
Posts Tagged: 'meg+giry'

Jan. 2nd, 2016




Upcoming events on raising awareness for human trafficking in the area for anyone who is interested.

4 January - Engaging and Empowering Commercially Sexually Exploited Children

15-17 January - Southwest Conference Against Trafficking

16 January - LA Freedom Walk

30 January - Saddleback Symposium

[Detective Orcot]
I did not know you were a member of this network. As it is, I have found some information if you still wish to meet. I have been informed to make clear this would be a professional dinner as there might have been miscommunication.

Dec. 31st, 2015




Anyone up to anything particularly fun tonight?

Dec. 20th, 2015




Nothing lifts the spirits like standing ovations! This year's cast of the Nutcracker have done such a great job so far this year that we've been met with great applause every night. It's really awesome. Really gets you in the Christmas spirit.

Dec. 19th, 2015




Ok, so - Who hasn't even started Christmas shopping?

Dec. 14th, 2015




Guess who showed up to steal my thunder at rehearsal today? The real deal herself - The sugar plum fairy. Her dress is so much sparklier than my costume. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous.

Dec. 8th, 2015




They're playing my song!

I'm really pretty jealous of some of you. I've been going straight from dance practice to work and haven't had time for any magical Christmas encounters! Fingers crossed it'll happen still.

Nov. 23rd, 2015




Alright, Valar! Gimme your best recipes for stuffing! Bonus if they're foolproof.

I'm looking to make this two person Thanksgiving meal amazing.

Nov. 19th, 2015




So, anyone have any particularly exciting holiday plans? Mine unfortunately are limited to dancing and working, but I plan on squeezing in some Christmas shopping this weekend. I'm not brave enough for Black Friday.

Nov. 17th, 2015




Practice was intense tonight. A girl sprained her ankle. They're waiting for news from her doctor to see if she'll need to be replaced. I really hope I never suffer an injury at a critical time.

Nov. 11th, 2015




Well, I finally got something from my dreams. I woke up today to find the opera ghost's mask on the pillow next to me. It's kind of freaky to wake up to something like that.

Oct. 27th, 2015




I've had a rough day. Practice was alright, but work did me in. Some guy ordered ku ding and then complained that it was bitter. I explained that it's supposed to be sort of bitter and he demanded to see my manager, telling her that I have a problem with talking back to customers. I think he was just looking for a fight because I was very nice about it. He still got a free pot of tea, though. Sigh.

Oct. 25th, 2015




Whew. Practice ran late tonight. You are all cordially invited to the UCLA production of The Nutcracker. Shows run from Friday the 18th to Thursday the 24th. The choreography I've learned is really fantastic. I'm sure if you like ballet you'll enjoy this.




This is a global crisis, everybody. I have no idea what to do, but I know that I am legitimately concerned.




I've faced super villains and giant spiders and ancient gods but I don't want to go to the dentist.

Oct. 21st, 2015




After very literally months and months of hassling myself, I've finally decided to cave in and sign up for this network. So, let's see. It looks like introductions are customary, so I'll do my bit.

My name is Remus Lupin. I've lived here practically my whole life, so I know it can be a bit inexplicably odd at times (it seems like you talk about that a lot here, I thought I'd save myself from the warnings). I'm in my penultimate year of undergraduate studies at UC Irvine. History major and English minor. I'm sure I've seen some of you around? I think that's really all there is to say other than I like tea and pizza.

Oct. 15th, 2015




I'm a little late in announcing this. I did not get the part of Clara, but you are looking at this year's Sugar Plum Fairy!

Oct. 11th, 2015




Early bedtime tonight! Nutcracker auditions are tomorrow! Everybody wish me luck.

Oct. 9th, 2015




It's time to close Pinterest and walk away.

Just walk away.

Oct. 5th, 2015




If you're tired of pumpkin spice everything, but you still want a little taste of autumn, stop by the tea shoppe at [address] for a cup of mulling spice tea! It's my favorite tea that we sell and it's appropriate for fall.




Just want to say Happy World Teacher's Day to all the teachers here. In my dreams I was a teacher so I felt like I couldn't overlook today.

