
Posts Tagged: 'percy+weasley'

Mar. 5th, 2013



Today is the 5th of March. I'm just going to say this now:
Our birthday? Totally in less than a month. I expect all the amazing things. And cake. There had better be cake.

This was your warning!




I find that sometimes I forget about all this and that maybe I should check it a little more often. The Prix finals are not for nearly six more weeks so I figured it would be a good time to actually paint my new apartment. What I did not count on is the fact that I have a now very large puppy that apparently likes to roll in paint... It is a toss up on which there is more of on the walls and myself, paint or water from when I tried to give Jake a bath.

As for the unpacking it will probably never happen. I only rarely ever unpack anyhow as I seem to be a bit of a Gypsy these days and never in one place very long. After the Prix I could very well be offered a job in Europe somewhere.

Mar. 4th, 2013




I want to play quidditch. Like really play and not just dream about it. I wish it was possible here.

Mar. 3rd, 2013



The only bad thing about being in a good mood at work is that I look too cheerful, which is a bad thing in a doctor who works with cancer patients. I end up having to think of depressing things before I go into any patient room.

I blame certain people for my good mood. They know who they are, and they'll be punished in kind.




shit whups okay

I'm afraid that there might have been a slight miscalucation with the amount I ate today to the amount I drank today and while I could write a research paper about it to explain the dangers of limit mechanics while trashed (as I am older and wiser than I was as an undergrad) what I basically want to know is where's Happy and don't tell Pepper okay thank you.

Mar. 1st, 2013




No one could ever accuse me of being unsociable.

Hello. My name is Mary and I recently moved her from England for an internship. I can't say I feel at home yet, but it is a lot warmer here this time of year. I plan on taking advantage of the beach during my stay.

Feb. 28th, 2013



Remember when you were young and you thought you'd never have to work on your birthday? I'm still working and it's two in the morning on my birthday.

Time to take a nap in my office, I guess. No point in going home, I have a meeting at eight and I want to check on a patient at five when they take their next round of meds. Maybe I'll get a cupcake later.

Feb. 27th, 2013




Bar exam today.

Oliver, you will be pleased to know I made it. Currently standing outside the building after having taken the first half. Three hours left to go.

It seems easy enough. I am sure I will pass.

Feb. 25th, 2013




You ever wake up with the feeling that nothing really matters and everything sucks?

Yeah, we're probably right. Just saying.




I had a ton of dreams last night. Now the huge, strange plants are gone, apparently my dreams are coming back in full force.

Apparently my dream father thought I was going to turn evil. I thought I was going to turn evil.

I woke up with a mark on my arm from the dreams. Like a scar. I wonder how much it'll cost to have it removed.




Sometimes I think a friend of mine has the right idea, building an underground bunker. There's some wisdom in survivalism. My yard is filled with multicolored dodo birds. My car flew away.

I think really was meant to be a monk in the desert.

Feb. 24th, 2013




I have been wearing earplugs for the last two days, because my guitar has been playing itself nonstop. It's not very good either. In fact, it's the worst self playing guitar ever. If it keeps up any longer, it may just put me off music all together.

Feb. 21st, 2013




Oh thank goodness, I've not gone nutters, we all have!

Welcome to Wonderland, please keep your hands and feet inside the mushroom and watch out for that Infernal Train, it's quite nasty.

It seems we have a bit of a red queen problem, I've noticed.





I appear to have lost my mind. Completely this time.

Feb. 13th, 2013




Giving up soda for lent.

Feb. 12th, 2013




You Yanks have Mardi Gras. We Brits have Pancake Tuesday. Now ask yourselves: which would you rather be celebrating?

If the answer is Pancake Tuesday then - not only are you correct - you should stop by the estate. In the spirit of the celebration I'm making heaps of proper pancakes sun up to sundown. They'll be up for grabs in the cul-de-sac, plenty of lemons and sugar to go round! And if you yanks are confused yet, allow me to clarify: these are pancakes, not to be confused with flapjacks, crepes or whatever this rubbish is.

Oh, and Alice, love, if you have time today, I've set aside a mound of cakes for that shelter you volunteer at. Mind dropping them round?

Feb. 10th, 2013






I understand my sister might think it is not possible, BUT IT IS!


Never accidentally order 500lbs of Gouda.


Feb. 8th, 2013




Countdown to my last couple of hours of my first week working for Stark Industries. A really great first week if a little awkward. I think I'm going to like it here. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, so to speak.

