
Posts Tagged: 'verity'

Feb. 5th, 2014





With Valentine's coming up, I feel it's my duty to remind you all that you should probably be treating yourself, or someone you like enough to buy things for (or both).

That said, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and avoid those crappy mystery boxes of chocolate with the weird coconut syrup and poison in them, and instead take yourselves to Just Desserts where everything is good and nothing hurts.

If you tell me a good joke, I'll give you a discount.

[ location ]

Feb. 3rd, 2014




Hi, Valarnet.

TW: murder, ota. )




Well, those dreams took a weird turn. I mean, when we're a group of superheroes going after a deranged lunatic from another world, you expect things to be strange. I wasn't exactly prepared for an alien invasion.

For a while there, I didn't even think we'd win but Tony went and I guess I under estimated my team. Truth be told, I'm sad to see us all go seperate ways. But I get the distinct feeling that it's not the last of The Avengers.

Feb. 2nd, 2014




That game was painful to watch.

Jan. 31st, 2014




I'm worried. My father wants to meet me for dinner.

Jan. 29th, 2014




In two days my daughter Christina will be 3 months old. 3 months old! I still feel like I'm not sleeping, like I'm struggling to do anything besides care for her. Laundry is piling up, dishes, cleaning... though my amazing roommate is absolutely wonderful and helps with everything!

I haven't seen my friends as much as I used to. I feel isolated. I miss my old life. And you have no idea how much guilt that brings up in me, just thinking it.

Jan. 19th, 2014




Nothing good lasts forever, right? I honestly don't know how to handle these dreams anymore.

I haven't been solid for days now. No one on the street can see me. I'm dead. If you were wondering where I've been, it's because I can't pick up the phone. I'm only 'typing' this because I have voice recognition software.

I'm not sure I'll ever go back. I hate this.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Locked from Logan

I think I may have a nervous breakdown. Seriously.

Jan. 15th, 2014




Did you know that in California, it's law that no vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour?

I may have found a silly calendar.

Jan. 5th, 2014




I think my dreams are finally coming to a head. I mean, everything's just added up and added up, and now ... Well, another good man is dead, and we're all marching into a fight where none of us really know what's going to happen.

I'm nervous. Here and in the dreams. It's not like trying to take down Schmidt, it feels like way worse than that is coming. But we're the heroes, right? So in theory it should be okay.

Jan. 3rd, 2014




I may be a bit biased, but I had the most wonderful New Year's Eve Companion in the whole world. Who cares if we were in bed by eight? Chocolate cake and Martinelli's are all I need to be happy on NYE. And she's a very cheap date.

Here's hoping that we get a little more sleep this year. Though, I'd give up sleep entirely if it meant I wouldn't have to have these horrible dreams about




The holidays are over, right? I can safely come out now?

I officially loathe them. I've just decided. Even if my kid is really cute, it's a complete nightmare. Not looking forward to doing this again next year. And by then I'll have a seven month old. Good grief.

Four more months. I can do this.

Jan. 1st, 2014




Wiki Link to Auld Lang Syne Lyrics Fun to compare to the gibberish you probably sang last night. Although the Scots Pronunciation Guide is quite nearly gibberish itself.

Incidentally, the word "gibberish" is of Gaelic origin. Irish, though.

Happy New Year

Dec. 20th, 2013



Postponing Everything

Unfortunately, I will not be able to do any construction work today...and possibly for a few days longer. Weeks? I hope not very long at all, but there's no predicting how long my current circumstances will last. There too much of I risk I will injure myself in this state.

I regret wishing for a little more wisdom.

Dec. 19th, 2013




Well, looks like Christmas is going to be pretty interesting this year. At least I got some goddamn sleep.




I thought maybe Christina would be a little bit older before she got to experience snow for the first time. Turns out, cold makes her scream. Who'd have thought? ;)

Anyway, it's beautiful. I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying the fire in the fireplace and the Christmas Music quite a bit more.

Dec. 18th, 2013




Its been a very good holiday season for me, with no disasters and no coma this time. I think I like it!

A month from now, on January 17th, my first movie with me in a starring main role opens, and while I am not one to self-aggrandize, there will be a party thrown by yours truly to thank all those who have supported me, fans and friends alike. It will be in Hollywood, on the evening of the 17th, after the first showing at the town hall there at [address].

All are invited to it, even if you can't make the showing. There will be food, prizes, and a chance to contribute to several charities.

