
Posts Tagged: 'pidge+gunderson'

Sep. 10th, 2019




Wow, so I got a recommendation to check this place out for meeting people and connecting to folks around Orange County, but I'm starting to wonder if this is just a little bit too strange, even for me!

Is everyone okay?? It really seems like you're having a bad week.

Sep. 9th, 2019




Just laying on the floor in my workshop

I can hear the heartbeats of practically everyone in this building why did I hire so many people that was a mistake they're all very loudly alive right now

This guy won't stop bringing me coffee I'm glad I didn't ask Anna to do it because she's even more loudly alive than regular people

Gonna die on this floor with coffee cups on the floor around me like some kind of shrine




Oh dear. I was forced to return home from work early today, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to return or even leave my home at all.

I am most certain that this sudden urge to devour my crew is not from my dreams. What in the devil is happening to me?

Sep. 8th, 2019




I realise I'm going to hell for this and probably a million other things (do you think Jesus cares about grand theft donut if you do your time?) but-

There's a dunkin I'm NOT banned from near the place I'm doing my community service and ... I fell down the damned pumpkin cinnamon rabbit hole. FUCK this stuff is good. It isn't at all like drinking a pumpkin pie and now I'm gonna have to buy at least three more before I go home.

Sep. 5th, 2019




Well, that was fun. Dreams are getting weirder and weirder. I went with Betty to the convent where her parents had her sister locked up. They claimed she had a break down after a fight with Jason, the kid who was murdered. But she says they were going to run away together, and start a new life far away from Riverdale. Oh, and she's pregnant.

That was a twist I didn't see coming. Definitely gives her dad, Betty's dad, a real motive to kill the guy, but I don't know. That doesn't feel right. He isn't the friendliest or the nicest guy around, but I don't really think he's a killer. I'm just not sure who is, or who would want to kill a kid like Jason. I mean, I've thought about it. He's a stupid jerk face jock who liked to pick on people like me who are definitely not jocks, but thinking about it and doing it are two very different things.

[Private to Self]
I can't believe Dream!me kissed the girl. It's weird, having those sorts of feelings. Because I don't. And I don't want that. Augh. So many people my age get all wrapped up in someone else and it's not cool. I want to live my life for me, not for her or whatever. I'm really hoping these dreams don't try to make me fall in love with Betty Cooper of all people. No. Just no.

Aug. 8th, 2019




The Hubble telescope has taken a new portrait of Jupiter. The Great Red Spot is shrinking, which is intriguing to see. I've always been fascinated with the swirling clouds of the giant planet in our solar system. It's certainly one of the more striking planets to look at up close.

Jul. 21st, 2019




Someone please explain why adult men find it funny to try and claim they made the bill they’re paying with just that morning after they see it get checked with the counterfeit detector pen. This has been happening every day for the past two weeks to my cashiers. Different guys, but the same exact joke. And today the guy saying it actually got pissed off that everybody didn’t laugh about it like it was the funniest thing we’d ever heard. Sorry but we’ve heard it over a dozen times and it wasn’t that funny to begin with.

And the fact that other people have found it funny? Means absolutely nothing to me. Either they have a different sense of humor or, what I think is the case, they were workers who had to laugh either to get a tip out of you or just to keep their job, since according to my new hire the fact that I’ve said that as long as they aren’t rude as shit to the customers I don’t care what they do so long as they’re professional. They don’t have to laugh at the crappy jokes or joke around them if they don’t want. Just be polite and don’t make me have any guest complaints to deal with.

Jul. 19th, 2019




I am getting super annoyed with spam bots blowing my phone up. No matter how many numbers I block, there's still just as many each day as there was the last. Part of me wants to just keep my phone on silent to avoid them, but what if it's my parents, my boss, Alice, people I actually want to talk to?

And why do they have to blow my phone up when I'm trying to sleep? I have a month left of vacation before I go back to working towards two degrees. I'm not blowing your phones up in the middle of...

...You know what, is anyone here good at hacking? So we could figure out who owns these spam bots and give them the same wakeup calls?

Jul. 16th, 2019




That wasn't something I wanted to relive. Fucking dreams

Looks like coffee is going to be my best friend today. Though at least this gives me an early start to work. Gotta look on the plus side of waking up at an ungodly hour of the morning, right?




Late nights.

Early mornings.

Definitely burning the candle at both ends but it’s all good, the hair of the dog works miracles.

Still can’t find my sunglasses though which sucks.




The worst part of being an alien is there are less than two alcoholic drinks I can safely drink and forget about anything with too much sugar.

Or vegetable based sauces.

I still have Li's recipes but I'm not exactly a good enough cook to really replicate them.

As evidenced by the charred remains of my stove...




