
Posts Tagged: 'finn+mikaelson'

Nov. 12th, 2014




I just spent the entire day with my sister and my adorable niece. Natty cuddles are the best cuddles. We watched Frozen, I took them out to Ruby's on the Pier for lunch. Got Natty a few new toys and after she was down for her nap, I spent some quality time with my sister.

Tats, she finally showed me the pictures she took 'spying' on us for the big proposal. But you don't get to see them until the party :)

Love you Rebekah. Thanks for spending the day with your way cool older brother.

Damon, Nik, it's clear I'm her favorite Uncle. It's time for you to give up.

Nov. 4th, 2014




I swear sometimes technology isn't worth it. It can be a real pain in the ass.

Oct. 14th, 2014




Nothing like waking up from dreams of frenzy bloodlust, recreational slaughter and the occasional heart removal. By the means of ripping them from chests. Specifically my mother's.

Bourbon for breakfast.

Oct. 5th, 2014




[Mass message to TVD-verse and people who may be tethered to them]
So, since it seems like quite a few of us are magically linked to other people I believe we should have a very large family dinner. Great way to meet everyone who is following us around. What does everyone think about that?

Oct. 3rd, 2014




Whoever told me about the white chocolate raspberry...you're my new favorite person.

Oct. 2nd, 2014




Woke up to a random guy in bed this morning.


Sep. 26th, 2014




I am so excited now that every single one of my siblings are finally back in the same area! I don't think the OC fully understands what they are in for with all us Mikaelsons back together. There may be some shenanigans and debauchery - okay, I lied - there will be.

However, it'll have to wait for weekends since school just started back up and I am in my last semester. I am so ready to be done with all this and just start working as a teacher. Let's get this done!

Sep. 25th, 2014




When I woke this morning I found myself wearing a ring I'd never seen before. Then as I woke more I recalled bits of the dreams I'd had the night before and in those, I was wearing that ring. I'm not entirely certain what purpose is served by breaking into my home and placing a ring on my left middle finger, but I'm thoroughly perplexed. The dreams... those are another thing entirely.

Sep. 19th, 2014




So it would seem that everyone has descended into the 'pumpkin spice latte' and 'fall' fever once again. I am much ome content with a good hot tea or a black coffee, myself. What is the fascination?

Sep. 12th, 2014




I finally got back to Stefan's agent, or I guess my agent, too. I'm going to do a cologne campaign. It's good money, but do you know how much shit I will get at work? That is a lot. She did tell me they like that tall, dark, and seductive look.

Sep. 11th, 2014




I honestly forgot this network existed. I could treat this like Facebook or Twitter and report the most stupidly mundane things.

For example: I burned my grilled cheese sandwich.




After these last round of dreams, I'm pretty sure I've practically become the alien Batman of the Galaxy.

Oh, except for the part where I create a band of misfits to do some clean up on a dirty floating rock in space, and they all get killed due to my carelessness.

This is why I shouldn't be in charge of anything. I need some good bourbon.

Sep. 9th, 2014




I thought it would be harder to get used to being back since I was gone for so long. I've only been back a week and it's already starting to feel like I never left. Or almost like I never left.

[Arthur Pendragon]

I've missed I made Hi. I promise I'll come by and pick up the things I left as soon as I find an apartment.

Aug. 31st, 2014




There is some weird show on Bravo called "Extreme Guide to Parenting" and I've decided that all these families are messed up. I've only watched a few clips and such (thanks to the Soup for pointing it out), but seriously. These parents are so odd and while I see they love their children their parenting styles are crazy. I guess I'm not one to judge because maybe they would see my style as crazy, but spirit animals like unicorns that you're child apparently just sees in the back yard? And having your grandmother nanny your child, but you won't let her eat breakfast with you? Alrighty....

[Filtered to Family]
Are we having a Labor Day BBQ or anything? I'd love to go out to the beach or something as one last hurrah before things start getting busy again.

Jul. 29th, 2014




I totally forgot to post this! But we have two new furry members to the Salvatore household. We went to the shelter the other week and these two were too adorable to pass up on. Natalia is completely enamored with them and keeps dragging them around the house with her. They are such good kitties and put up with it.

Without further ado
Click for a picture of cute kitties! McDoogle and Rufus )
McDoogle on the left and Rufus on the right. I love them so much.

Jul. 13th, 2014




I don't like this. I can understand why my dream self wanted to help our mother to end this. I need to go back to work, but I'm worried that I'll lose control.

Jul. 10th, 2014




We've had a great time in Italy, but it's time to head home. We'll see you when the plane lands, or in a few days when the jet lag wears off. I don't actually know if vampires get jet lag.

Jul. 3rd, 2014




Fortunately it seems like my dreams have stopped. I’m not sure why I’m surprised. The last one felt pretty final. It’s not even like before when I stopped having new dreams. I’m not even having recurring dreams.

filtered; family
Something from my dreams showed up. I saw it all the time with Mom. I think it’s her grimoire.