Locked to those Thor knows well, has invited already, and his relatives* )

Dec. 8th, 2013




I fell asleep with Christina on my chest and we slept for four hours. When I woke up, I was a bit of a mess. I'd leaked all over and my boobs were hard as rocks. God, Engorgement is a bitch

I had these dreams about such really dark times. It was before I met Oliver the battle at Hogwarts, before Fred when the Ministry was out to get Harry Potter. Really dark. Curfews and everything. I just kept my head down. My father was half, and my mother pure, so I was safe. But I didn't like what was going on at all. And I spent a lot of time with Fred and George, so.

God, this post just made me really sad. I'd better post it before I start crying. Too late. :(




Dudes. So I kinda had a dream, like what everyone is talking about on here sometimes, and it was kinda a crazy one.

I was on some tropical island, and I think we survived a plane crash. Like, me and a bunch of people. And there was this guy...Jack I think his name was? Running around trying to help people, and it was all kinds of chaos. And later I was helping hand out what was left of the plane food to people, and there was this really pregnant chick and I gave her two meals. Cuz you know, eating for two.

And THEN, at night, we were all kinda chilling out by the pieces of wreckage waiting for help to come, and this crazy noise comes from the jungle, and the trees start moving like something out of Jurassic Park.

Also, Charlie, I think you were in my dream too.

Edit: Does anyone think I should play these numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42?
I kinda won the lottery in my dream too and won a ton of money with 'em. Mom says I should, but I dunno.

Dec. 3rd, 2013




I can't believe it's almost 4 weeks. Thursday my little Christina will be 4 weeks old. My mother is leaving tomorrow to head home. My dad left on Saturday, after the world's most crazy Thanksgiving. I have a feeling they'll be back for Christmas? I'm definitely not driving up there for Christmas.

The pain pills make me a bit loopy. But I'm weaning off of them. Thank God.

Sorry for the TMI. I'm not sure how to shut my mouth off lately.

cut for image )

Dec. 2nd, 2013




So after the last week; Stefan & Rebekah's wedding, Thanksgiving and Huck's birthday, I think I need a vacation. Okay, so Huck's birthday wasn't stressful at all, but I still think I need a vacation. Only problem is that with it being the Christmas season, we've got a lot of things happening at Disneyland so a vacation is probably not in the cards.

Speaking of the Christmas season, has anyone seen that Joe Boxer commercial?

Nov. 14th, 2013




i feel like shite

Nov. 7th, 2013




TW: Drug use )

Oct. 31st, 2013




Christina Alice was born today. Happy Halloween.

Posted from my Phone

Oct. 30th, 2013




I've realized that when I wear certain hats, a knit for example, I look far too much like a hipster. An old hipster. At what point did wearing a beard become a fashion statement of that sort? Almost makes me want to shave mine off... not really, of course. But I don't enjoy shopping--never really have--and worrying that I'm accidentally putting together something that looks like a costume.

Oct. 29th, 2013




Ended up at the hospital today. Doctors say that Christina is on the way. Excited and terrified. Please wish me luck!




This eerie silence of voices is an odd thing to me. I do not like it. The world should be filled with joyous laughter, sobs of sorrow, hopeful cries, and simple conversation. Not this. Listening to it's lack is a thing that could drive a man mad.

I hope this one is over soon.

Oct. 28th, 2013




Heh! I assume there are a few out there who would be glad to hear I'd been robbed of my ability to speak. So sorry to disappoint. In quasi-solidarity, I am taking the day off to read. I have several books out of the library and I think I like a day to, well, read them.

Update, shortly thereafter...

Faiza, Anakin dropped off a bag of these. I'll try my best not to eat them all.

Oct. 27th, 2013




I think the Stark party last night was great. I mean, would it be anything else. Conveniently I got my suit just in time, but this morning I got something else from the dreams, too. And it's not the first time, obviously, but this one is ... I feel sort of emotional about it. Not sure why.

There's a picture in it - it's a compass - of this woman that I knew in my dreams. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure I loved her in my dreams. I've never met her in this world. I don't really even know much about her in the dreams. But looking at this picture brings a lot up. Is that weird?

Also, I'm glad I'm not afflicted with whatever's going on here right now. I'm sorry to everyone else, but I'm glad I still have my voice.

Oct. 25th, 2013




Public ~ Cut for Pregnancy stuff )

Oct. 23rd, 2013



[Private to all Audrey's female friends (and Percy)]

Friday 25th October - Audrey's hen party!

We'll meet at the bakery and go from there. We're hitting a club and there will be strippers. I have the feather boa and sash for her to wear - if anybody wants to add to that please feel free!

Looking forward to seeing you all :D

[ooc: Let's pretend I posted this with plenty of notice for those wanting to come along, okay?]

Oct. 22nd, 2013




Since it's a common topic right now, I guess I'll sound in on my Halloween plans.

Which is none. I will be very happily avoiding it by sitting at home and watching bad horror movies. The whole party thing was never really my scene.