I've found it useful to continue to write these Dreams down as soon as I can after waking from them. In this one tonight, I dreamed of ten thousand years of living.

Once we'd stopped the demons, our society settled into new roles. While many of the men slept in the Emerald Dream as part of a pact with a demi-god, we women, warriors and priests and hunters, took up a long vigil, to be ready should the Burning Legion return.

The use of arcane magics was forbidden, as that was thought to have led to the corruption of the highborne caste, those who had formerly ruled us. Those that insisted upon practicing it were exiled.

But the worst threat in that ten thousand year watch was the insectoid Silithid. We fought a war against them and barricaded them behind a magical wall.

I expect that one day they may find a way around it, but until then, that is one less threat to worry about.

When I woke, I had been hearing reports of strange green warriors at our borders. Whatever they are, my sentinels are sure to make short work of them. Those who enter the forests of Ashenvale with ill intent do not emerge.

Jul. 12th, 2019




So I just had the weirdest dream. And in that dream everyone was calling me Jughead. What the hell kind of name is Jughead? But I mean, it was definitely me. I was writing a book, a novel actually, about a kid who got murdered in a small town, and there's a lot of mystery around it. I don't know. Maybe Jughead was my pseudonym? It felt right, though. When people called me that. It felt like my actual name.

Jul. 11th, 2019




Oh fuck no! This might be the most fucking terrifying thing I have ever seen. Why would anyone want to do this?

Jul. 10th, 2019




So, hi, I guess? I'm Forsythe. I know. It's a terrible name. But it's mine, so. I mean, what can you do? I've thought about changing it, but it's such a hassle and I don't even know what I'd call myself. I've been Forsythe my whole like. The Third, by the way. My grandparents thought it was a great idea to call their son The Second, and he made me the Third. It would mean more if, you know, we got along. But whatev. It is what it is.

Sorry. I'm rambling. I tend to do that. I get on a subject and it's like I don't know how to shut up. I know when. I mean I'm aware I should have stopped typing about a dozen sentences ago, and yet here we are. And I'm still typing. I'm a writer, that's what I do. But I'll stop now. because it's the thing to do. Right. This is me, stopping. Hi.

Jul. 4th, 2019




It's July 4th and while some of us are probably pretty cranky about the 'murrica feels, I myself welcome any reason to party.

So I bought out the local water park for the day. We've got bouncy castles, all the grilled food you can handle, a DJ who isn't trying to play Americana songs every three seconds, and probably more fireworks than are strictly legal going off as soon as the sun cooperates with us and gets its ass gone for the day.

Bring your sunscreen and swimwear and come on over. Even if you had other plans. We're gonna be here for a while, por que no los dos?

Jun. 19th, 2019




Is there such a thing as contact drunk? I need to know if I should switch my cashier to bagging orders or something after the amount of alcohol fumes she just got in the face dealing with one guest. Drunk people and registers are not an adventure I want.

Jun. 17th, 2019




Perhaps it is a sign of my old age where I am actually happy to be home from sea instead of just looking at it as a necessary break between missions. This certainly wasn't the case when I was younger. Though, perhaps, I do not have all the things waiting for me at home that I had hoped I would have at this stage of my life, I suppose I have enough.

Pidge )

Elijah and Hayley )

Alain )

Jun. 6th, 2019




For those that enjoy stargazing, this month is going to provide a spectacular view of Jupiter and its largest moons. There's no need for a high powered telescope either, you can easily see them with just a pair of binoculars. It's a beautiful sight to behold

Jun. 5th, 2019




Woah...I think I just got Inceptioned. A vision from a dream in reality?...freaky. It's like a Hitchcock movie in my head right now. It can stop any time. Dead birds from the sky. I really hope that isn't a thing here.

But hey we stopped the invasion of metas?

Jun. 4th, 2019




So not only did my dad's metal dog, K-9, apparently write a song about his thoughts and feelings, but also he found a program to....record it.

Then he sent it to me.

[audio file able to be played]

Not going to lie, kinda confused. And not sure if this is his attempt at saying he wants to stay with me here instead of travelling the universe with my dad or what.




I need a sign that says "Do not touch me" for when I'm on the bus because people here clearly do not understand what headphones and looking down at your phone mean. It means 'I don't want to talk' for anyone who was uncertain. It doesn't mean keep tapping me on the shoulder until I give up what I'm doing to talk to you to get you to leave me alone. Why do people think that just because they're okay with being touched by strangers that everyone else is?

Jun. 1st, 2019




Thanks for the tranq dart to the ass, Legal, I think it prevented this hangover from turning into a day at the hospital.

So I'm laying in some cozy corner of this after party mess trying to recover from waking up from being tranq'd when this plucky red-head comes in with coffee, chocolate, and a cleaning crew.

You guys, I think I might keep her.

