
Posts Tagged: 'ozma'

Feb. 5th, 2020




So apparently listening to the voice calling to you leads to your entire kingdom being evacuated because the elements all went crazy.

And so the next logical thing is to go looking for a solution.

I don't think I could ignore that call even if I wanted to.

Feb. 1st, 2020




So it's not bad enough that we have spam mail and spam calls, but now we have spam texts? I felt the need to share the one I received today.

Cut for Size. Viewable to all )

First of all, the obvious, my name is not Marco, so clearly it wasn't actually meant for me personally and second, I really don't need whatever they're selling or pretending to sell. Trust me. ;)

Jan. 17th, 2020




If everything keeps going as smoothly as it has been we should be done with at least the first stage of remodeling on the restaurant before Easter. I should probably start looking for staff for it before then shouldn't I?
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Jan. 10th, 2020




The damn things are back! Twice now! TWICE! Each time these bloody wings come back! I can hear dear old dad laughing his ass off.



blocked to non-punctured witcher folks

Ever watch a television show and experience a gay awakening? I mean I already had that but I had another one watching The Witcher I'm pretty sure.

Jan. 6th, 2020




I keep hearing a voice in my dreams. If it wasn't for the fact my powers keep kind of... growing, I'd think I was going crazy.

I woke up and had to turn turn my bathroom into an ice rink just to let the power out.

But I really wanted to post because I made a new friend today. I'm calling him Olaf.

Cut for image open to everyone )


Do you have some time?

Jan. 5th, 2020




So. Who is good with a knife and has a strong stomach?

Jan. 3rd, 2020




What the actual fuck....


A convention to "make women great again" and "DESTINED TO BE THE MANSPLAINING EVENT OF THE CENTURY”

I can't believe this is even real...

Jan. 1st, 2020




I guess wishes don't last forever.

And a new year and new dreams.

Mostly to do with my duties as a Queen and nothing really crazy, at least until there's a strange sickness that affected both animals and people.

And the giant nightmare wolf.

Did anyone else get a snowglobe on Christmas? It seems to show ... memories.

Dec. 23rd, 2019




I took Mare to see Santa. It was a total bust. She screamed and sobbed the entire time.

Dec. 21st, 2019




Happy Birthday to me

Dec. 12th, 2019




Opening night is next Saturday, and I am so pumped for it! I've given out my free tickets already, but if you'd like to come see me as Ella Woods, I'd love to see all of you there. You can get them from the Chapman University website, or at the Uni itself. The show starts 8 pm!

Dec. 7th, 2019




It's snowing! And it feels like a big one so for the record I had nothing to do with this.

Dec. 6th, 2019




Beating and killing the crap out of some Mogs felt damn good, in my dreams I'm finally out of their grubby hands, but the hunt for Four is on now.

It feels like a step behind him and once it seems like I caught up to him, I woke up.

I've been looking for the boy for what feels like a month in my dreams, it's frustrating!

Going to down a pot of coffee and get to work on a car that I said would be done today.

Dec. 3rd, 2019




Anyone else just really hate straps on their shoulders?

Dec. 1st, 2019




Hello, darlings! Holiday cheer has come to Lux. The alchemists I call bartenders have come up with delicious concoctions to get your nog on and )

Nov. 8th, 2019




Are stores in more of a hurry to start pushing Christmas at us than normal, or is that just me? I went to see if they had anything good still left on Clearance from Halloween (no, I'm not hoarding costume pieces despite being able to disguise myself as anything I want. What are you talking about?), and the whole section was already Santa and reindeer. I asked someone that worked there if they had just moved what was left, and apparently they donated it all yesterday? It's only been a week...

Oct. 23rd, 2019




Why did I ever swipe right on that last Tinder profile is beyond me. The guy was a complete ass. He was some model, but that must have been all airbrushing. I don't judge by looks alone, but when you say you are 30 and 6'2, and look 40 and 5'10 - NOPE. What the hell? Must have modeled shoes or something. So after a rather boring conversation about his pet snake, he kept asking if I would call him. No. Definite no.