Also, I'm embarrassed to say this, being super late to the game, but I just discovered Mumford And Sons beyond that one song. I gotta say, I like them.




In my dream, I wanted to move on. To stop being a ghost and just go through the door. Because being a ghost is the worst thing. I couldn't touch anything, I couldn't feel anything. I'd never kiss anyone, or have a family and it was awful. But then I changed my mind though, because I couldn't leave them.

And then some creepy old man shoved me through my door and forced me into.. I don't know. Hell, maybe.

That was the worst dream I've ever had in my life.

Oct. 20th, 2013



Is it November yet?




My new favorite food: Rocky Road ice cream with bacon bits.

Oct. 17th, 2013




Okay, so everyone's on about Halloween right now. Question: is it tacky to go as myself? I mean, my dream self. It'd just be easier than standing around staring at endless costumes, trying to figure out what to wear. I think, anyway.

Oct. 16th, 2013




Well, my dreams have started up again. The timing is just smashing. Island life isn't all it's cracked up to be, folks. At least I didn't get an arrow to the throat in this one.

Oct. 14th, 2013




Can someone bring me some lemonade? Or just lemon juice. I just want lemons. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Only, when you're me, and 37 weeks pregnant, the saying should be "When life gives you lemons, eat."




So...my friend seems to have gotten into a bit of a pickle. They were hit with a curse or something to turn them into a cat. And they've been stuck like that for a while now (at least I think they're still stuck like that I see your attempt to post Obi-Wan since I haven't heard contrary). So, that leads me to this post in an attempt to help.

Who here can turn a cat back into its human form? I think there should be a few other magical people on this network. Please let me know ASAP and I'll try to set something up because I'm sure my friend wants to be human again as soon as possible.





u8r3wesam rn v4305qkmd0 dfja39

["well clearly this isn't going to work"]

Oct. 1st, 2013




Talk of pregnancy complications, not filtered just cut for trigger warnings. )

Sep. 23rd, 2013



To my dear friends,

A few days ago, I was doing a normal day at the shop when a man came in. He told me his name, told me he liked my designs, and told me that he was from Derek Lam.

For those of you who don't know, Derek Lam is an incredibly successful designer who normally does men's fashions for all seasons. However, he is apparently starting to design a women's line. And he offered me the job of lead designer.

I swear, you could have knocked me over with a feather! Derek Lam!

It does, however, mean the crux of this post: I'll be moving. Not very far, but down toward San Diego. Out of the network.

Alice and I have discussed it, and she's agreed to go with me. I expect some of you to come to our wedding, whenever it may be - I haven't asked her yet, but she knows I will. It's not a surprise.

The shop will be open for another week, and I'll be finishing all the commissions I took on - that includes Ms. Thurman's, as well as some things I was doing for you, Verity, as gifts. Any further questions, just ring or ask me here.

It's been a joy and a pleasure living here. Please, stay in touch!
Jefferson and Grace Chapelier (& Alice Ayres)

Sep. 21st, 2013




I have had the worst headache this weekend

Sep. 19th, 2013



I did it! I got a job at Okugata (that new burlesque club)! I'm so excited I could scream and oh man, now I have to get new stage clothes and dresses and stuff.

This is going to be a blast. Who wants to go celebrating? Ms. Oyama, thank you so much.

Sep. 4th, 2013




Pretty sure that I'm going to give myself nightmares watching all these trailers. More than pretty sure. Although it does make me want to go out a see a few of them. I shouldn't spend my whole day at the movie theater.

filtered; Piers Nivans
How are you with scary movies?

Sep. 3rd, 2013




Well, to those in favor of a free Scotland... I was unable to liberate them. I apologize. I also failed to smuggle back any genuine haggis.

Sep. 2nd, 2013




I won't lie, I used to more or less ignore all this dream talk you all go on about. But now I think I might have joined the ranks, so to speak.

Strange things, aren't they.

Aug. 28th, 2013




Just a question for everyone, how common is it that things from your dreams show up in real life? Because I'm pretty sure that just happened.

And my dreams have taken a pretty unexpected turn. Well, I guess unexpected for me, cause I'm pretty sure some of you already know what happened.

What am I gonna do with this shield, anyway?

Aug. 22nd, 2013




Three words.

Maple bacon cupcakes



Today, we'd all like to point out that it is one of our older brothers' birthdays. So if you see Perfect Percy Proudly Passing (haha alliterations) do us a favor and do the most embarrassing thing you can think of to him.

Talking usually does the trick.

Happy Birthday, dude bro.

In other news, it is Thursday, and that is a perfect day to come to For the Lulz and give us your money. [address]