
Posts Tagged: 'regulus+black'

Sep. 24th, 2018




I never knew it was possible to be banned from parent teacher conferences, but I have been. Apparently the girls teacher didn’t appreciate being called an idiotic twat for failing Madison on a spelling test just because she had capitalized the first letter of each word. Well, that and telling me she didn’t understand why I was so upset that she’d mixed the girls names up since ‘they’re identical’.

First off - I’m upset because you don’t seem to understand that, while they are identical twins, they are separate individuals with distinct personalities. Which anyone with half a brain would see if they paid attention for five damn minutes while in the room with them. And you, their teacher, are trying to behave and treat them as if they’re interchangeable. Secondly - you made my daughter feel like she was stupid over some arbitrary spelling rule that you yourself admitted not having told the kids beforehand. And the final reason I’m upset with? As an educator the teacher didn’t see any problem with either of those two things. So yes I called her an idiotic twat, and I don’t regret it and absolutely would again.

I guess it’s a good thing my fiance can go to these meetings for them. Although I do hope their teacher isn’t expecting him to go any easier on her than I did if he doesn’t like how she’s treating our girls.

There’s probably no way that we can have them moved to a different class, is there? Or is this where you’re going to tell me it’s early in the year and I should give it some more time to see if it gets any better?

Sep. 16th, 2018




I’m enjoying my new job, working in the library of the girl’s elementary school. It makes more sense for me to be the one taking them, since we’re going to the same place. But instead of putting their car seats in my car, Am’s decided to take the lazy way out and just switch cars with me. ...Although from what I understand about car seats, they’re nearly impossible to get in right so I kind of can’t blame him for that. It still is weird, I’ve had my car since college.

Being a library assistant in elementary school is a completely different experience than working in a college. I don’t just check books in and out or reshelve them, I’m also having to teach kids how to use the library. You can tell which kids don’t come from families that read a lot, they’re the most lost about the whole process. I’m trying to suggest books to them more. I’m hoping it might help make book lovers out of them.

Jul. 26th, 2018




This is equal parts hilarious, horrible, and makes me really really want some good Chinese food. Even if I doubt they’d make fun shaped dumplings for us this way.

Jul. 24th, 2018




I seriously have to question people’s judgement at times. I had a meeting with a new client tonight, well a potential new client, at a nightclub they were interested in booking for their party that I was supposed to plan. They called to tell me they were running a few minutes late and I didn’t think anything of it because traffic can be rough I know and I was able to use the time to look the place over more, get more of an idea of what we could do with it.

All of it sounds good right? Until they text me to let me know I have to meet them outside because the bouncer won’t let them in with their TODDLER. Who the hell brings a toddler to a nightclub and expects to be let in? And if that wasn’t enough to make me seriously question whether I wanted this job that badly or not when I finally got a chance to talk to them face to face I found out that the party they wanted to throw was for the child’s birthday. They thought it would be fun to have their third birthday in a club because that’s where they were conceived.

Jul. 6th, 2018




Maybe I should have done something about the heat today.

Jul. 4th, 2018




One of these days I’m really going to need to learn to cook. Either that or learn to control myself a little better when I pop in places to grab a bite. Or ask to be seated way in the back where there’s little chance of entitled assholes being sat near me. This ass and his wife, who was probably just as bad as him, even though she didn’t say anything so I can’t be sure, came in and got sat at the table near mine and immediately started berating the poor waitress because she told them she’d be right with them while on her way to drop off another tables orders. Then when she did come to give them their menus and take their orders, he snapped at her that they didn’t need the menu because they already knew what they wanted - they were going to eat it and go. After she took his order he told her they were in a hurry because they were going to be late to their church service so needed it brought out right away and then he proceeded to throw a fit loud enough to get everyone in the places attention when she told him there were tickets ahead of his in the back but she’d bring his order out as soon as it was ready.

I couldn’t help myself. I just had to ask why if they were that short on time that he couldn’t wait his turn - they hadn’t picked a less busy place to eat? You could see from the parking lot that the place was packed! And even if he somehow missed all the cars out there there is no possible way he could have missed every table and the counter full.

Jun. 28th, 2018




I love my baby

Image )

Jun. 27th, 2018




Is talking about your dreams something that happens here a lot? I've noticed a lot of posts to this thing mention them. Is there some kind of study you people are all involved in?