Oct. 22nd, 2019




I really can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday this year than starting rehearsing the part of Elle Woods! I am still in disbelief I got the lead role, and rehearsals today were absolutely amazing. I'm exhausted in the absolute best of ways!

Oct. 20th, 2019




500 years since Leonardo Da Vinci died. Looks like I am going to have to make a trip back to Paris soon.

Oct. 3rd, 2019




Why does that hag always have to stick her nose in where it isn't wanted and get all of her facts entirely twisted? It isn't enough for her to do one or the other and she clearly doesn't care who she hurts in the pursuit of her 'story'. So much for journalistic integrity. I'll be in my suite getting drunk if anyone wants to join me. You'll just have to bring your own bottles because I have no intention of sharing tonight.


Anyone who knows me knows that what she said about you in regards to me is utter bullshit. I do what I want with who I want. I always have and I always will.

Oct. 2nd, 2019




So. Whatever that was I felt this morning not only woke me up, I transformed into Sailor V out of instinct and ran into the main area of the house. Where Alice's dad was. I didn't know what to say when he asked why I was dressed so weird, but he decided to roll with it. I guess people outside the network really don't pay much attention to the weird stuff that happens here, do they?

That being said, is everybody okay?

Oct. 1st, 2019




I've just about had it with these Dreams. While it's fun to see myself living in a magical country it's annoying to see how damn stupid the solutions I come up with for the problems I run into there actually are. The girl Tip ran into on the road has now conquered the Emerald City so he ditches all the stuff her army had given him to carry and follows after a soldier to the Palace where he finally sees Jack again, playing some game with the Scarecrow (because that just makes so much sense) and then the soldier fills them in on the fact that the Emerald City has been conquered. And then of course Tip has to chime in with the news that he overheard the girls talking about using the Scarecrow's outsides to make a carpet and his insides to stuff cushions. Because straw cushions just sound like the most comfortable things in the world am I right?

The group of geniuses decide that their best bet is to tie themselves together and escape on the Sawhorse once he's brought out of the Treasury. They're going to go to the Tin Woodman and get help there and as ridiculous as the plan is it works - they get out of there and with the exception of falling in the river after being stabbed by knitting needles they aren't hurt. If there was any doubt remaining in my head as to who I am in these Dreams they were gone when I woke up to a soaked bed and some bloody spots on my arms where I'd been stabbed there. Literally bloody spots. I should probably count myself lucky there weren't wounds when I washed them off.
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Selfie of Harley in a dog pile with two Hyenas, she looks like she's soaking wet

Tried to give the babies their baths and it didn't go well for me!

But don't worry! I gave 'em some treats!
cut for image viewable to all )




What the actual hell, Danny?!

Ever wake up from a dream really wanting to punch, or at least yell, at someone but you can't because you only know them in the Dreams?

Tips on how to deal with that would be appreciated.

Sep. 23rd, 2019




The bakery/cafe is coming along nicely.

I need to start hiring help soon. Anyone want a job in serving food department, hit me up.

I still need to think of a name...

It will come to me.



[Filtered Away from Eliot Waugh]

Fuck the Foo FU Fighters for trying to assassinate Eliot. Fuck Eliot for knocking up Fen. And double fuck Eliot and the Patriarchy. I'm High Fucking Queen, but apparently the only decisions that matter are Eliot's. We're supposed to be ruling Fillory together.

The only thing that makes this dream better is that when I woke up, the outfits I was wearing, in the dream, were in my closet. Honest to God, Fillory fashion is some of the highest fashion I have ever seen.




I have a sick little girl at home with a 101 fever. Jammies, juice, and cartoons aren't even cheering my little princess up. Poor thing.

Sep. 17th, 2019




Why is it so hard for people not to be creeps. You don't need to stare at someone as you drive by and then have to turn your attention back to the road, only to pull into a parking lot they're going by and just STAY there and seem to wait around and watch for what direction they're going and then pull out when it seems you've figured it out and show up where they're heading.

