
Posts Tagged: 'loki+odinson'

Jun. 13th, 2014




I love my hammer.

Jun. 1st, 2014




It would seem that I've not been returned to myself like everyone else has.

May. 27th, 2014




Upon waking, I was rather concerned that this all had something to do with the gender change in my dreams. I see now it appears to be an Orange County phenomenon. Alarming how relieved I am at that.

Of course I have absolutely nothing to wear. I may not be very large normally but even my usual clothes drape a bit. I'm going to have to alter a few things, I feel. At least until I find something proper to wear.

May. 26th, 2014




An object landed on my beach last night. I moved it into my study. It's a hammer and there appears to be Norse runes on it. I've spent my entire morning trying to translate them.

May. 24th, 2014




I've had more dreams, finally! It was very thrilling, I have to say. We were all preparing for Thor's coronation, getting dressed in our finest armour and what have you. Everyone was going swimmingly, the entire kingdom was there to celebrate with us.

Then, just as Odin was about to crown Thor king, there was a great disturbance! Frost giants had invaded the castle, and were in the room where all the great relics were kept.

Unfortunately I didn't get to help at all, it was take care of by the guards and a great robotic creature used to protect the room. But exciting none the less!

I got up early to go to a training session with Steve, only to find that I seem to be able to lift quite a bit more than I had in my previous session. Interesting.

May. 23rd, 2014




Does the name Scarlet Witch mean anything, by chance, to anyone here?

May. 14th, 2014




It's really important that I have more Dreams. Really important. Does anyone know how I can... spur them on? Drunken sleep didn't really do

Not exactly sleepy. Trying to sleep more in case that does the trick.




Does anyone know if the Son of Coul is about?

May. 6th, 2014




People like to talk about their dreams. You can learn a lot about a person from the things they choose to talk about, and the things they choose to omit.

Mine remain pleasant, save for the fact those in my employ there are just as... in need of disciplinary action as some of the ones I'm actually paying. idiot goblins

May. 1st, 2014




It would appear my dreams aren't actually over at all. In fact, they've taken a rather peculiar turn and aren't even remotely similar to what I've been dreaming of this last year. It's like an entirely different world.

A world where Asgard exists in the middle of Oklahoma (I kid you not), where we've all been scattered through out the world and it's up to none other than our shining champion to call us home, and where I've been summoned home as a woman. Okay so I stole someone's body but There are many familiar faces but many new ones I've not dreamt before.

Also, it should be noted that now in comparison, my former dream self wasn't even all that bad. This new dream me is far more evil and malicious than I might have expected. It's sort of delightful.

Apr. 27th, 2014




It appears that my hiatus of not working is coming to an end. While I will be going back to the stage in not too long, I'm surprised myself to know that it won't be going immediately back to magic shows. As it happens, I'll be going back to proper stage acting of all things. There's a production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" that will be going up in Los Angeles and they've been looking for people with a certain capability in magic. Between Fandral and my agent, I've somehow gotten roped into it.

Though I think it should be fun, really. Fandral is also going to be in it, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, of course, that I don't feel like killing him too much after all is said and done.

(I'm joking.)


Apr. 22nd, 2014




At long last, Spring has arrived and, for once, I could not be more pleased-- not pleased enough to switch to pastel colors-- but enough to have retrieved and waxed my board in anticipation for riding the morning surf again.

I am also proud to announce permits for this season's hunting trips have been at last obtained. Now we will see, Thor, if you can best the bear of which you have boasted. Sigrun, you did not specify what game you wished to hunt or if you wished to join my brother and I on our bear hunt. Of course, Dani Moonstar, I extend an invitation to join us on this little endeavor. I would hazard you may welcome a change of pace before long.

Apr. 18th, 2014




It's come to my attention that I've been a part of this network for nearly a year now, and I still know so few of you here. I'd very much like to change that.

