
Posts Tagged: 'severus+snape'

Oct. 28th, 2013




I hope that everyone's all right. I wish there was something I could do. Laryngitis is serious stuff.

I've been told to stay in bed so I don't get sick. Are people actually sick, or can they just not talk? That's so odd.

I haven't had a dream in a while, I don't know what to think of that either.

Do you think you can find a potion to help people through this?




I cancelled my class today due to severe laryngitis. Now that I see some virus appears to be going around, I'm wondering if I need to cancel for the entire week. It's impossible to run a lab without being able to give instantaneous verbal feedback. Our cadavers are fragile.

Oct. 25th, 2013




We took my daughter to the pumpkin patch today. She enjoyed painting the pumpkins that we brought home. Got to bed a bit later than normal. I figure, it's Friday. Nothing to do but sleep in in the morning. If she lets us.

Oct. 20th, 2013




My little girl can't decide what she wants to be for Halloween. I think I have to dress up with her though. I'm trying to get her to be something simple.

I'm secretly looking forward to trick or treating though. I do love candy.

Anyone else with kids want to go as a group?

Oct. 19th, 2013




[Blocked from family and Tom Branson]

You know how they say that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life? That isn't true, is it?

Oct. 9th, 2013




I'm 99% sure I just experienced the First Trial of Being A Mom yesterday: vomit in the face. WHY WAS I LIFTING THE BABY? WHY?




I did not miss morning sickness at all. But I think a second child feels a bit different than my first.

I'm pretty sure that I'm done after this one though. Pretty sure.

Sep. 19th, 2013




Arrgh!! Today be talk like a pirate day!!




I was getting dinner tonight, and a young man called me a milf. I've never been called a milf before, it was slightly flattering but mostly creepy.

I keep getting random comments on the street though. It's odd because I've never gotten them before. I wonder what's different.

A word to every man out there: Don't cat call a woman. She doesn't like it.

Sep. 3rd, 2013



[Private to Friends]

Daisy's birthday is on Sunday. She's turning 3. Romana and I are having a gathering at the house for her. There will be plenty of food and drink, and one of those inflatable houses that the kids can jump in.

Please let me know if you can make it.

Aug. 26th, 2013




With each passing full moon, I get even more anxious. I can feel the pull of it more than I did a few months ago, but each month it comes and goes and I remain myself. I'm grateful for that of course, but it causes me to dread the following month and I wonder if it will finally be the month that I change. I don't want to be unprepared, but I also don't want to lock myself up on the off chance that it might happen during that full moon. This is so very nerve wracking. Not to mention, I haven't exactly looked for a place to lock myself up in either. I suppose I should get on that.

Aug. 20th, 2013



Hello there, lovely network of people. My name is Thackery Binx and I am a local veterinarian in the area. My clinic, Binx Animal Hospital, is located over in Laguna Woods. I feel like I'm in the first day of school where you have to introduce yourself to everyone. What else can I say? I'm from Salem, MA and I went to grad school here in California. The lack of winter won me over and I've been here ever since.

Oh, and I'm always looking for people that want to help out around the clinic. Heck, if you just want to come pet animals feel free. My cats love company.

Aug. 15th, 2013




If you die in your dreams, do you think you'll die here?

Aug. 6th, 2013


filtered from X-men and Shepard

It's strange getting used to California. There are some things I may never understand about this place. It's far different from my home. It does have certain charms, though, and I do hope I will enjoy my stay here.

I should introduce myself, as I'm new here. My name is Monica, and I'm a scientist. I moved here for work, and I am still getting used to this place.

Jul. 30th, 2013




Cut for mentions of alcohol abuse and attempted recovery. Also swearing. )

Jul. 29th, 2013




I have to say for around here it has been pretty boring and that's saying a lot. I am thinking I need to organize a new event and flash-mobs are so last year. Any ideas on what it should be? What do people want to do? Maybe one of those run/walk things were people get covered in paint? Charge a small admission fee and donate the money to a charity? Like the local children's hospital for one.