It's just..ugh.

Today is already fucked up, seriously the last thing I needed to deal with
Unless its

Sep. 9th, 2019




This is not even cool. NOT EVEN. I'm fucking tired and I'm human. This thing better snap back to the way it was.

Sep. 8th, 2019



Blocked from Nesta and Cassian

Say you've dreamed about someone you care about going through a traumatic and fundamental change, much like you yourself have experienced thanks to the dreams.

How do you even begin to prepare them for it?

In other news I had to go back with my dream ex in order to save the people I love and while I'm there deliberately as a spy that still doesn't help my mental state rn

Sep. 1st, 2019




I joked when I came out to my parents, give it a few months and I'll be asked why I don't have a boyfriend OR girlfriend. Because Mom's a housewife and I'm her biggest hobby.

Guess who just got asked "Have you met any cute boys or cute girls yet this year?" You get three guesses, and the first two don't count. She even suggest I cook for them... and do what? Impress them by being the first person to blow up a stove by trying to boil water? I don't have TIME to date. I've got a job, I'm doing a double major, I've got tryouts for the next musical our uni does before long... What free time do I have for anyone? No matter how cute? I mean if someone cute falls into my lap, they fall into my lap. But I've got stuff to accomplish and that's kind of more important right now? Until then, my free time is devoted to practicing, sports, and trying to play through my Steam library.

Aug. 12th, 2019




What day is it? It's Monday? Good lord. That's the problem with fantastic weekends. Not that I remember much, but that's typically a sign of a very good time.

Anyway. Happy Monday, everyone. I'm going back to bed.

Aug. 11th, 2019




cut for vaguely NSFW text )

In other news I discovered I'm the proud owner of my dream vault filled with countless treasures and a lot of amazing dresses and I don't know what to do with this.

Aug. 6th, 2019




Cut for images not filtered. Some are slightly NSFW )

As promised when I got the news, some of the preview images I got from the shoots the photographer and I did for the spread. I still don't don't which of them is going to be the cover or even which ones will actually make it into the magazine but I think the third one might just be my favorite of the entire shoot although I really like how they all turned out.

[Private to Leon Orcott]
Any chance I could trade one of my Fridays next month for a Saturday? The Agency just told me they're throwing a party for when they announce my semi-retirement and as much as I would love to take Chris with me as my plus one I have this annoying little voice saying it probably wouldn't be the best idea.

Jul. 13th, 2019




I do not think my choice of "career" was the best one I could have made given my lack of patience for pretty much everyone and everything.

Taxi drivers do not get tips if they speak their mind.

And no tips means no extra side orders with my takeout and that always leaves me feeling hungry.

Nobody likes me when I am hungry.

Jul. 11th, 2019




It looks like dream!me has decided to pick up where Renegade left off. Here's hoping I don't end up with my head chopped off too.




Have you ever had dreams end, but then end up with reruns, like a greatest hits show gone wrong? Had a shit night, then got to revisit my basement cell, my lover forgetting me, and my brother blaming me for leaving him when his 'best friend' asked me to do it. For the record, I was there. Thanks for all that. Maybe next time we can play Damon's favorites. I had hero hair once.

I'm tired, and I really don't get tired. Anyone want to keep me away from a bottle today?

Jul. 10th, 2019




Happy Hump Day, Orange County! I'm Maria, the owner and bartender at The Wild Pony, here to let you know that Wednesday are dollar draft night. So come on down, have a few beers, and listen to some great live music. We've got an acoustic set tonight.

And don't forget that karaoke night is Saturday. If you've ever wanted to sing backed by a live band, the Wild Pony is where you want to be.

Jul. 8th, 2019




So I have a question for all the dreamers out there. Okay wow that sounded like some really crappy thing a radio DJ would say but hey go with the flow.