Sep. 5th, 2015




Oh man, something tells me shit is about to hit the fan in my dreams. Or maybe it already has.

Sep. 4th, 2015




Oh joy. I started dreaming again. Can we just not?

Sep. 3rd, 2015




Upcoming events for next month in regards to awareness and benefits are as follows;

CAST Hotline Training throughout the month of October

Benefit Gala and Silent Auction - October 3rd

Journey Out Awareness Walk and 5K Run - October 10th

Saving Innocence Gala - October 17th

Human Trafficking Awareness Training - October 29th

I am uncertain on your school schedule, but let me know if you are available for any of these events. If you are able to make all of the training, I would highly suggest the hotline training as well.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




This is beyond ridiculous. I don't care if it's the longest wearing, most moisturizing lipstick you've ever stumbled upon. $90 is way too much for a lipstick. I guess you're basically paying for the Louboutin name, but why?

Aug. 23rd, 2015




Balancing work and other things is actually sometimes a challenge! Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of?

Aug. 14th, 2015




I think I'm going to see The Man From U.N.C.L.E. when I have the time. My parents talked about the original version a lot and I kind of want to see the 60's era costumes. Are you guys seeing anything interesting these days?

Aug. 4th, 2015




So I'm house-sitting a friend's house this week and I was asked to keep up with some of their gardening. I mean, seriously? Don't people just pay people to do that for them? Anyway, I digress, I was taking the dead heads off the flowers and these adorable little buds came off too. They're just too cute not to share! I wish I could get a whole load of them and make some kind of floral tiara! I would so rock that look!

Read more... )

Jul. 20th, 2015




I had my first normal dream that I could remember last night. I was in a pizza eating contest. I woke up hungry. What normal dreams have you guys had of late? Or aren't you there yet and you still want to share something weird about a dream you had?




How much does a polar bear weigh?

Enough to break the ice.

Hi, I'm Peter.

A customer at the coffee shop suggested that I should look into this network. Not really completely sure what I'm supposed to say on here. I do enjoy long walks on the beach and misspelling people's names on their to-go cups. If I'm not at the coffee shop working I'm usually off by the beach playing guitar for money and phone numbers, the latter is usually unintentional.

Oh! I also attend UC Irvine and currently undeclared. Suggestions on a good major are welcome.




Things got real crazy there...

With all that stuff, I didn't really need more dreams to make my nights just as weird. Although, I suppose my dreams were more relaxed.

I've been wondering, though, do the dreams ever stop?

Jul. 16th, 2015




One of my cars is gone. One of my cars is gone from my garage. I was about to call the police when I saw that a few people here were talking about items vanishing. I'm beginning to think that's what might have happened to my car. My question though, how is that possible?

Jul. 10th, 2015




I just watched the beginning of a documentary that is still making me want to throw up. It's called Playground. It's right up there with Blackfish and Earthlings on the list of documentaries that have made me cry.

Jul. 6th, 2015




There's a bar close to my workplace that serves certain mixed drinks in mason jars. This is amazing to me. They give you a straw so you're not slurping out of a jar, but I still think it's the coolest thing. I probably shouldn't be drinking my calories, but I thought I'd celebrate my dreams coming to an end!

Jun. 24th, 2015




Prepping for my third performance. This is everything I ever dreamed of when I was a kid. If you enjoy ballet or the story of Giselle or have nothing better to do, tickets are still on sale for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday's shows.

Jun. 20th, 2015




Wow! The first performance, last performance, and Wednesday's performance are all sold out! I'm going to be dancing in front of a full house some nights! This is so exciting. I'd always dreamed of this.

Jun. 10th, 2015




Well, I took an MBTI personality test and found out that I am apparently an ENFP. That's supposed to stand for 'extroverted, iNtuitive, feeling, perceiving'. I read some interesting things about that particular personality type. Apparently I am good at most things that interest me. I have great people skills. I'm 'gushy' and I overdo things. Sadly, ENFP's seem to have difficulty in marital relationships. I guess everyone has to have some faults, though.