Jul. 27th, 2013




Last night the Doctor turned into a cactus. That's really all I can describe it as. It was hilarious but at the time, it seemed very serious.

Of course at the end of the dream, I was summoned back to Gallifrey. I think I was dreading it. At least that's how I felt.

This next dream should be interesting, I suppose.

Jul. 26th, 2013




I became Headmaster of Hogwarts after Dumbledore. How? I suppose someone had to protect the children from what was to come.


Nat is sick and I just get into that protective daddy mode. I wonder if I'll still be like this when she's a teenager...

Jul. 23rd, 2013




Well, I caved and got myself a cat. He's a bit of an unpredictable thing, but I've named him Sebastian. Looks a bit like a small, domesticated tiger, but seems to think he's a large, wild tiger.

I'm torn between fondness and irritation.




If my dreams could stop giving me stupid powers, I'd appreciate that. I get it, demigod, but... being able to vaguely sense what's essentially the very heartbeat of the universe is just strange.

Jul. 20th, 2013




Has anyone else had dreams about friends being murdered dying? I should have expected something was going to happen. It was a war after all, but I wasn't expecting that.

Jul. 10th, 2013




I had to do it. I couldn't He told me to. He asked me to. He begged me to.

Jul. 9th, 2013




If anyone has suffered serious injury as a result of these events, do let me know. I can't regrow something that's missing, but I can reattach and rebuild pretty effectively.




Gotta say those blue things were great for taking out some aggression, yo! Fireworks to the faces bitches!

Never thought I'd miss being a vampire...




Can you believe it? Alien invasion and my father still expects me to be working. Now, let nobody say that I'm not committed to the cause but, at a time like these last couple of weeks, looking after my family seemed like a more pressing concern than lunch meetings and emails. Is that unreasonable? I didn't think so.

[ Lucrezia ]

Will you be alright if I head back to Sac soon, now that the craziness seems to have calmed donw a little? Mother said you can stay at home for a while. Neither of us like the idea of you being in Irvine alone at the moment.




It seems I arrived just in time to miss all the fun...




Anywhere else I would be considered odd for knowing magic but here it seems to be less of a bad thing and more of a good thing. You never know what you will find outside. I am starting to think that is a good reason not to move back home to Paris... Paris would feel rather boring after this.




Animals are... rather fascinating, really. To wake up to a world where animals can't talk, where it seems almost like whatever plan Dillamond was talking about might've already long come into place... I can understand why some people are so passionate about Animal rights now.

I don't trust the headmistress of Shiz at all either. Madame Morrible. Something about her just... doesn't sit right with me.

Jul. 8th, 2013




A blog is supposed to be where you write down the crap that happens right?

  • Apparently the zombie apocalypse happened and hard as I tried not to, I missed it. I'm still not sure if this is some kind of elaborate prank or actually real and there's a government cover up going on.
  • Drank too much just thinking about it.
  • Wisely did not grab weaponry I may or may not own, and join in the fight.
  • Lunch with my brother Thursday. First time in...hell, ten years or so that we've actually seen each other. Probably longer. Really friggen nervous about it. Not gonna lie.
  • Date on Wednesday. Less nervous about that than I am about my brother, but at this point I'd be less nervous about getting deployed again than whatever Thursday is gonna bring.
  • Bought more alcohol.
  • Considered buying a TV. Decided against it.

That sufficient or you kids want more out of me? Also, how the hell do you go about dating anymore? Picking up people at the bar, sure, I get it. Easy. An actual date? Yeah, no idea. Can't remember.




I do find it a bit alarming that I haven't seen any of those creatures. Where did they all go?

Please tell me it wasn't a hallucination.




Anyone else just see those damn things wander off?

Jul. 6th, 2013



[Locked from Non-Puncturable Whoverse People]

KItty and a TARDIS cookie jar. I kind of want both of them and dear god I am sick of being stuck at work.

