
Posts Tagged: 'dean+winchester'

Aug. 30th, 2014




I know I met two doctors just recently.

Does anyone specialize in.. unusual illnesses?




Oh man, I wish I'd taken Lian back to school shopping last weekend. The malls might be worse than Christmas today. Oh my god, and I got the dirtiest look from this one woman while I was waiting for Lian outside the fitting room at one store. I know I can't be the only dad or single dad who takes his daughter shopping. It's like she thought I was there just to be a creeper.

Also, if you don't need to go out, I suggest staying inside or at least away from any college campuses. This is not a drill. I made the mistake of driving by USC and the traffic was horrible.

Aug. 26th, 2014




I'm REALLY frustrated with Popcorn Time. Seriously. How hard is it to load a show??




Somehow my phone's gotten destroyed. Luckily I've had an upgrade due to me for awhile. Just have to figure out what phone to get now. Before the actual football season starts. That's imperative. And before my fantasy football draft.

Don't judge me.

Aug. 25th, 2014




The two bottles in the fridge are so not enough after what I just woke up from.

He killed them. He killed my entire family...

Aug. 24th, 2014




So with all the dream talk on this thing.... disorienting and headaches? Is that how you tell? Because that was

Mar. 12th, 2014



Some stats to cheer myself up:

Days until the end of the semester: 33
Percentage of semester completed: 54.7%

Days until WonderCon: 28
Percentage of costumes completed: 33.3%

Days until spring break: 5
Percentage of spring break that will be spent spring break-ing: 14.2%

...okay, maybe the last one is more depressing than cheering.

Mar. 7th, 2014




Completely unsure of how to process last night's dream in which my husband (here, not in the dreams) attempted to purchase me a companion of the sexual persuasion.

She screamed and slapped me when I told her it wasn't her fault her father left (he just didn't like his job at the post office). Apparently, being sympathetic isn't something you are meant to do at brothels?

I'm relieved nothing happened, although I'm sure she was a very nice woman.

Mar. 5th, 2014




It looks like I've chosen the perfect time to open up my new pie shop. I've been so busy that I completely forgot it was National Pie Month. Just have to hope there aren't any set backs between now and the grand opening.

I'm Ned and in about a week, my new pie shop, The Pie Hole should be opening in Huntington Beach. And before you ask, yes, it is only pie. All homemade pies by yours truly.

Mar. 3rd, 2014




You know the best looks I get are the people who come into the shop thinking they're gonna find a guy under the car. Sorry guys, I'm a chick and I can handle cars stop being so stereotype happy. Also I will kick the next customer in the shins who goes "So you're favorite car to work on is a Volkswagen, Mercedes?" with a grin thinking they're funny. You aren't.

Feb. 27th, 2014




Two more days off. My car looks like it has been though hell. Ash scratches paint. So, anyone out there feel like doing a paint job on it?

I do love San Diego. Elena and I went down to the zoo, took shameless selfies of the whole thing. It was fun. I love to see her happy.

[Dean Winchester]
I was going to give you a call about doing the paint, but since I pissed Sam off, I wasn't sure if you'd want the job. If you do, it's yours first. Just know that I had to do that for everyone involved on both sides, and I'm not happy about it.

Feb. 18th, 2014




This is a thing? When did that become a thing. Why is that a thing? I can't be the only person who eats without taking a picture or posts about it on some social networking site.

I don't get it.

Feb. 14th, 2014




My coworkers have been handing out candy today in large amounts. I've collected something of a plethora of heart shaped sweets.

I am... uncertain of why they exist. They don't taste good, and the messages written on them aren't especially "cute". I can't be the only person who doesn't appreciate the misspelling of "you're".

Jan. 27th, 2014




You guys!

I was just taking a dog nap with Marco Polo in the nicest spot of my apartment where the sun shines in really wonderfully and makes naps perfect because it's like the perfect temperature --





Not at all apologetic for flooding the parking lot with candy sprinkles. Not even a little.