Jun. 22nd, 2014



Filtered to friends and family

So...uh...I woke up with the ring I've seen on my dream on my finger...Damon..Stefan...you're not playing a prank on me, are you? I mean we did get pretty drunk last night...

Jun. 21st, 2014



[Locked from Mary Margaret]

I hope this isn't as strange a question as it seems to me, but. Have any of you ever dreamed about being romantically involved with someone, and then had them suddenly be here? And also maybe wanted to be romantically involved in real life? How do you know if it's just the influence from the dreams or if you genuinely have these feelings?

I'm feeling a bit lost right now thinking about it.




Today is Saturday. Waiting to see what the boys have in store for the evening for my not-so-secret bachelor party. I need to drink off the last round of dreams.

All the liquor I can stand tonight, and then a few more days. I can't believe we are in single digits.

May. 27th, 2014




Well this certainly makes for an interesting morning. I am so past the point of trying to figure this out. My poor daughter is going to be so confused.

At least I make an attractive man.

May. 22nd, 2014




So it's been brought to my attention that Penny Dreadful is a touch on the scary side for some so we thought watching as a group might be less scary and more fun.

I'm gonna offer up my place to hold these parties, bring snacks and drinks if you like.

If you wanna catch up on the episodes so far I'm thinking of watching the two that have aired so far before the new one this Sunday so just let me know if you wanna come over early.

May. 21st, 2014




Graduation in two weeks. Freeeeeedom!

May. 16th, 2014




I think I found my location. I was going to build from the ground up, but I found a great place that went out of business that I can remodel and mold to my liking. Damon, it's the one we looked at, the one across the street from the shopping center with the bowling alley.

May. 15th, 2014




It is so fucking hot. Totally spending the day by my mom and dad's pool. I feel like I'm going to melt. All I need is one of those little fruity drinks and my life would be complete.

Apr. 30th, 2014




In about a month it'll be a year since I came back here. To some this probably wouldn't seem like a big deal, but after being away for six years, it was a real adjustment being back around my family, but I'm really glad that I did come back. I'd missed so much and couldn't imagine being away again. Not to mention, if I hadn't moved back, I never would have met Sage.

Apr. 28th, 2014




Every time I look into the mirror I am surprised at what I look like. I spent years, decades, not looking at myself, except for a quick second to make sure I was up to standards. I wonder idly when I have turned out as I did. I came out much more unscathed from the wars that I've than expected.

What a strange day, to be thinking like this.

Apr. 27th, 2014




Someone please tell me that what I heard during my shift at the Bakery today was just a fluke and not part of some trend that I haven't heard about. There was a woman about my age sitting at one of the tables talking to somebody and she was punctuating her own sentences. I actually overheard someone, who was being perfectly serious about it, say "And do you know what I told him then question mark".


What's your Wednesday looking like?


I know it's kind of last minute but I need Wednesday night off. I can come in for the afternoon if you need me to just switch with somebody.

Apr. 24th, 2014




I am completely surrounded by pink streamers, balloons in many colors, and tiny bags of confetti. I refuse to open up the confetti and get it all over myself until tomorrow. I've also need to make sure that it's on high tables and not the kid tables because I don't want any little ones eating it. I just made a bunch of cupcakes, which are currently cooling, and I still need to frost them.

Kid birthdays are crazy. I think I may hire a party planner next year so I don't have to do this myself. But at least Natalia thinks the balloons are absolutely fantastic and that's distracting her for now.


I may be going slightly crazy.

Apr. 20th, 2014




Rebekah, Stefan, I have some Easter presents from Natty, can I drop them off later today, or do you all have plans? I need to talk to Stefan about some things anyway. Better to do in person.

Apr. 8th, 2014




What in the heck is a good theme for a two year old's birthday party????

I'm debating between Princess and Zoo right now. I'm only leaning towards zoo because I would love to get face painting done because she would be adoooorable.

Apr. 1st, 2014




Happy April Fool's Day...

I feel like death. HAHAHA.

I'm staying home for a few days. It's a good thing I'm not 15 again.

Mar. 31st, 2014




I'm thinking about getting a job.

Mar. 17th, 2014



If anyone tries to pinch me because I'm not wearing green on this ridiculous holiday, I will break your fingers. Yes, I'm from an Irish family, no, I don't give a flying fuck.

[filtered; Finn Mikaelson]

But maybe I am actually wearing green somewhere.

[/end filter]

Mar. 16th, 2014



I don't know if pizza is the best hangover food, but it's easy, it can be delivered, and I don't have to roll out of bed to order it. All of these are pros.

[Filtered away from Damon Salvatore]

Also, what does a girl do when the guy she loves wakes up with a sure sign of his incoming vampirism sitting on his nightstand? I'm scared that soon I'm going to come to see him, or wake up with him, and he'll just be...dead. Not dead for long, but it's scary.

[end filter]




Just what I always wanted. I'm hung way over, and more dreams - and a gift.