Who's up for playing drunk I Never over Skype?




The creatures are really quite fascinating. More so to tear apart.

Jul. 5th, 2013




I have sunburn. I put on sunblock and it didn't work.

I swear I'm going to invent decent sunblock. Also? I'm going to figure out how to make new fireworks that aren't exactly like the fireworks I've been seeing for the past twenty some years. I mean how has no one made fireworks in the shape of the Bat signal? That makes no sense.




I hope everybody had a wonderful July 4th - I've sent my husband into the hospital today with leftovers and a few pies I made.

It's very busy there with all of these terrible attacks and I thought the staff and patients could use a little energy boost.

Also once all this business is sorted - which I hope will be soon - I am offering art classes over the Summer to those who wish to take them. They don't have to be anything too heavy just for fun if you like. I can tailor to suit. Let me know if you would be interested and I will see about booking a room once a week or something.

Jul. 1st, 2013



[To the scientific community]

I've procured a sample of this "husk" and have been running tests to see if there's anything that I can create in the laboratory as an effective weapon against them. I'm afraid that I'm not coming up with as many solutions as I'd like, considering I've never dealt with anything like this before. Though, I have some theories.

If there are others who know more about these creatures than I do, Please contact me to discuss my findings.


I'm rather glad that school is out now. It's too dangerous out there.

I just don't want them out there right now.




The worst part is going to be the smell. And I don't mean those bloody creatures either.


Ugh, those zombie things taste horrible!

Jun. 29th, 2013




I was back at school in my dreams last night. Perhaps the worst time of my life. Of either of my lives. And though it made me strong, I often wish I was stronger.




This documentary on Netflix is just rubbish!

The so-called expert is just far too excited about the prospect of Bigfoot having mammary glands.


I have been told by the junior officers that this is the place to meet new people. I have been also told by the same junior officers that I should do such things.

The name is Auron, chief of police in Irvine. Pleased to meet you.




After all was said and done, I needed a day or two to rest. Now that I'm feeling a little less like I'll sleep forever and eat everything in sight, I should say hello again. Seeing as the Dreams have deigned to age me up, yet again, and I look rather different.

This is going to make life a little annoying.

Nonetheless, hello, all! Meet your new and improved Nate Summers!

Jun. 30th, 2013




This is just getting ridiculous.

It's a good thing these... creatures are so fragile. I never thought I'd be able to use a wheelchair as a weapon I'm half-tempted to just work from home until this passes.

Jun. 29th, 2013




These strange alien not!zombies do not seem able to talk or to do anything but try to kill. And they are rather insistent on it. Thankfully, good old fashioned destruction still works on them.

Definitely not what I had planned when I headed out for my morning coffee, though. I was hoping for a jelly donut, a croissant and coffee, not a strange blue thing and the havoc it caused.




Trigger warning for noncon, implied rape. )

I don't know if I can go to work today, I keep throwing up.

Jun. 24th, 2013




With the Supermoon that we had this weekend, I am extremely glad that my Lycanthropy from my dreams has no bleed over. Obviously I have no idea if it would make a difference since it's also a full moon, but I can't help but think the transformation would be worse, considering the moon is closer to earth tonight.

Jun. 20th, 2013




I think animal shelters are even more heart-wrenching when the animals are all speaking English.

Jun. 19th, 2013




Of course as soon as my daughter saw a talking animal, now she wants one. I'm not sure she's old enough to have the responsibility of looking after it. Which means her parents would have to.

I don't know, it might be worth it. It looks like this is happening all over though. At least the cat didn't teach her any bad manners, I suppose.

Also it seems like the Doctor tends to 'accidentally' put me in harms way a good deal of the time. In this dream I hadn't been kidnapped, but he did accidentally launch me into space in a pod going to a planet that was going to explode. So thank you for that.

It's a bit odd, but all of these aliens seem like they were made out of styrofoam and latex. And possibly bubble wrap. Good grief.

Shall we get this cat?