PS: Dean. Yeah. About that lots of murdering thing: Sorry. Ish.

Jan. 22nd, 2014




It's funny, I've been out of the marines for a few years now but it sometimes I feel like I just stepped off the plane. Like I missed more than I should have some times, though I can't wholly complain about it. Mostly pop culture. You're unlikely to find me whining that I missed planking or Bieber's balls dropping or whatever Snakes on a Plane was supposed to be about. But there are other things, great things I'm told that I've missed out on. Can't say I thought about it at all when I was in the service, I was mostly concerned with not getting shot, which I clearly wasn't very good at. But I did miss some things, mostly bad fast food, real seasons, latin mass in an actual church. If I thought about it I could probably come up with a list but there would be no point. I can actually go out and have or experience everything I've not been able to do in the last... ten years. Only ten years or so, it sure felt like a lifetime while I was living it. Here's hoping the next ten are more peaceful, and that I don't miss anything I don't have to.

One of the things I've already been told not to miss is this network, so here I am, not missing it. I'm Michael, nice to meet you all.

Jan. 20th, 2014




George Sands, where the fuck are you? If there's ever a time for you to show your ugly mug, it's now.

Annie is a ghost and only I can see her right now. I need to find a way to fix this. She doesn't deserve this. There's got to be someone who can help us!

Jan. 19th, 2014




I'm very sorry if anything that was posted on my account in the last few days distressed anyone. Everything is perfectly fine, and I am most certainly not being held captive in my own home.

Truly, I am not a hostage, and am speaking only literally. Please do not concern yourselves or seek out ulterior subtext.

Jan. 16th, 2014




Hola Mishamigos!

I don't mean to alarm anyone, but I'm pretty sure I've been kidnapped. At first I thought it was a J2 joke, but...

[ x-posted on twitter ]

Jan. 13th, 2014



I think I'm ready to up my cosplay game to the next level. I mean, you can only be a guy in a dress so many times before it becomes expected. Unfortunately, my manufacturing skill set is strictly 19th century. I can sew and knit. I'm okay with makeup if it's not more complicated than eyeliner and nail polish. And I'm a fairly decent wig stylist. And honestly, for most cosplay, that's all you need. But I've always wanted to put together something awesome. A mecha. Or actual armor. Or a superhero. Maybe a racebent-genderbent superhero.

So. Open call. There are millions of people in the world. One of you reading this has to know somebody who cosplays or who wants to cosplay or who you can persuade to make costumes. Serendipity. Fate. Destiny. I'm waiting for you.

Jan. 4th, 2014




So, uh... Yeah, that happened.

So I had a dream that my dad, shithead asshole murdering bastard going under the name of 'Cluemaster' like he's some super villian, is back in town (which is Gotham City, wherever that is, looks like Jersey to me) to kill people and to pull off some heists. Apparently in Gotham the cops are shit (again, just like Jersey) even though they've got this guy called Batman basically running around and doing all their work for them, so I decide to give them a hand. I put on this costume and decide to start collecting info on what 'daddy dearest' is doing and send clues to the cops (I call myself Spoiler, it is actually a kind of awesome name, even Batman thought so). Speaking of Batman though, I run into him and his sidekick (I totally hit Robin in the face with a brick when he pulled my hood off, go Steph!) and after they figure out who I am we team up to stop dad.

So after a bunch of fighting and heroics from Batman, Robin and yours truly, dad grabs me and is about to give me a face full of acid and he only stops when Bats tells him I'm his daughter and he has to pull off my hood to see. I take advantage of this and am about to kill him when Bats stops me. Then the cops swarm in and take dad and his crew away.

Odd enough, sure, but when I got up I had my Spoiler costume and a bunch of gear sitting next to me. I'm really not sure what to think about this.

Jan. 1st, 2014




Think my hangover is more due to mozzarella sticks than it is booze. Pretty sure I'm okay with that.