And so, for anyone who would be interested, I will be hosting a cocktail party for the members of the network. It will likely be held the first week of May, if enough people decide they would like to come.

Please reply if you plan on attending, and note any dietary restrictions, so that I may start planning the menu.

Those who RSVP to this post will receive a formal invitation in the mail, with the exact date and time, and the location of the party.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Apr. 14th, 2014




My staff are attempting a surprise party for my birthday tonight. Silly minions of them to think they could hide anything from me.

Apr. 8th, 2014




And Loki goes out with an almost heroic act of selflessness. I'm as surprised as anyone, really, but I suppose that's sort of the idea. Doing the unexpected.

Maybe now I can have some peace from these dreams.

Apr. 6th, 2014



How very odd! Last night I dreamt of being the Sif. Lady Sif, the goddess. For those of you who don't know, Sif is a warrior goddess of the Norse. In myth she was the lover of Thor Oh good lord and defender of Asgard, which is like the Greek Olympus. It was enjoyable, having the friendship of gods and being such a beauty!




I finally get my ass over to The Agency's building and the brother at the front desk wants to tell me how late I am.

Excuse me? Have you ever been a big one-eyed black man trying to get a cab in any metropolitan area, ever? No, you have not.

Tryin' to tell me I'm late. I've been on a plane since before the SUN came up and the man can't even get me a coffee. Orange County, you and I are gonna have a problem you keep this up.

Apr. 2nd, 2014




You'd think people would learn by now. Especially those who've been with me since the beginning. I don't suffer fools idly, and those who cost the company money I suffer even less. No, they suffer. Except he's quite valuable, so I shant let him suffer too much.

That vacation he was looking forward to shall have to wait.




New update on the being a teenager again business. Apparently, it's not something to be dealt with via magic. I've spent the better part of the day so far trying all manners of glamours and enchantments but it just cracks or slips away after a few moments. Since when does cheating not work, honestly.

On the heels of this are new dreams. Thor is a bad driver, no one is surprised, and I get tricked yet again but it's fairly well thought out so I suppose I have to admire that.

Also, and this is probably just the whole being a teenager thing which makes giddiness inevitable, Fandral was a delightful and unexpected surprise, as far as his part in it all went. Something about being smirked at by a fifteen year old this morning over breakfast seemed to cause him some discomfort, though.

Apr. 1st, 2014




While I have grown to resent a lot of things in my life, being fifteen years old was certainly near the top of the list . Sufficient to say, being fifteen again is not how I planned starting my day. This is a cruel joke, Orange County, even from you.

Mar. 27th, 2014




I had the most amazing dreams last night.

Mar. 26th, 2014




Girl Scouts were selling cookies outside the gym.

I'm pretty sure that's cheating, but I may or may not have bought a few boxes anyway.

... okay twelve. I bought twelve. But it's for a good cause!

Mar. 23rd, 2014




I picked up a new book.

So shoot me, I was curious.

It's not terribly awful so far, but I do find the "first person" voice to be a bit lacking.

Mar. 20th, 2014




How am I out of Girl Scout cookies? Again? How does this keep happening??

Mar. 16th, 2014



Hello and god dag to everyone. My name is Sif Magnusdottir; I'm a vice consul at the Norwegian consulate in San Francisco. I've been asked to visit this area to scout out sites for a future mission in Los Angeles, and I'll be staying for some time, so I have decided to put down (at least temporary) roots. I look forward to meeting you all.

Mar. 13th, 2014




If anyone has any tips on how to fall asleep and stay asleep, it would be very much appreciated. I'm growing more and more irritated at the fact that I barely seem to manage a few hours every night, and then I find myself sleeping for long periods of time during the day.

I think I'm going crazy with nothing to do. It might very well be time to start getting back to work soon, hesitant though I am about it.

Mar. 5th, 2014




I feel I should loathe this network, but, in truth, I find it cathartic. The thought that someone might be listening without complaint is alarmingly comforting, in a sense. Who would have thought.