May. 28th, 2018




So I had more dreams about Triple G Ranch last night. I made a deal with the ranch owner, Geryon, that if I could clean the stable of his man eating horses, he'd let us all go. Yeah, I said man eating horses. So first I tried using the nearby river, but the water nymph there wouldn't help me, but she did tell me that water is always with me, so I was actually able to make water appear by throwing petrified sea shells at the horse dung and causing springs to appear.

Of course when I got finished, I found that Geryon had tied up my friends and reminded me that since he hadn't swore on the River Styx our deal was void. I ended up killing Geryon though my shooting an arrow through his body sideways, cause he had three bodies so I had to hit all three of his hearts in order to kill him.

After all of that Nico refused to go with us. We ended up summoning Bianca's ghost and found out she was sending me the Iris messages of what Nico was planning and told him to forgive me cause her death wasn't my fault, but he still refused to go with us.

So now I guess we're gonna go back into the Labyrinth again.

May. 27th, 2018




I haven't talked a whole lot about my Dreams here, mainly because they are a fucking mess and make little to no sense and the more I had the less sense they made. One thing I took away is that I was murdered a whopping three different times! Three! For some reason the third time apparently was the charm. But that wasn't even the craziest thing the Dreams apparently did.

Like, for example, did all of you fine people know that because elementary schools are often used as polling places for elections, the people who are actually in charge of the country is the Department of Education and that said Department of Education is actually being controlled by the Japanese who are using the schools in order to brainwash children into being sleeper agents, or something...I'm not entirely sure.

Not even kidding.

My Dreams are like some kind of fever-fueled conspiracy theory.

May. 26th, 2018




Well the brilliance of my dreamself just continues - it's not enough to keep the fact that I'm dead from my two oldest friends, we're opening the house up to find a fourth roommate. Because there's no possible way that could be a bad idea. I mean - I can fool a complete stranger right? This is going to go so bad so fast I know.

May. 22nd, 2018




So is this where everyone comes to let out their feelings? I approve!

May. 14th, 2018




Sometimes you have to let go of people because you love them. I’m really going to miss Jess. She’s been my best friend since freshman year of college. But she got an opportunity to transfer to the New York brach, with a promotion. And I know how much her last Dream took out of her and we almost lost her... I can’t fault her for jumping at the chance. I promised to skype every weekend and go visit sometime this summer. After all, I’m going to miss my furry nephews, and the girls will miss their aunt.

Amycus is trying to bribe me not to be too sad about it, and brought home a new best friend for me from the animal shelter. I’m not sure if he’s full siamese or not, but I’ve always loved them. He has the biggest eyes and has already claimed Aslan as his favorite bed. He’s not that bright, but he’s beautiful and sweet and loud. I just need help naming him.

Laurel and Madison got to pick out their own new friend there, too. We aren’t sure what sort of dog he is, to be honest. But he’s supposed to get really big as he grows up, at least that’s what the volunteers think. They think he might be part shepherd of some sort? So now they have two guard dogs. Well, one is still a puppy. But you know what I mean.They’re calling him Chip, because his coat looks like chocolate chip cookies. Aslan has adopted the puppy and kitten both as his own. So at least we don’t have to worry about him being jealous.

May. 2nd, 2018



filtered away from xena;

I've married someone in the dreams.

He's a good man, and I know I love him. I think I'm in love with him. But here, I'm in love with someone else. I know it shouldn't matter, and that I'm not the same person here as I was there. The same way I know this is the only life I have any control over.

So why do I feel like I'm betraying them both?




Well it would seem that my mother still knows how to get me to do things. She wanted me to pick up riding again even though I live here. She couldn’t get me to agree through asking so she started by buying the girls and then Regulus horses, knowing full well that I wouldn’t be able to say no to any of the three of them asking me to go horseback riding with them. And that eventually my business sense would kick in and make me realize how foolish it was to keep renting a horse every time.

So allow me to introduce everyone to the newest member of our little family - “Cut )

Apr. 29th, 2018




I haven’t had a Dream in a while, but not only did I have one last night, I woke up with presents. ...Still no broom, but life doesn’t always give you what you want. the only thing I want from the dreams is the br

I was a Fifth year in the dream… I guess that’s a bit like sophomore here, judging from the ages? I was chosen as my house and year’s Prefect, which is something like a glorified hall monitor with tutoring duties for the younger kids. I was incredibly proud to be picked. And my parents were proud of me. Not… really something I can say I’ve felt here since I was sixteen. It was really weird, feeling that in the dreams.