Dec. 23rd, 2013



Hello. My name's Bela. I just got an invite to this network, though I've lived in Huntington Beach for years. I work in journalism, and if a celebrity has an estate sale, I'm usually there. It's become an interesting hobby. I look forward to meeting you all.

Dec. 18th, 2013




It's snowing.

I mean that's cool and all. I don't hate it. It's ah, actually kinda nice. Snow. Wintery. Festive.

I dunno, I haven't gone out in it at all yet because screw you guys the actual christmas miracle here is that I woke up this morning and could see my husband's wings. There's like...some law on the books somewhere that says Winchesters don't see wings, but there they were.

Castiel is a stunning bastard.

Dec. 8th, 2013





As an avid reader of these boards, I can't help but noticing a lot of us are shameful flirts. To this end I ask: does anyone else ship people on this board or am I just crazy? Like, there's some of you who aren't dating but I just want to smush your faces together and be all NOW KISS.

cut for image, viewable to all. )

Like that.

I swear to god, you guys are going to make me go all Fiddler on the Roof on your bottoms and start randomly setting you up. Which would turn out badly, since I'm sure some of you are like me and are taken but can't turn off the flirt.

I guess I'm just saying augh, Valar, why so cute?

Dec. 7th, 2013




Curious, what is everyone's least favorite Christmas song? Everyone has at least one. Mine is Last Christmas.

Dec. 5th, 2013




So, there's been a project in the backyard I've been working on for the past...while. It's been pretty difficult between setting up the new shop, Cas being gorgeous, and other crap that comes up, and not only that but hiding it from my husband. But it's finally done and I got to reveal it to him today.

Cut for image. Totally work safe. )

So now he has his own quiet place to read and if he doesn't want anyone joining him, he can just fold up the ladder (you can't tell in the pic, but there's strategically placed hinges) and enjoy tea or whatever by himself. It's all cushions and beanbags and bookshelves inside.

I'd call it an early christmas present, but this is more just something I promised him even when he didn't think I was being serious.

But shit, not to be all sappy (more sappy) and crap, but I'm a better man because he's in my life and sometimes the people you love need to be shown that you love them, not just told. (over and over again.)

Shut up.

Nov. 17th, 2013




So I, fabulous girlfriend that I am, get to take my absolutely perfect Adonis of a boyfriend home to my family for his first Thanksgiving. What are the foods that you guys like best so I can make sure to have my mom make them, or make them myself? I don't want Bastian to miss out on anything that you find delishawesome just because my family is a bunch of heathens who serve weirdness and oddities.

Don't worry, we're going to show him loads of American football, and we'll probably bust out the blender and make some rum. I mean eggnog.

Nov. 10th, 2013




Life just isn't worth it once fruit pies go outta season.

Oct. 17th, 2013




Bloody fucking Christ. I take back any and all fucking curiosity about those dreams.

Never again.

Sep. 23rd, 2013




That moment when you realize that despite all efforts to the contrary, you are your father.


1. Jedi lie. I didn't know they were allowed to do that. I thought the guardians of peace and justice would also include honesty as one of their tenets. Ah well, learn something new every day/dream, like beautiful young women leading armies into battle, that was an interesting dream within a dream.

2. I forgot how much I actually miss building things. I might have to dig out my tools and materials and put something together this coming weekend, maybe something like a Roomba, only better. Or a gardening robot now that I have space for a garden, I don't know, we'll see how I feel at the time.

Sep. 21st, 2013



Five miles of beer is a lot of beer. Miles? Liquid miles? That doesn't exist in terms of measurement. Shame on me.

Will wobble home. Someday.

Sep. 15th, 2013




The doctors want to keep me another couple of days of observation, but otherwise they don't know how I'm healing so fast. I haven't told them anything, either. They don't need to know.

Also: Dean Winchester, I need to talk to you.

Sep. 14th, 2013




I feel like a goddamn failure.

Maybe I shouldn't because it was what needed to be done, but I should've fucking been able to stop it somehow.