My mood has at least taken a turn from anger to what I've decided is nostalgia. It's funny how these dreams have brought some of the pleasant, real memories I have of my brother and I. I'd forgotten times like that even existed, but there you have it.

I suppose I miss him, fool that he is. But I wouldn't take those words too seriously, most likely their brought on by a lack of sleep and nothing more.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




Ragnarok. hmm. Fascinating end, truly.

Feb. 21st, 2014




Apparently, tomorrow is Ragnarök. How fitting.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




Hi, Valarnet.

TW: murder, ota. )




There is something so deliciously wonderful when the hero, the mighty champion himself, has to come crawling for help from the one he imprisoned. How nice it is to see him so desperate, foolish as always. It's also nice to know that even after a year passes, everyone still feels the need to threaten to kill me. Oh - and such a pleasure to at last come across the infamous Jane Foster, so charming, I see why he likes her so much.

[Filtered from non-puncturable Marvel characters]

Though if that's what it's like to be Captain America, I'm not envious. That level of righteousness makes my skin crawl.

Jan. 29th, 2014




Now that I'm back in California and more or less settled in, I think it's time to set up shop again.

For those of you who are new, or have poor memories, my rates are as follows:

Sixty dollars an hour ($60/hr) for private lessons
Seventy five dollars an hour ($75/hr) for advanced techniques (ie: anything in the range of operatic)
Seventy five dollars an hour ($75/hr) for piano and/or organ lessons

Young master Frobisher, if you want your old job back, it's open to you.

Jan. 16th, 2014




I don't own a dog. Not even a little bit.

I also don't live here.




This is certainly not at all where I intended to be. But isn't that the story of my life, as it were, and, hey, I think I'm getting pretty good at this whole other universe/dimension/weird world thing although I'm not entirely certain it's because of Miss Chavez that I'm here. It seems normal enough here. Except for Fandral being entirely Midgardian, he remains hopeless as ever, so I take heart, and I don't think anything here will suck out my soul and disintegrate my flesh. (Fingers crossed!)

Having scrolled verily through this message forum, I see many familiar names. I should like to get to know this County of Orange, I think.

Unless you're all actually soul suckers and flesh disintegraters, in which case perhaps I'll stay indoors until such a time as I can return to worlds more friendly.

Jan. 15th, 2014




Knee's healed and at 100%, this is a good week.

Canaan, Shepard, Hela, Loki, other friends etc [all Separate]
So the paperwork came back. Officially retired from the MP. Again, for good finally. Up for retirement dinner?

Jan. 8th, 2014




Because I need a head count for my own, personal reasons... raise your hand if you've had a Dream, and if you're acquainted with me in said Dream.

Jan. 5th, 2014




I don't want to alarm any of you, but I think I may have joined the Dreamer Club.

Jan. 2nd, 2014




I am sad to say that I will be cancelling the show that was set to open this month. My apologies to those who offered both their time and their assistance, and to those that may have been looking forward to it. I wish I could give a new opening date, but I'm afraid I need to step away from the stage until I feel like myself again.

Dec. 23rd, 2013




Dearest friends, if you are able, please drop by for your presents whenever you are free. I will be home alone all week so whenever is best for you.

Dec. 20th, 2013




I had the most exciting dreams! In them, my friends and I (Loki and Thor included, of course), traveled to a planet made of ice and snow!

There, we did battle with frost giants, and we all fought most heroically. It was like something out of a movie!

Until I got impaled by an icicle, but my face remained in tact, so I was apparently not too bothered.

I woke up before the fight was over, so here's hoping we all survived it.

Dec. 18th, 2013




Its been a very good holiday season for me, with no disasters and no coma this time. I think I like it!

A month from now, on January 17th, my first movie with me in a starring main role opens, and while I am not one to self-aggrandize, there will be a party thrown by yours truly to thank all those who have supported me, fans and friends alike. It will be in Hollywood, on the evening of the 17th, after the first showing at the town hall there at [address].