You can find out what type you are here: http://www.mbtionline.com

Jun. 8th, 2015




I don't normally use social media, but I suppose, in a way, it's kind of like people watching, which is something I do enjoy doing. You can learn so much a kit a person when they don't know you're watching them after all. So I stumbled upon this group while looking for something else and I must admit, I'm not entirely sure if you're all crazy or intriguing. I suppose only time will tell for sure.

Jun. 3rd, 2015




We've been running dress rehearsals and it's been wonderful. My costumes are so pretty but I especially like the one I wear after becoming a willi. It's all white and flowing. I look like some kind of beautiful ghost.




So, it's late, and I was reading, cause that's what I do when I can't sleep.

I love quotes.

What are your favorite quotes from books or movies?

Right now, I am loving John Green. "As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep, slowly, and then all at once."

Tell me yours. Keep me up all night.

May. 10th, 2015




Practice today let out early for those students who wanted to do something with their mothers. I think that was nice of our choreographers. Mine, though, is back in Ohio. I called her, but I guess she was out with my dad celebrating. She'll call me back. I had chocolate dipped strawberries sent to her in the mail. Those are her favorites.

What did you all do today?

May. 6th, 2015




It's rather nice to be added to the ranks of people who have had their dream pets show up! Nana was really our nurse, back then, because all our neighbours had one though we really were too poor to afford such a luxury - but my father wanted to be like everyone else anyway, so he brought Nana the Newfoundland to us. Isn't she adorable?

Cut for image, viewable to all )

She's even got a frilly white nurse's cap, it's so sweet. She had the best knack for knowing how to treat coughs too!

I also think my dreams have ended, at least for now. I ended up with a daughter who is absolutely lovely, and she'll get to see Neverland for herself as well. It makes me think if she's out there somewhere, which is odd, because I don't have a daughter now so I'd probably never know.

Private to Justin Taylor )

May. 4th, 2015




Today the world lost a great talent. Maya Plisetskaya was an inspiration to many dancers out there, including myself. She was incredible and danced up until the age of 65! I can only hope to aspire to the greatness of this lady. I found this video which shows only an iota of her full capability. Please watch this video and appreciate a great talent that left us today.

RIP Maya Plisetskaya 1925-2015

Apr. 27th, 2015




So I heard through the grapevine that this was a good way to meet people around here.

So hey, I'm Cosima. Originally from San Fran, and was that crazy person that decided spending a few years in Minnesota for grad school was a great idea. Which it was, just not many Californians would agree with me there. Anyways yes, I've recently come back to California, now I'm going for my PhD at UC-Irvine so maybe I'll see some of you around there if I'm not in the labs or in the library?

Also kind of always babbling about science, so be warned of that ahead of time? And always kind of late so I'm always kind of sorry, too.




Hi. A bartender at work said this was a good place to meet people, and I've just moved to this side of town. I'm Jin, and it's good to meet people? I guess?

Apr. 21st, 2015




Figured it was about time I jumped onto this thing, never been the biggest social media guy. Always kind of felt like it took too much energy, but I suppose that's just ridiculous and really it's because I was scared of the man and him watching my every move.

But I was a Marine, so, suppose that ship sailed a long time ago. Regardless, hello everyone I know and do not know. My name is Anakin.




I did it! I thought for a while they were favoring me for the role of Myrtha because they had me dance as her, but the cast list was posted and I'm their Giselle!

Apr. 20th, 2015




Great news! The audition went so well I got a callback! Tomorrow I audition again with a smaller group of girls. My fingers are permanently crossed. Well, maybe not permanently.

Apr. 12th, 2015




Things really are pretty bizarre in this place, aren't they?

My world, however, remains strikingly normal. Auditions are coming up for Giselle, so I've been rehearsing more and more. IcyHot is definitely my friend.

Mar. 22nd, 2015




Do you ever see physical differences in yourself or your friends in dreams? Like they don't match with what you know from the waking world?

Mar. 13th, 2015




I thought I was the only one having a bad day, but I got on here and saw that some others had even worse bad luck than I did today. I was at the theater and a set piece almost hit me. I just managed to move in time. Then, I went to grab lunch and two kids were running around the restaurant and ran right into me, knocking my lunch all over the floor and me. I'm just glad to be home now. Hopefully nothing else will happen.