May. 13th, 2019




One good thing about the donut shop is that I don't have to buy coffee anymore. I can go down there and get all I want to drink for free. And a donut to go with it - perk of ownership right? If that Dream I had last night is any indication of what I can start expecting when I go to bed I think I'm going to be taking advantage of my free coffee a lot more often.

Just like here Matt and our Dad went away on a mission for the military, surveying things and never came home. They were declared dead. Just like here And I enrolled in the Garrison where my teammates and I witnessed a vessel crash one night while I was out trying to test the satellite radio something I'd built. When we went to investigate we found the pilot from Matt and Dad's mission was in the vessel but before I could ask him anything about them Shiro got taken into custody by Garrison officials and then some guy that got kicked out the year before for not following the rules showed up and the four of us worked together to get Shiro out of their custody and then fled into the desert.

It was a waste of my time though - Shiro doesn't know anything about what happened to my family other than they were all taken captive by this enemy race called the Galra when they landed on that moon Kerberos. But he does remember that the Galra are searching for some weapon called Voltron and then right before I woke up we found this blue lion robot out in the desert.




Here we go here we go I've had enough caffeine that I can *feel the pulse of the universe* but I'm finally ready. It's happening. Here it is.

Image under the cut )

We're putting it in. No more battery Tony. We're gettin' an upgrade. Gonna rip this electromagnet right out and do this all up proper. I'm gonna be a night light. Very exciting.

May. 7th, 2019




The ship that took me to China in my dreams has, I'm sad to say, gone up in flames. Luckily, we were docked in Macao, and no one was lost to the flames except for my uniform jacket. Luck being what it is, I was then given urgent orders to make haste to Istanbul so that I can deliver three eggs purchased by the Crown to England before they hatch.

As these orders carry a very real time limit, I have decided that we will complete the journey by land, as there is no time to wait for repairs to the ship, though the journey, through desert and mountain, is not known to be an easy one. I've hired a Mr. Tharkay to guide us, though I am not entirely certain of his trustworthiness. I pray he does not take my money and abandon us halfway through the desert.

Filtered to Pidge and Elijah )

May. 5th, 2019




Looks like I am now the owner of a donut shop thanks to Tony Stark having more money than he knows what to do with clearly. I wasn't sure it was legal for me to won a business when I'm not 18 but apparently it is. Which doesn't make any sense. I can't vote or buy a car on my own but I can be given a business.

You know how to run things right? Because I am in over my head.

May. 4th, 2019




This... is not the way I meant to be spending my best friend's birthday, with a space penguin infestation. How many of these things ARE there?

You, wearing my Columbia hat? You're cute, you can stay. But you over there with my transformation pen? You've overstayed your welcome. Give that back before I kick your feathery butt!




Okay, these fucking creatures can go away now.




Okay these guys are cute but GET AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER!!!

Apr. 19th, 2019




Uh... if you aren't already in work today and your destination is Stark Tower? No. Turn around. Do not approach.

A Dragon is literally camping on my bedroom as we speak. He didn't even take me to dinner first, just- boom, hi, dragon claws. Pretty sure my suits are all on fire right now.

We're not friends. He broke all my nice things.

Apr. 17th, 2019




How are these people not getting arrested standing outside screaming about the end of the world? They're blocking the door to my apartment building so nobody can get in or out without having to walk right into one of them.

Apr. 12th, 2019





But why not just buy the donut truck?

Apr. 8th, 2019




Just in case anyone didn't know, today was Rex Manning Day.

Mar. 30th, 2019




I got a few second interviews next week. It's always good to know my personality wins over some people. My current supervisors has to know what I'm about to do.

In less serious stuff: [Video of his pygmy Bantha, Majy, playing at the park with a giant yellow rubber ball.]

Pets are great.

Mar. 26th, 2019




So I’m not sure exactly why but I’m getting emails about products to enlarge my penis. What? Why? I haven’t visited any websites that would have led to that. And I checked all my registries so I know there’s nothing embedded in my system

Mar. 25th, 2019




I found Nico in cat form.

I'm not sure if I disapprove more of them feeding the at nuggets, or them teasing the poor thing with nuggets.

Mar. 24th, 2019




Great, so not only is my best friend dead but they think Spider-woman killed him. Because of course they do! And fuck the Daily Bugle for the editor's personal vendetta against me.

I didn't need that kind of pain in my life but there it is.

Just pretend I never said anything

Mar. 16th, 2019




I was hired recently by a man who wants me to look into his daughter's personal life, specifically whether or not she's dating the right sort of people, so that he can decide whether or not to keep her in his will. At $150/hour plus all inured expenses paid, it was just too good to pass up.

