
Posts Tagged: 'remy+lebeau+%28gambit%29'

Mar. 26th, 2014




Trigger warnings: alcoholism and recovery as well as bombing stuff, open to all. )

Mar. 22nd, 2014




Okay seriously someone needs to smack Hank. Who's bright idea is to snatch the Xavier's first class from the past and bring them to the present. Like that'll somehow make Scott not crazy.

Mar. 17th, 2014




So my shirt keeps disappearing. Literally, they de-materialize as soon as I get one on. Thankfully what I'm doing today at work doesn't require a shirt, but it's one thing to be shirtless in a gym and a whole other thing to be at the front office or driving around in my car like some kind of back-woods redneck. If this continues I may just go hang out at the beach for a while and work on my tan, maybe hope when I get home tonight that my closet is still intact.

Oh, and Gabriel is a dick.

Mar. 9th, 2014




Sometimes I wonder about the people in our Dreams that haven't shown up yet. In my Dreams, I lead a group of rebels against an evil incantatrix named Mater Motley who wants to destroy every World she's ever heard of. She wants to bring eternal Midnight and let creatures loose to eat the stars and moon and sun. I helped the rebels by making a huge ship with magic, and we fell over the edge of the world we were in, into another one.

I worry. I worry what happened. Sometimes I wonder if this is the world I fell into. maybe I did something, I don't know, my Dreams are strange I just ... I was helping wage war. Now that I'm gone, I'm sure they're fine without me, but it doesn't seem right that I be here, without them.

I'm just weird, I shouldn't think so much. I have an amazing husband (who's quite possibly the most amazing man I've ever met in this world or any other Dream world) and the world's best dog. (Ruby's adorable.)

Maybe I should just get out more.

Mar. 5th, 2014




I've delayed overly much in joining this network, but with my retirement from the NFL being official, I've much time on my hands. What does everyone like to do to enjoy themselves? Miss Siri has many recommendations but I like to hear from real people, as well.

Mar. 4th, 2014




Spring is a really busy time at the Ranch. Not only do we grow a lot of the crops that are used to feed the kids here, but we've also got baby livestock everywhere and now we've even got a baby Eopie to play with.

Remission came right on time, when you think about it. I've had about a month to recover some strength and some weight and I feel like I'm really ready to handle all of this. I just wish I could shake these feelings of foreboding I keep having.

If anybody's curious, the half-inch of hair that's grown back is coming in a sort of mahogany brown instead of black. There's auburn highlights when the sun hits it certain ways.

Feb. 27th, 2014




Candy! We goin' back home, so I can eat this.

I love Mardi Gras.

Feb. 9th, 2014



Locked to X-Men and Candy

So. C'est official; I get to head out to Nevada and start shootin' my movie soon. Might even be there on my birthday - it's in a week; you can save les gifts til I get back, wink wink.

Just wanted to know if anything goin' down I should know about before I head off to be all movie star-y.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




Okay, so I know football's over now, but I saw the Saints' 2014 schedule ... and they playin' Minnesota in the Superdome. Thinkin' I might have to go to that one - just not sure I should take my wife.

Jan. 24th, 2014




Ah can't wait to see you flip that poor cow across the field, just so you know

Wanna try another family meal? We succeeded at the last one okay.

Everything going okay after the OC's fuckery? If you need ta hit something, lemme know.

How are things going chica?

Cajun - when you want to talk?

Ah actually bought myself a few new pieces of clothing. They're not even black. Ah'm feeling impressed with myself.

Jan. 22nd, 2014





I don't recognize half of you as well as I should, and I recognize the rest of you much more than you deserve.

Did you know you'll get arrested for using swimming pools to make pancake batter if they aren't your own swimming pool?

Jan. 16th, 2014




Why is there a pregnant lady in my house?

Jan. 14th, 2014




Oh. oh now ah get why people keep mentioning a certain someone around me. Well ain't that a kicker. It's sad it made me want comfort food almost immediately. Maybe ah'll start up a big ole pot o'gumbo.. Something from home. Maybe some dirty rice, too.

Raven, ah'm totally takin' o'er the kitchen. Ah need comfort food. And time ta think, oui. And maybe a night out to punch people in the face for fun. Gotta digest this new dream.