The dreams are getting more interesting. There is a murder mystery going on surrounding my best friend and Elena and I are getting closer. I staked Kol with a piece of a bat after he tried taking my head off with it. Sage and I tricked Bekah out of some information, and she was pissed. I got animal traps right through the wrists. Elena and I got a lot closer at a motel.

I'm also rambling. The gift is getting to me.

Daylight Ring )

Mar. 15th, 2014




These dreams could not be any different from my real life family. For example, I could never imagine my father attacking and killing my mother for any reason. In the dreams though, it is because of him that she died. Least, that is what Klaus told us. It appears that after this, Sage and I left for a time and traveled on our own. Then in 1114, Rebekah had intended to marry a man named Alexander so we went to Italy where they were going to get married, but during a party at Alexander's home, I was taken by surprise and stabbed with a dagger. I'm not entirely sure what happened after that. I woke up just as I was stabbed.

Also upon waking up, I found a ring on my nightstand. In the dreams, it's my family ring as well as my daylight ring that my mother made us after we turned.

Feb. 24th, 2014




I am so completely over these dreams. It's been FOREVER since I had any and suddenly I woke up today with a freaking sword at the foot of the bed.

The same old vampire drama was going on and my dream self is still an absolutely horrible person along with my brothers. I also apparently have an urge to try and lead a normal life because I've decided to enroll in high school. What the hell.

But the dream that brought about the sword started was a mixture of flashbacks to 1100 AD about some man I was in love with that wanted to hunt and kill my entire family. But apparently there's a cure for vampirism that they may know about. The sword that appeared is a key in finding this cure.

Why do things have to get strange again?

Feb. 10th, 2014




I have to say, those Old Spice commercials with the mothers are hilarious. Every time I see it, it makes me laugh. I may like it more than the previous Old Spice commercial with the Old Spice guy.

Jan. 31st, 2014




I don't know if I noticed this before. But does everyone dream in order? I don't think I'm dreaming in chronological order. I'm sure in a recurring dream I'm on the brink of death.

Jan. 27th, 2014




I clearly didn't get enough of my sister and Natalia at the BBQ we last last week, so I drove by to visit two of my favorite girls and spend time with them for the day. I brought Natty some candy and a giant stuffed Unicorn. ...Hey, at least it didn't make noise or glow or light up, Bekah.

My last semester of college is here and my internship with ESPN is over. In a few weeks I'll find out if they want to take me on as an employee after this semester ends. Fingers crossed.

Anyone up for a Disney trip this weekend? Lenakins? Damon? Stefan? Bekah? Finn? Sagey?

Jan. 19th, 2014



If I never heard another Katy Perry song, I would be alright with that.

Jan. 15th, 2014




It would appear that my birthday is exactly a month from now. It's been awhile since I actually did anything on my birthday, but I think this year I have to. It will be my first birthday back with my family so I think a family dinner is in order. However, I'm debating if I want to include my parents with my siblings, because my parents, my father especially, have a tendency to be somewhat judgmental when something happens that they don't agree with. So, understandably, I want to avoid that on my birthday. Either way, does anyone know of any nice restaurants that are also child friendly? I want to give Rebekah and Stefan the option of bringing Natalia and so much has changed over the last six years that I'm not familiar with everything just yet.

Jan. 14th, 2014




[Tatia Petrova]

You've been quiet lately, babe. Everything okay?

[Siblings and friends]

What do you think of a BBQ for Martin Luther King day? It wold be a nice fun relaxing day for all of us to get together.


Dec. 24th, 2013




I finished up the last of my wrapping. Can't wait to give Natty her presents tomorrow. And of course the rest of my family. But mainly Natty.

Merry Christmas everyone.




The kids have all been playing outside in the snow, which has given my wife the opportunity to bake Christmas treats like crazy, with some help from Derek's sisters.

We're drowning in cookies right now, I have no idea how we're going to get rid of them all. Not that I'm complaining about having too many cookies.

Dec. 23rd, 2013




Finally getting around to wrapping all these gifts. I know, I'm terrible. But with Dean Martin carols on the radio, it's hard for me to care too much.

Dec. 15th, 2013




Jesus Christ. Moms at Toys R' Us mean serious business. You do not want to fuck with these ladies. I'm lucky that I got out of there with my limbs intact.

Dec. 3rd, 2013




I'm so excited that it's December, which is silly because I was excited about last month too. But now I am a newlywed and Stefan and I had our first holiday as "The Salvatores", which was fantastic and lovely. The wedding was beautiful and I'm so thankful to everyone who came and especially those who watched over Nat so we could spend some alone time.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun as well. I'm so blessed to have a great family. It was a lot of fun to have a big dinner with all my family members and now my extended family. I think there were only a couple of fights and we went through more than enough bottles of wine. I will admit that my sweet potatoes were absolutely phenom.

And now it's time for Christmas. I almost wish we were going to be back in Tahoe during the holiday just for the snow, but I will enjoy the warmth here. I've got to start pulling out the Christmas decorations this weekend. Finals are almost over and then I just have to get through next semester and I will be officially graduated! Woohoo.

Anyone have any good Christmas recipes they are willing to share? Always looking for something new to try.