I'll be following a lead from a very reliable source that she's very interested in volunteering, so I guess I'll have to check out places like Habitat for Humanity and the soup kitchen. Anyone else have any other suggestions?


This seems like it's going to be a very long, complicated case, and I just don't know if I can't handle it myself. How'd you like to be hired on as a consultant?

Feb. 27th, 2019




Welp, survey says: It's shrapnel. The kind that's so tiny it doesn't even show up on traditional scanning equipment. Fun times, fun times. My dream self is in the process of creating a battery alternative, because of course he's memorized old blueprints and is an engineering badass. We'll see how that goes. Maybe I'll get lucky and the dreams will send me a present.

Then I, too, can glow in the dark. Bonus: Easier for wireless charging!

Edit: I am not radioactive. The glow is part of the new battery thing. It isn't nuclear powered.

Feb. 25th, 2019




I should be doing homework for my classes. And instead? I'm watching a grown woman on youtube bathe in a gigantic bag of tea while she answers questions from her fans. What is even my life?

More important question, what is even her life?




Unlike most everyone else, I wasn't watching the Oscars last night. Instead, I was watching a new documentary on the Science Channel called Lost Beasts of the Ice Age. Being an Evolutionary Developmental Biologist, this was like right up my alley of interests. And holy shit the things these scientists discovered was beyond amazing.

They found an in tact Cave Lion cub, fur and all, which is extremely rare to find. There was a severed and fully in tact head of a Steppe Wolf which has never before been found. And, of course, they found plenty of Woolly Mammoth remains. They managed to get one of the best DNA samples of a mammoth ever found and they believe they can fully sequence the genome of it now, which just freaking blows my mind. Actually this whole program blew my mind, but yeah. It really is an amazing thing to watch and I highly recommend it to anyone who's interested in the subject.




Why is it that the night I dream of passing out at my own wedding I wake up with an engagement ring and my wedding dress?

Feb. 24th, 2019




I am getting the hang of my magic now. Though I have to wonder what limits I may or may not have to it being a goddess and all. Or perhaps there are limits this world imposes that may not exist in the world of my dreams. I have seen my dream self is rather powerful where magic is concerned, but she is a warrior first, preferring to use her sword and fight on the front lines as opposed to standing back and using spells.

I am also surprised. My marriage to Odin in the dreams is actually not horrible. It seems as though he and I genuinely did fall in love despite the bitter war both of our people fought over. Though I did not need to know I have a son with him. That is too painful

Feb. 25th, 2019




It's been quite awhile, but I dreamed again.

I stopped a rampaging, scared deer, and then later was preparing to meet with a King from a neighboring land but had to send my sister in my stead while I dealt with a sudden emergency on our borders.

Doing actually... political things is actually pretty interesting.

Feb. 24th, 2019




Bao just won the Oscar for Best animated Short. Domee Shi, the director, is the first female to helm a Pixar short.

I'm so thrilled. It's amazing to me how things have changed from when I was a child. Representation is slowly reaching the media, females are given opportunities...yes, I recognize there's hard work at play and it's ongoing but really -- so much better than before.

Positivity, my friends!

Feb. 21st, 2019




As always Future Industries is looking for girls and young women interested in engineering and sciences. We have a very good paid internship program as well as classes and our R&D department is second to none.

Yes, that includes you Mr. Stark.

Feb. 20th, 2019




I didn't think it would take me so long to get used to being back in my apartment after a week staying with somebody else because we were tied together by whatever that force was. And the bologna sandwich and ramen I ate? Best thing I've tasted in days because they are absolutely real foods.

Feb. 19th, 2019




Freedom! Sweet freedom! Never again please!

[12th Doctor]

Feel free to come for a drink whenever you like though. It's on me for having to put up with being stuck with me

Feb. 18th, 2019




Future Industries Press Release

After ten months, FI CEO Asami Sato has returned to Orange County. Ms. Sato left FI in capable hands in April 2018, and embarked upon a world tour. While abroad, Ms. Sato oversaw the breaking of ground in a new Girls in STEM center in Ontario, Canada, the start-up of a salt to fresh water plant in Mozambique, a satellite launch platform off the coast of California, and numerous other charitable and technological projects that Future Industries funds around the world. She even substituted for Future Industries' Formula 1 driver in the Monte Carlo Grand Prix last year.

In honor of her return, the Future Industries Race Course is once again open to the public and a special race is scheduled for February 28th! Prospective racers can compete in heats leading up to this race, where the top 10 will compete against Ms. Sato herself.

The top three racers will have $10,000 donated to the reputable charity of their choice. And if anyone is able to beat Ms. Sato, they'll a win 2019 FI Lightning electric sports car

End Press Release

Okay, now that that's out of the way, have I missed anything particularly earth shattering?

And I'm serious about that race and the fact that no one is going to win that car ;)