Jan. 13th, 2014




Sometimes I wonder if it's better that I'm the only one from my dreams that's here. Nobody's died for me while I'm awake. That's a good thing. In my dreams, there were so many.

Jan. 8th, 2014




Because I need a head count for my own, personal reasons... raise your hand if you've had a Dream, and if you're acquainted with me in said Dream.

Dec. 30th, 2013




So, I'll be the one to start the topic. Anybody got resolutions? Anybody think they got a prayer of keepin' em?

I was gonna resolve to be more humble, but I figure the wife will tell me that shit ain't gonna work out.

Dec. 29th, 2013




So I'm sitting in a plane, waiting at a gate. You know how it is when the flight lands and everyone pops up out of their seats like the plane is on fire and they need to jump off of it before they die? And they clog up the aisles run people over trying to get their crap out of the overhead bins.

Like they're monkeys.

I figured - hey, might as well surf the net on my phone while I wait for these assholes to 'Exit the plane in an orderly fashion'. This is the network my phone decided to connect me to. So hi, everyone.

Also - and maybe more importantly - Dad, how are you? You might want to head to the airport.




Had a meeting for a potential photo shoot today and it was going well until they told me they'd like me to lose fifteen pounds. I told them that I prefer not being able to count my ribs and if they want someone who looks like they haven't eaten in weeks then they'd have to find someone else. I refuse to promote an unhealthy look.

Image Viewable to All )

I ask you, where exactly did they expect me to lose fifteen pounds?

Dec. 13th, 2013




My dad is currently doing desserts for a holiday themed wedding, which means that I am in taste-tester heaven at home right now.

Cut for image of delicious cake. )

Orange and almond cake, with cranberries, and a lavender sugar icing. Yes, please.

Dec. 2nd, 2013




All'a you should feel sorry you ain't married to my wife. She not only cooked Thanksgiving dinner for me, she deep-fried the turkey.

It's December, it's cold as shit for this Louisiana boy, but at least I got her to keep me warm. Just hoping no more craziness comes to pass, at least not this year.

Nov. 23rd, 2013




Putain de merde et crise cardiaque. We don't have no fuckin' earthquakes in Louisiana.

Nov. 14th, 2013



Locked from Rogue

Bad mood. Actually gettin' tired of sittin' at home waiting for my brain to mouth filter to come back. And sure I'm drivin' ma femme completely nuts.

Had more dreams. Dreamt me an' Rogue got our powers taken away. Were makin' a nice life out of it. And then we was needed - fuckin' Elias Bogen - so Sage jump started us both. Merci bien, honey. I think. Starting to fuckin' bug me that Anna Marie don't even remember me. I don't want her back or nothin' - but it'd sure be nice to have somebody else who was right there, who gets me.

At least we ain't shooting my part for a few weeks yet.




Well this 'truth telling' thing that's going on is certainly enlightening, I'm trying to be an understanding person but some people need to accept that they should just keep quiet and go home.

Nov. 10th, 2013




Outta curiosity. Ain't nobody here named Sage, is there?

Nov. 8th, 2013




Yes, mall, keep playing Christmas carols. I might just happen to summon imps in all of your stores. You know. Accidentally.

I swear, it's like eventually they're going to just try to move the day of the holiday until we have some weird Hallowanksgivemaskuahnzayear.

Oct. 29th, 2013




I don't cuss a lot, but fuck today.

Oct. 27th, 2013




Holy shit, this one's awful. Maybe we should have a list of everyone affected so that we don't walk up to them and start talking and freak them out more?

Lordy Lou, this is ... I can't even imagine.

Oct. 22nd, 2013




Cut for violence/child abuse/penal system, but viewable to all. )

Oct. 13th, 2013



Trigger Warnings: Abuse

Got another text.

Who here said they'd help me file a restraining order?

Oct. 11th, 2013





Oct. 7th, 2013




The one time I actually want some fuckery.


Oct. 6th, 2013




We've finished casting for Deyanira. I'm looking forward to shooting this movie. The character is a different sort of woman than Black Widow was. That makes me very happy.

Oct. 3rd, 2013



Hello, all. My name is Ororo Munroe. I'm originally from Portland, but moved here about ten years ago to work for Operation Go Home, which helps homeless youth, with a special focus on LGBTQ kids. I love my job, and genuinely find it rewarding.