My brother was less than thrilled. I guess he thought I was going to follow around and snitch on him and his friends. Also a weird feeling. We’ve always been so close here.

When I woke up, I not only had the little green and silver pin they gave me for being chosen as prefect, but I also had my wand as well. I guess I get to ask my boyfriend how to use it. Mine didn’t come with the memories of all the spells I learned…. In the meantime, it’s been locked up in his safe before our dog thinks it’s something to play fetch with.

Apr. 25th, 2018




So I didn’t play my Tsum Tsum game for awhile because I just didn’t have time, but I found myself with a few minutes today and started the game up and it hit me for the first time - a lot of the female Disney characters that you can get seem to have been reduced to nothing more than a way to summon in their canon love interests when you use their ability. And I’m really not sure I like that in a game that I know kids play on their parents phones.

Apr. 22nd, 2018




Are we expecting another weird OC weather event that no one told me about? I went to three grocery stores, and every one of them was completely wiped out of white bread. Not just one brand, but the entire section. Even the store brands. I mean, I’m not that picky, but I live with two little girls (and a boyfriend) who won’t touch whole wheat bread, so that wasn’t really an option.

I didn’t really want to go to yet another store, so this week everyone’s getting wraps instead of sandwiches for their lunches.

Apr. 10th, 2018




After years of nothing, my dreamself allowed himself to believe that the wizard he was allied with had been killed. I should have known better here than to believe I’d get off that easy because - Voldemort’s back and my idiot self there is ready to go running right back to his side and start doing his bidding again. If I was ever going to curse someone it’d be myself in the dreams

I know a lot of people want to know what the next dream is going to bring for them. I just want to know when mine are going to be over because I’m tired of having to see myself doing such moronic things.

Mar. 26th, 2018




I have to replace my entire bedroom set. And the carpet. And probably my front door because even though my dad’s tried to repair it I still don’t think I’m going to feel very safe sleeping there. Maybe I should just sell the house and get a fresh start all together

Mar. 17th, 2018




Pretty sure bikini season is over for me forever. But then so are the dreams. Or at least I think they are. I hope they are

Mar. 16th, 2018




Well it looks like dreamMe hasn’t been quite as quiet in his activities as he thought since he’s got Aurors trying to arrest him for using the Unforgivable Curses. I’m pretty disappointed in my dream world’s law enforcement since he managed to escape them and I think went into hiding. Which...I guess just like here, money makes easier.

Mar. 15th, 2018




Et tu, Newman?

Cut for Image )

Mar. 14th, 2018




Does anyone know someone who needs some furniture? Or the best place to donate some to make sure it gets to someone who really needs it? I’m moving in with Amycus, so I won’t really need most of it anymore. It would just take up room. I’m taking my desk and chair, I like them and I’ll need a place to write, ...and my bookshelves are coming with me too. The rest I’m ready to pass along.

Feb. 24th, 2018




All I wanted to do was go grab my allergy medicine. It was just a refill, I would be in and out. Why not wait around at the drug store for it? I could even get some of those gummy vitamins for the girls. After all the pharmacy wasn’t that busy.

And then this guy came in. With a old portable radio, blasting this one gospel song over and over. Yelling to people about god. Because that’s exactly what people waiting in line at the pharmacy want to listen to. Each time the song ended, he put it back on the previous track. Any time anyone complained or tried to talk over him and it, he put it on louder.

Look, whatever your beliefs are, they’re your beliefs. Everyone has the right to or right from whatever they want to believe. But trust me, you aren’t winning people to your side if you do stuff like this. You aren’t going to convert anyone. Well, you might find people converting away from your church. But definitely not to it.

And now I am mentally exhausted because I haven’t been yelled to about religion this much since I left my parents’ house.

Feb. 23rd, 2018




I had the strangest dream. My mother and father were there, and my sister, Lila. We lived in this little village called Poteidaia. It was beautiful, peaceful, but I wasn't happy there.

Feb. 21st, 2018




I always thought parents were suppose to be the supportive type. You know, the kind that tell their kids they can do whatever they set their minds to and that they can be whatever they want to be. It seems my parents are the 1% in that area, both real and dream like.

