
Posts Tagged: 'roland+deschain'

Feb. 2nd, 2013




My therapist said I should

I thought I should check this thing out. Hello folks.

Jan. 5th, 2013




I guess fire is not impervious to disease. I was hoping I wouldn't catch whatever is going around since I'm on house-arrest, but it seems the cold was determined. The worst part is I don't get another food delivery until next week and there's no soup or crackers in the house.

Jan. 3rd, 2013




i feel wretched, yes i do!
i feel wretched, how 'bout you?

Jan. 1st, 2013




I wonder how many "bagel injuries" we'll have this week.

Dec. 29th, 2012




I need a god damned drink.

And a better offering of Television, not much on in the way of anything I give a shit about.

Guess I'm heading out to the bars.

Nov. 19th, 2012





What life is like.

What life should be like.

If you disagree, you are wrong.

Nov. 16th, 2012




wtf do i suck at drums

really doesn't make a lick of sense

Nov. 7th, 2012




How many postings on this message board start with "I had the strangest dream last night..."?

Because, well, I had the strangest dream last night.

Oct. 30th, 2012




A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

Oct. 18th, 2012




Discussion time, Valarnet!

When is it ever right/IS it ever right to take the law in your own hands? Even if the law is wrong/right? Cause honestly, it's pretty fucking screwed up right now, and this powerless to stop it thing has got me thinking.




Had a little awesome news. That listening room that asked me to fill in for an opener a while back -- Well, they asked me to come back. Same deal. Twenty-five minute set. Hey, man, I'll take what I can get!

Oct. 14th, 2012



Is this a weekly occurrence?

Oct. 6th, 2012




Does anyone else have dreams while napping, not just while sleeping overnight? Also, does anyone else have dreams that feel like they're not finished?

I don't know what's gonna happen after this dream. It's a bit scary. Not like the last one.

Oct. 4th, 2012




Anyone ever dream of someone they really want to kick the ass of?

Sep. 24th, 2012





Public post, because of things, you know. Bad technology things.

Have a drink with me!

Sep. 23rd, 2012



[Failed private lock to Roland]

Hon? I got shot.


So what the hell is going on in my goddamned bar?

Do I even wanna know?

Sep. 20th, 2012




Really, it's like clockwork - it drizzles a little and suddenly everyone drives as if they're sixteen and were just handed their license. I have no idea why this is, simply that it's so. Everyone seems to either continue merrily speeding along, oblivious to the inclement weather, or if not that, they drive slower than snails. It's intolerable.

Aug. 23rd, 2012



Dreaming of your beloved's face seen through a sniper's scope is... distressing.

Aug. 14th, 2012




I wonder, if he'd not wanted to be on the front lines, if he'd just hung back as I'm sure everyone wished, if he'd have managed to escape. Someone would have insisted he run, I'm sure of it. What would have happened then?

It's strange, dreaming of a king one served in one's dreams.

Jul. 31st, 2012




Okay so we know all about the dangers of assuming a woman is pregnant when she isn't. In fact, it's best not to ask a woman if she's pregnant unless you can actually see a baby emerging from her at that very moment.

But no one ever warned me about the equal danger of knowing a woman is pregnant and pointing said fact out to the brother-in-law of the woman in question. Apparently, it's especially bad when the woman is your boss, and the brother-in-law turns out to be the father, and the husband hasn't got a clue.

So, I lost my job today.

Jul. 22nd, 2012




what the hell is going on? is it the end of days?

Jun. 30th, 2012




[Open to everyone]
So was anyone else's linked situation actually kind of pleasant?

[Locked to Michiru]
If you see this, I need to talk to you. I had an idea and I think you're going to love it. But don't tell Haruka about anything.

[Locked to Roland]

I don't know if this is forward or not, but I'd like to see you in a..non-linked fashion. Like real people.

Jun. 28th, 2012




So, I've sunk into the depths of despair depression a bad funk.

The concert went really well. A lot of people recognized me, which was weird at first, but then it was nice. I guess. I don't know. Maybe not. I feel like crap now. I mean, what happens next, you know?

Roland, you around?

Actually, Kenzi. Are you around?

Jun. 8th, 2012




The problem with running a gun shop is that there are so many convenient weapons sitting around.

You think customer service is a hard job for people who work at places like Wal-mart? THOSE guys don't have access to 100 deadly weapons within reach of their hands.

I could literally put my hand under the counter and find something to do you harm with. There have been so many times that I wanted to.

Guy in my shop acting like a spoiled 10 year old, the laws say you don't get a gun unless you fill out the forms. Those are the laws. I didn't make them, but I sure as hell will uphold them. I work 2 blocks from any number of people who will arrest my ass if I don't.

If you're screaming about needing a gun this badly, you probably don't deserve one anyway.

May. 29th, 2012




Well this is sad news.

Doc Watson Dead at 89

May. 23rd, 2012




It seems I've shifted out of dreams of being a child to dreams of being an old man. I think I will enjoy being an old man. It seemed to suit my temperament. Ignoring the fact that I think I also saw my own death. But what a way to go.

May. 21st, 2012



Rogers and Barnes wouldn't stop harassing me until I checked this thing out.

Name's Tyrael.