In my off time, which isn't much, I'm a food blogger; you can find it online at [web url]. I'm divorced and live in Mission Viejo with my cat. I hope to meet you all eventually.

Sep. 22nd, 2013





The Greatest Debate! Which side are you on? )

Sep. 20th, 2013




Ah will NEVER understand people. Seriously. Who the fuck reaches out and grabs someone's hair and goes "OHMYGAWD IS THAT NATURAL?" in a high pitched squeal, as they be tugging on my white hairs. Seriously. grow up. Leave mah hair alone. Don't touch. Don't gawk. Ah've got ENOUGH problems, ah don't need yer damn advice "oh dye it to match the rest?" ah tried that once. it didn't take. Ah don't need to hear six different types of dye to try. Get yer damn hands off my damn hair.

This is not the first time today that's happened, either. Are people in a mood or something ta be annoying?

Sep. 18th, 2013




Does anybody know how to figure out who called you when they blocked their number? Or texted?

It's either a totally not funny prank text, or my dad found me. One of them will result in me changing, my number.

Cut for TW: alcoholism. )

Sep. 16th, 2013




Yay! The dog that Remy found wasn't microchipped and nobody's claimed her yet, so meet our new dog Ruby!

Jubilee, before you ask, NO IT IS NOT PRACTICE FOR HAVING KIDS.

Sep. 10th, 2013



I think I need to do tests on the water supplies of the surrounding areas: everyone is acting very strangely the last few days.

I don't think it's culture shock on my part for having moved to California, either.

Sep. 8th, 2013




Cut for image, open to all. )

Pete and I made a baby. Everybody, meet Zelda Katherine.

Sep. 5th, 2013




I cannot believe I'm watching Ragin' Cajun Redneck Gators. The title alone screams sheer stupidity and loss of brain cells. Clearly I wasted my entire high school and majority of college career on basketball. The real money is in writing stupid monster movies for Syfy. Apparently anything will green lit.

I'm thinking of Sharkadile or Sharkagator. Or Sharkadile vs. Sharkagator. I'll make....thousands?

Sep. 4th, 2013




I did not realize that selling marital aids to old European women would be quite so exhausting! I feel it mostly in my calves and my hip flexors. I do wish I had someone to massage them for me, but alas.

I will need a show of hands: who missed me?

Sep. 3rd, 2013




I've been having the same dreams for so long I forgot what new ones feel like. It's funny, but I totally forgot Sinister was even a big deal in the dreams. Don't even ask me how that happened. I guess I just didn't dream enough about him.

I don't know why he'd want to attack me, but the dream ended on a cliffhanger. Like it's the season finale of my crappy dreams and they want me to tune in.

Aug. 23rd, 2013



Jubilee and I are going to have a big party with cake to celebrate how awesome we are. Everybody is invited.

EDIT: September 14th is the day of the party.

Aug. 21st, 2013




I'm curious, those of you who have had some form of physical change as a result of the dreams, how have you dealt with it? Yesterday I woke up to find that my eyes have changed, not only color, but my pupils have changed as well. My eyes now appear to be more feline in appearance. I plan to try colored contacts, but I'm sure they will only be a temporary fix.

Aug. 18th, 2013




I know you have all probably been waiting for this news with baited breath, but Tony and I have decided on a date for our next wedding; November 16th. It's going to be a small ceremony here in Orange County at a local church. Invitations will be going out soon, but this wedding will be limited in attendees. We feel having a smaller ceremony will be best for everyone involved considering... everything. We're hoping this will be the last attempt and we won't have to cancel our honeymoon plans again.

Aug. 14th, 2013




Those of you who've had physical changes from the dreams - how did they happen? Did you wake up all at once changed, or was it gradual? I think I might ... shift a bit, and I'm scared I'll be at work and then BAM.

Aug. 7th, 2013




I think I need more popcorn.

Aug. 4th, 2013




How do you make a penis stop freaking out?

Aug. 1st, 2013




Randomly: I never heard that Remy might be a girl's name in some cultures. Saw this Egyptian fille on TV with that name and she was crazy. Worries me.

Not-so-randomly: It's too damn quiet 'round here. Makin' me nervous.

Jul. 30th, 2013




Cut for mentions of alcohol abuse and attempted recovery. Also swearing. )