I know they're just trying to protect me, want me to be safe, but telling your kid to settle?

I have a feeling I know what my next dream might be.

Feb. 19th, 2018



Things got weird. There's that. I love this place please note the sarcasm.

Feb. 9th, 2018




I never in my life thought I’d be saying this but - books can have sex. I had to go track down a book that was missing from the campus library. The easiest way to do that was to take it’s companion volume with Quentin and I. It led us to a hedge witches safe house and while I was tracking down the missing book - and then trying to ignore the rather enthusiastic reunion going on behind me - Quentin was talking to his old friend Julia. I don’t trust that girl for some reason

Feb. 3rd, 2018




Now that this disaster has managed to be averted, I’m going to take it on myself to make a bit of a public service announcement. Do all of us a favor if you get world ending crap from your dreams and don’t store it under your bloody bed! There’s a magic guild in the area that has a place that shit can be stored safely so that it doesn’t get stolen.

Jan. 31st, 2018




Have you ever told two six year old girls that they don't need to take a bath? Scratch that, that they can't take a bath? Dear lord, you would think that I told them that Christmas came again and their birthday was early. I've never seen anyone be more excited to be told not to do something!

I mean, it's going to make it all the harder to get them into one when the water situation is fixed, but it's entertaining as hell right now watching them chant "NO BATHS NO BATHS" while running around the house.

I don't know if bathing in the water can make you as sick as drinking it, we just really don't want to take the chances right now.

Jan. 21st, 2018




Our girls favorite Christmas gift has to be the one that was waiting here for them at home when we got back to Orange County. It’s a little electric car, except it’s shaped like a princess carriage instead of a jeep the way most kid cars are. I have to call them in from the yard where they’ve been playing with it almost every afternoon for dinner, and it’s hard to get them to come in. You can only extend “Just five more minutes!” so many times, after all.

I haven’t gotten to ride the horse Am’s parents gave me yet, but her quarantine time is almost up, and I’ve been learning on the girls’ horses on the weekends. I can’t wait until I can take my first lesson on Mistfall, though. She’s seriously the sweetest horse I’ve ever met. Not that I’ve met that many, but still. I’m a little less afraid of how big horses are because she’s just so gentle.

Meanwhile I’ve started research for my next book. And hopefully I can get started on it soon.

Jan. 12th, 2018




Not at all the type of welcome home I’d have wanted following my holiday, but I should have been expecting something. The man my dreamself has allied himself with has disappeared, but not before killing one of the couples leading the opposition to him. I don’t think that’s going to be the end of it. Of him and his followers. But I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

Dec. 29th, 2017




It’s weird. It’s been such a long time since I’ve had a dream, I almost hoped that I was through having them. But no. I’m not even at home, and the dreams have followed me to England. Which. I guess is fitting since I’m from London in my dreams.

This one doesn’t even follow the other dreams, it’s earlier. From before I was in Hogwarts. One of my cousins, Andromeda, ran away from home and married a muggleborn. Her name was singed off of the family tapestry because of it. I’m wondering why dream me is thinking of this now? Or did visiting London just sort of...jump start these dreams again?

Nov. 21st, 2017




I’m kind of excited that for once, I get to experience a snowy christmas while actually expecting snow. I think knowing it’s coming and being ready for it will make it five hundred times more enjoyable. Maybe I can build my first snowman this year? See if I can get the girls to help me in a snowball fight?

I’m really nervous about meeting Amycus’ parents, though. Excited, but really nervous. I’ve never gotten to do the whole meet the whole family thing, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to act.

Nov. 18th, 2017




Anytime someone shows up in the middle of the night at your house to talk about a relative? Just know it’s bad news. Dean finally made an appearance in my Dreams last night to tell Sam their father had gone missing on a hunting trip and ask for Sam to go with him. DreamMe isn’t thrilled at the idea of him taking off right before his law school interview... but it’s his dad. Family’s important and needs to come first, right? I just hope they find their dad okay and everybody can get a good laugh over the boys worrying over nothing.




Tickets are bought, passports are up to date, all that’s left is waiting for the 24th when Regulus, the girls, and I will be on a plane to visit my parents for six weeks. Hopefully my clients won’t drive the rest of my office too nuts with what they get up to while I’m away and I won’t have to deal with a lot of overseas calls eating into my vacation.