Feb. 7th, 2013



And then one day? You look up and realize you actually are an adult.

I'm sorry everyone. I'm not a kid any longer. I have to do things like paperwork, and taxes and eating salad for lunch from now on.

Because I finally realized that it was a good idea to change the toilet paper roll when it's empty.

Feb. 6th, 2013




Let's face it there is something extremely satisfying about running into an ex unexpectedly and looking better than they remember. It is just that look they give you when they realize it and know they lost their chance. It is not like he could find a girl prettier than me any how.

Feb. 2nd, 2013




I'm new. Introducing myself.

Feb. 1st, 2013




Hi there. My name is Audrey, and I own and run Baxter Bakery. I've been told this is a good place to meet and talk to people. Having a little bit of trouble sleeping tonight, so I thought I'd pop on.

...but now I'm here... what am I supposed to do? Just... talk about my day?

Does anyone else start thinking "if I fall asleep RIGHT NOW, I can conceivably have X hours of sleep." and then just watch the number X go down the longer you stay awake? That's what I'm going through right now.

Anyway, hi.

Jan. 28th, 2013



Has anyone pointed out you're all mental?

I mean, friendly and absolutely hilarious, but mental all the same.




Does anyone else get kind of down in the winter? Even when it's in somewhere super duper nice like California but you get sad anyway because it's not as sunny and people are staying inside and you really want to go and do stuff but you can't because if you go to the beach right now it's pretty much the WORST IDEA EVER but you try anyway and it doesn't work so you go home and wonder when it's ever gonna be sunny again?

Or is that just me?

Jan. 24th, 2013




I am so sorry for all of the stupid things I said while inebriated. Really, I'm a bit of an idiot flirt when I'm tipsy. So yes. Sorry.

Secondly - has anyone found anything from their dreams when they wake up? I'm a bit ... weirded out by the fact that this vial is on my nightstand.

Jan. 23rd, 2013




Finally out of the hospital. It feels really, really great to just be walking around.

But really, I think the first thing I'm going to do is take a shower in my own apartment. It's been entirely too long.

Jan. 22nd, 2013




Apparently the world didn't stop while I was stuck at the hospital.

Go figure.

Jan. 21st, 2013




I am tipsy and demand that someonee take me to kareaokee


to sing in public in a very terrible way

I can't drive so someone has to get me

or else it's sad singing alone by myself.

Jan. 20th, 2013




Did anyone else watch the sporting events this weekend? My eyeballs have been glued to the telly since Celtic's match yesterday against Midlothian. 4-1 win, in case you missed it, leaving Celtic +9 over Inverness in the league. Love to see the lads on top, even if it's without me.

Thanks to Thor, however, I've gotten more than a little invested in American Football. Nae that bad, if I'm honest, though it's no proper football for sure.

I watched both division final matches today and caught glimpses of a few hockey derbies during the adverts, as well. That's one thing I sorely miss about the BBC; just think about how short an American Football match would be without the breaks.

In any case, I'm thrilled over the 49ers win. Mate of mine back home is a right die hard so I cannae very well support against them. Though, my head nurse is apparently a Greenbay supporter and threatened to cut my meds if I rubbed last week's match in her face again. That's alright because there is plenty other material to rib her over.

Pity about New England's match, though... Sort of fancied a Brady-Kaepernick face off. Instead it will be duelling head coaches. As I understand it last year's Super Bowl boasted the same feat - competing brothers. Let's hope it's a fair fight.

Jan. 19th, 2013




Still stuck at the hospital. Inhaler wasn't working properly enough. Because my life wasn't uncomfortable enough, they said I'd got to see how things work out with an oxygen mask for a while.

But how is everyone else doing? Fred? Gin?





Our lab has been synthesizing the antidote to the blue virus pretty much nonstop since it arrived. At least I've been able to get some rest and some much needed time with my family now that I'm no longer working on developing greater inhaler technology to treat the symptoms of said virus.

For anyone who needs to be inoculated, please comment below. I can have the antidote sent to your home for you to take.




Oh my gosh, Unicorns are the most wonderful thing in the world. Now that I'm back in my own bed, I've been dreaming again. Unicorns, Prefect Duties, watching Ron Weasley play quidditch. That song's catchy, even if Draco was a douchebag in writing it. I helped, too. God, I'm such a bitch in my dreams. Wtf.

