2013




What I got from the conversation my Dad gave me permission to get a tattoo. It took him about an hour of nonstop talking to get around to it sounding like a yes.

filtered; siblings
I know that you've had dreams. At least some of you have. Have any of them been about a village?

Jul. 13th, 2013




I'm so blessed! I've already got an interview for a job, and I found a new church, and a few places where I can help out and volunteer. I hope my good luck continues.

Maybe I could run a sober driver service for people who've had a bit too much while they're out dancing.



network post: niklaus mikaelson

I guess I was about due for another one of those dreams. I'll admit, it was pretty cool that I could compel Katherine to do anything I wanted. Wouldn't it be nice if I could
do that? And I did get a sick sort of pleasure from her begging me to kill her But apparently dream-me had been chasing her for 500 years.

Also, Stefan and Damon had a daggered Elijah in their basement, what was that about?

I didn't look like me, for most of the dream, but at the end some witches did some kind of spell and then I was in my own body. Which was in a coffin.

These dreams are fucking weird, man.

Jun. 26th, 2013




OOC: Cut for a picture - to save your flists )


My brother informed me I need a vacation, so what would you all recommend? Any interesting places you've been in-state?

Jun. 25th, 2013




I got called in to talk to the coach last week and he informed me I will not be on the team this year. My injury was too severe in his opinion. He doesn't think with the three days of physical therapy and the three days I exercise on my own that I'll be in tip-top shape. So, I'm off the team for good. I didn't get to argue my case, I don't even get to sit on the bench. According to him, my career in Basketbal is over and the closest I'll ever get to the game again is as a broadcaster.

This fucking sucks.

Jun. 24th, 2013




I don't think the animal kingdom likes me.

Jun. 20th, 2013



[locked from Kirsty Cotton and Will Graham]

I kind of need somewhere to crash for a few days. I might have done something stupid.

Jun. 16th, 2013



My grandmother is here! This makes me incredibly happy. And I will actually have time to spend with her as classes are finished for me now. I think this summer is going to be great.

I do hope everybody else is having a wonderful day - especially those who are Father's. In Sweden Father's day is not until November so I do not have to worry that I have forgotten it yet.

Jun. 15th, 2013




My sister's are saying I need a better outlet... So I'm asking if there are clubs in the area that are constructive? That are under supervision so I don't do stupid things?

Or any older guy willing to teach me something I know nothing about?




Guess who's been promoted to manager?

Mikaelsons + Stefan, Lexi & Elena
Drinks at the club tonight. I'm buying. I shall pout for an eternity if any of you can't make it.

Jun. 13th, 2013



My family wouldn't stop bothering me until I joined this...network. So I suppose I start by introducing myself. Elijah Mikaelson from Huntington Beach. I'm sure there's plenty of familiar faces around her.

Jun. 11th, 2013




I always knew wedding planning would be a lot of fun. I'll even admit I have a whole notebook full of ideas for my own wedding, but I'm having an absolute blast helping Natasha and Thor with theirs. It helps that I'm on hiatus from the show right now so I have a ton of time to dedicate to them. They're so cute together!

I can't wait to get married so long as it's not to Tyr to someone I love. I just haven't found him yet. I thought for a time that maybe it would be Theon, but I think me spending some time with myself has been good for me. I've spent a lot of time really working on me which is something I hadn't done before now.

Life is good. I have no complaints.

Jun. 9th, 2013




For the first time in a long time, I'm happy to be back in California. I've yet to see my parents, but for once I'm not dreading seeing my father. We didn't part on the best of terms when I left, but things are different now. I'm different. I'm looking forward to speaking to him in person after all this time. I hope he'll be proud of the man that I've become and forget who I was before I left. I'd like everyone to forget that.

I'm also looking forward to finally meeting my niece in person. I still can't believe that Rebekah has a baby. I must also see for myself if this Stefan is good enough for her. Niklaus says he is trustworthy, so I trust his judgement, but I'd like to see for myself.