Nov. 13th, 2017




Any doubts I had about what type of man I might be in the Dreams just went out the window with this last one. I saw myself killing someone. Using magic to torture them and I was enjoying it. In the dream I was enjoying inflicting that type of pain on them. I still feel sick just thinking about it

Nov. 8th, 2017




Citywide message board? Huh, that's kinda neat. Pretty handy and a little on the weird side. This seems more like Iris's thingBut hey. I'm pretty new to the area, in search of decent coffee. Keep in mind here the key word is decent. Starbucks does not make the cut. They only make me sad. And get my name wrong. It's only two syllables. how?

Oct. 18th, 2017




Is it weird to be excited about trick or treating again? I haven’t gone since I was a little kid, and I am really looking forward to taking the twins out this year, then coming back home to watch movies while we hand out candy. I wasn’t much for parties in college, so while I did go sometimes with friends… I am honestly a homebody. Trick or treating and candy duty honestly are my idea of a great Halloween.

I am probably going to go overboard buying candy. My parents were always the type to turn their lights off early, because of “kids being bussed in to the neighborhood” ...I can afford to give some poorer kids some extra fun size kit-kats.

Oct. 17th, 2017




I wait all year for Count Chocula, Booberry and Frankenberry cereal to hit the shelves.

This year I'm stocking up.

Oct. 14th, 2017




Looks like I wasn't the only one with really bad luck today.

First, my dog literally ate my homework then my car broke down on the way to class. AAA went to the other end of town and by the time they did get to me it was too late for me to actually go to class so I emailed my professors and one of them told me I'd only have until Monday's class to make up the work. Then I went to work and ended up breaking about a dozen bottles at the bar.

This day just needs to end.

Oct. 13th, 2017




I know I've been quiet on this network lately. It was a dream thing. The creepy, icky kind of dream thing, so you've been warned.

He told me he was going to cut off my ear and he started to do it. I woke up in this life -
without the ear, bleeding, confused, and then there was some of that crazy OC stuff to add to the whole mess. I've been trying to get back on track with my classes and work ever since.

I can hear on that side still. The sound is muffled and it's harder for me to tell which direction a sound is coming from. It'll be trickier to cover up than the scar on my neck, but I'm finding ways.

How's everyone else? Still in one piece?

Oct. 12th, 2017




So today is National Coming Out Day. The first person that I ever told I was gay was my friend Daphne when we were fifteen. I told my parents not long after that and unlike in my dreams, they were both incredibly supportive of me. I had been scared that they wouldn't be, but I'm lucky enough to have a great family and great friends who always accepted and supported me. I know that not everyone is as lucky to have that sort of support system, and if any of those people are here and ever want to or need to talk, I'm a pretty good listener.

Oct. 10th, 2017




Okay. I take it back. My Dreams did figure out a way to make things even more awkward for my real life. Apparently DreamJess decided it was a good idea to move in with her boyfriend. Of a year. That she'd only met when they got set up on a blind date.




Well thanks to my daughters the plan I had to surprise their grandparents when we go to visit after Thanksgiving got ruined. Mum knows now that Regulus and I have been working to make sure he has everything he needs to come with us to visit for the holidays. She’s very excited to finally get to meet him and a part of me is afraid that I’m going to be having to arrange transport for another horse since Laurel mentioned him going on rides with them.

Sep. 26th, 2017




And in the latest round of trying to put on a show while in Orange County.... getting props together and prop muskets and rapiers suddenly become actual weapons. And the set piece of the guillotine that's under construction? Now an actual guillotine. Because of course it is. At least we're only in rehearsals and haven't gotten to actually using said props instead of being in production.

I swear, I'm beginning to think I should start a blog on what to expect when putting on shows in Orange County.

Sep. 25th, 2017



posted around 8am

It's not even October, but there's a blizzard at my offices. There's already six inches of snow on the ground.

Sep. 24th, 2017





Does anyone have antibacterial spray? And ear plugs?

Sep. 19th, 2017




And just when I thought the dreams couldn’t possibly make my life any more awkward here - I have a dream about my one year anniversary with Sam. And wake up to see my amazing boyfriend Doug laying beside me in our bed. I like my real life better than my dream one.