Anyone else have dreams about being a total jackass?

Jan. 9th, 2013




Had to check myself into the hospital today, surprised I made it.

There is nothing worse than missing work.

Jan. 2nd, 2013




So... I need to say something. At least on the internet not everyone at my school can find out. I'm a lesbian, you guys... so. Oh my. I don't know what to do. I have a girlfriend.. But do I have to always wear rainbows and go to parties or something? Because... I'm not comfortable with that.

People say this is coming out? Right? I'm a lesbian... But I don't know if I'm proud yet...




I'm afraid to say that the last few days have been a bit of a blur. I don't think I have ever done so much drinking as I have in the last month.




I passed my drivers test! I really wanted to do a happy dance right there on the spot. That means it's time to go car shopping!

Dec. 28th, 2012




How are some people never bothered by jet lag? There has to be a tip that actually works. My body and sleep schedule is always off for days when I travel. Not to mention it is supposed to rain nearly the entire trip. Hopefully it lets up a little New Year's Eve, long enough to let off the fireworks.

Dec. 20th, 2012




Today I went for a light jog. Only made it round the track once but that quarter mile was the most thrilling minute and a half I have spent since last December. I cannae express how elated I am with my Christmas miracle.

I've missed football...

I'm typically a rather long winded bloke and I have a bad habit of rambling on when something peaks my interest. My mother calls it passion, Da calls it attention grabbing. In any case, now that my shoulder is... fine... healed... perfect.... I'm flabbergasted. I never knew having a dream come true could be so powerful and uplifting. I am nae used to good things happening in my life, and the change is inspiring.

I'm going to play football again. I'm going to be me again.

I'm going home.

Dec. 19th, 2012




PM to Tonks
Hey! How did your date go, anyway??

Dec. 14th, 2012




Let me be the first to say, I HATE cold and flu season. Mum's soup is brilliant but I have things to do, like shopping, instead of being all stuffed up and headache-ish. I also am going shopping tomorrow too. Maybe people will avoid the sneezing awesomeness that I am because they think I'm contagious and I will get done that much sooner.



Survey SAYS

So MY life's taken a ride way deep into bizaro land, I committed a couple federal offenses and this freak I don't even know is suddenly trying to run my life. Fun fun fun. I'm gonna get my mind off that with that survey you've been passing around. Just gonna do it here cause it's easier to find and all, and you can get to know the REAL Thea. Ooh are you in for a treat!

Read more... )

Dec. 13th, 2012




Why not. Here's that survey going around. )

Dec. 11th, 2012




I always tend to forget how quickly time passes between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm running out of time to get all the holiday shopping done-- I suppose I had better work on that.

Although I do kind of hate shopping -- it's just too late to order things online and get them in time.

Dec. 5th, 2012




I solemnly swear I will not buy my brothers any gag gifts this year or anything that will embarrass them. I will be a good sister and by them appropriately boring things they would expect like scarves, sweaters, and books they can use as doorstops.

As for the rest of you, I make no such promises.

Dec. 3rd, 2012





Favorite Christmas Song?

I'm compiling a collection for my ipod to play at work. I'm sick of Bing Crosby and Peggy Lee. How about some more modern songs? It's like the last fifty years of Christmas Music didn't exist to some radio stations. What's up with that?


Hell yea, this is the best song I've written YET. It's kind of a big deal, not that I'm bragging. I mean, I am just promoting, and even just telling the truth.

Still, it's pretty fantastic. Now, study for test or perfect song? Perfect song it is!!!

Dec. 2nd, 2012




It's odd how suddenly having free time on your hands can make for a weird mood. Being on medical leave from work, and having to take it easy, period, makes life odd when you're used to being active. There's a sense of wrongness to not being able to work out right or run, or all the little things that I'm used to doing.

I sense that I'll be reading a whole lot more this couple of weeks. Anyone have any recommendations? As I've not read much lately due to work, I am open to anything, really.

Nov. 29th, 2012



Question, internet citizens: what is the best type of pie?

Nov. 15th, 2012




I wonder who Dumbledore was.

He must've been an important figure or political importance. The Minister himself attended his funeral. I was part of his entourage.

We flew to the ceremony, if you can believe it, on broomsticks.




This will be my first Thanksgiving in the states. I'm really looking forward to eating all the turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce that my pants can hold without bursting a button.

Or maybe with bursting a button. Gotta live it up, right?