How do you generally deal with stuff from the dreams turning up here? Like actual things? Things that were not there before you went to sleep?

Jul. 7th, 2019




When are people going to stop setting off fireworks? Independence day was three days ago. It's enough.




Roommate thing fell through so I'm stuck with my dad and Elain. Yay.

Finally got to visit the Summer Court in my dreams, and everyone there was unbelievably hot.

It was kind of a feint, because we were really there to locate a book that's key to stopping the Fae Apocalypse for lack of a better term.

They weren't happy with us after that.

Jul. 5th, 2019




Maybe I should start considering taking the day after the 4th of July off too. I'm way too hungover for this bullshit.

Jul. 2nd, 2019




Why do some people think you can turn over a full formal design in one week? Like, I haven't even measured this woman yet, what makes her think I'll have her dress sketched, approved and made in less than 14 days?

I can't stand listening to the Facebook defenders, so you are my venting platform, even if I've never heard of it before.

Like, really. Do people expect bespoke furniture to be ready in a week? This is what you need to put up with when you want one of a kind.

Jul. 1st, 2019




I have to say, having both Jace and Izzy back at the Institute is nice. I've been living here by myself for almost six months now and it was getting a little much, being in this giant place alone. Not to mention I kept feeling like I didn't really belong since I'm not a Shadowhunter.

I don't know if it's because they're both around now or what, but I had a few new dreams. In a way my dreams feel complete now, but also open ended. Does that make sense? It's like one chapter ended and another is about to begin or something.




Hello people of the internet!

My name is Rapunzel and I'm new to this corner of the interwebs. I just recently graduated art school and I'm currently living in Santa Ana while working at an animation studio. I'm also working on illustrating a children's book for someone, which has been a lot of fun!

Not sure what else to say to introduce myself. I like tiny animals, being barefoot in the grass, and trying new food. I'm so excited to meet you all :) And I realize this is way too chipper for a Monday morning, but there's a holiday this week, so it's a short week!

Jun. 19th, 2019




I don’t care if they are the only store in the area that carries that brand of yarn. If your CEO is actively supporting legislation and ideology that hurts the LGBTQ community, I’m not going to shop there. My conscience won’t allow it. And I’m not going to do sponsored posts on my social media accounts for you or any of your associates no matter how much you offer to pay.

I want to avoid giving Hobby Lobby that shop any publicity so much that I spent half an hour rewriting this to make sure I didn’t mention their name anywhere in it.

Jun. 13th, 2019




So, this being pride month? I finally came out to my parents. Subtle has never been my middle name, so standing there in the kitchen like a neon light while I went to drop off some things we borrowed was the very most me way to do it. It took Mom a few minutes to get what my shirt said, and dad even longer. She pretty much had to spell it out for him while I stood there nervous.

We had a long talk about what it meant, was I sure, was that Skeeter article from way back when right (ew Mom, no. Alice has always been family and Logan practically is now as well), and just generalized worry for me. But in the end, they understood and accepted me. And I am so so relieved. I've been keeping this a secret from them for so long. And they love me just as I am.

Not sure how the short skirted super hero talk will go, but that's for another time. Like. Maybe when I'm 30?

And I know I'm lucky and that's not how every one's parents have reacted. Still react even now in 2019. But I am so happy I told them, and I only wish I didn't hide it for so long.




I got asked to go to a makeup Launch party this weekend with my Agency but don't wanna go alone. Free makeup, and probably tiny pompous finger sandwiches to anyone who says yes?!

Jun. 12th, 2019




Get back from saving the multiverse to find my job got attacked by the Lizard.

Considering the Lizard was Peter and Peter is dead, it's got to be someone else. This is literally the last thing I need a reminder of

So I go chasing this lizard only to find there's a whole freaking colony of mutated super-lizards and while I'm trying to subdue them freaking Captain America knocks me out.

Because apparently people think I'm a terrorist now?

She let me go after, you know, more lizard attacks, but I have a feeling this S.I.L.K organization is gonna be a thing.