All are invited to it, even if you can't make the showing. There will be food, prizes, and a chance to contribute to several charities.

Locked to those Thor knows well, has invited already, and his relatives* )

Dec. 16th, 2013





Dec. 15th, 2013




I would like to have it noted that traditional American Christmas music filtered through the morgue's audio system takes on a less than festive air. We have lost two interns last two weeks. I, however, have developed a new-found appreciation for Perry Como and Dean Martin.

With ten days to go, I suppose I should start shopping. Oh, dear friends, Valkyries, beloved family, and Nolan, do we have our holiday wishlists ready? I will be coming for them. Do not make me wait. You may choose leave your list below if you deem it appropriate.

Dec. 6th, 2013




Yesterday went better than I'd anticipated. And now, seeing as I'm suddenly the owner of a vintage Omega and a stunning Rolex, I should maybe start a watch collection.

And with my Christmas shopping down, I can enjoy the down-time between now and Christmas.

Dec. 3rd, 2013




Pro tip: flying with a busted knee? Extremely painful. Remind me to not do that one again.I am not a fan. But I'm home, finally. They made sure to poke and prod and sent me home in a nifty knee brace and orders to sleep in four a week. I should note that will never happen.

How are things?

A freaking hefty knee brace. I can't walk right in it. Also hopping up my stairs bad idea. Also painkillers. That made me take them today. Im a lil loopy. I hate painkillers.

I'm home, let's get this Derby going. Even if I can't skate for a fee.

Nov. 30th, 2013




That was exhausting. I'm glad it's done, and I don't need to worry about another family holiday gathering for another year. This year's reached the point where everything just feels exhausting. I'm greatly looking forward to January.

Nov. 22nd, 2013




I should have known that my restlessness as of late would lead to this (no, not earthquakes). I suppose I was curious to see what happens next, but I was getting used to no dreams. As always, Odin's idea of mercy is the worst punishment. At least I look good in chains.

That said, I'm acquiring quite the Asgardian wardrobe.

Nov. 19th, 2013




My trip to Kabul is settled. I look forward to going but I find myself strangely looking forward to returning here. I suddenly have more things on my plate than I have in a very long time. Perhaps this place isn't all weird and bad crazy. After all it's given me some great friends.

Haven't found work yet but I'm pretty convinced it's time to walk away after the New Year at the latest. I cut myself in the Armory today, while doing inventory for something, and I didn't notice. I got done, walked out, passed my secretary and she practically had a heart attack. Apparently I'd sliced my hand open well enough to need sutures, but by the time I trudged to med, they just wrapped it in gauze and sent me home shaking their heads.

I think before I get shipped to Kabul we should have that coffee. When is good for you?

How are things going? Had another dream. Discovered there are physical changes going on too. I am not loving this.

I'll be back from Kabul hopefully on the 3rd but they're letting me keep my laptop this time, so I can check in while I'm gone. Let me know how things progress?

Nov. 18th, 2013




I'm slipping away

Anyone ever wake up feeling more like themselves?

Nov. 16th, 2013




Never has a poem struck me. Until now.

Following thy guiding light
Fill your soul with bravery and pride
Raise your sword and hold it high
Speed your horse and pray to Tyr.

As we fight and if we die
To the hall we all shall ride
Brother of mine, don't be afraid -
Valkyries shall show the way.

Heed her call as you fall
See the horse she's riding on
Gallop fast behind her horse,
Brothers stroll to heroes' hall.

Face the death that came for me
Blood is all that I can see
Farewell to the battle, I fall
I'm off now to Valhalla's great hall

Irony thy name is Dreams.

In other news, dreams aside, I find a strange excitement over starting the Derby team with Hela. Once I am returned from Kabul after the holidays, I think it will be the best distraction I've ever had. Plus, who can argue skating and being pretty awesome?