If you need me, check the bar. If it's business hours, your best bet is Lux and no one gets to give me shit for actually conforming to that dress code.

Sep. 12th, 2013



When you order something online, make sure to pay for the fastest shipping possible.

Because sometimes things -- they just come too late.

It's lovely, though, isn't it? Meteorite. The most unique thing I could find.

This is supposed to be yours. I don't know what to do with it now.

Aug. 31st, 2013




Wanted: someone to rub Neosporin on my back. Itchy. :(

Aug. 30th, 2013



Just got an e-mail from my mother saying that she and Dad have decided not to come for a visit until after the holidays. I am amazingly relieved.

Does anyone else have family they love and respect, yet don't particularly wish to spend time with? If so, any advice on managing them?

Aug. 26th, 2013




My dream self is even worse at conversation than my real self. Is that irony?

Aug. 24th, 2013




Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days.

One compound friggen sentence and the whole world unravels.

Will say that the ghost was right about one thing, though. You can't ever go home.




I kind of miss going back to school time. I still get myself new pens and pencils and notebooks and this year, I got myself a freakin' steampunk iPhone dock. Yeah. That's a real thing, and the UPS person is going to bring it to me.


It's almost enough to make me wish I could enroll in a Ph.D program!

Aug. 20th, 2013







I woke up this morning and Esther, she's here!




Alright, two things:

1. I'd like to talk to whoever the hell is in charge of naming monsters. This crap is getting out of hand. I mean how the hell is anyone supposed to take something called a friggen Rugaru seriously? Sounds straight out of Scooby Doo. Related to that (so thing 1a, I guess?) I feel like I should start taking some kind of tally about the number of times something tries to eat me or Sammy in these dreams.

2. Welcome home, baby.





If I, er, had anyone over last night, I suppose I'd like to say ta for the good time - if we had a good time. Alternately, sorry if it was a bore (but I don't think it would have been).

I have your jacket. It's a bit of an over coat, trench? Beige / tan? And I've got to say, it fits me bloody perfectly and I've no intention at all of giving it back.

Whoever you are.

Aug. 16th, 2013




I am totally replacing the couch with one of these.

You never know when you'll need something like that.

Aug. 15th, 2013




If you die in your dreams, do you think you'll die here?

Aug. 8th, 2013




I don't know what the hell I just saw on TV, but let me say this: I'm military, and on behalf of every military man who has ever called his testicles his "clip"? I'm so sorry, ladies.

Aug. 6th, 2013




A public service announcement from The Winchester Homestead:

I'm not deleting yesterday's entry, but I really need you all to know that Cas sat there watching me type the whole thing. Read it over my damn shoulder.

This man is a menace.

If you see me blogging on that many (prescribed to me) drugs again, ask him why he didn't stop it.

I'd be embarrassed, but screw it, it's there.

I'm also still supposed to stay away from heavy machinery until next week once they can gradually dial down the dosage and maybe I won't have to be on this crap constantly. Like at night would be okay. I could handle at night.

Like I had a dream about going back in time and it was really, really messed up and I woke up and...and I wasn't having a super huge freak out about it. Like the dream happened and it was there and I still remembered it, but the panicked impulse to go drown everything in liquors was I guess blocked by the other crap in my system? I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not, but I'll take it for now.

Regardless, Cas don't friggen let me do that crap again. I want it in writing and in public so I can hold you to it.

Aug. 5th, 2013




Hey Valarnet, didja miss me?

You didn't even notice I was gone, did you? Thanks. No, really that means a lot.

I guess I got a few things to say here about what I've been up to in my absence.

Some of it I've probably already said, but I'm on quite a bit of valium right now so everything is comfy cozy and you'll have to bear with me.

  • Got my ass married.
  • Surprise.
  • Quit drinking (I know I talked about that. I remember talking about that. Right? Right.)
  • Had a seizure and ended up in the hospital under observation for a week while I detoxed.
  • A certain angel of mine needs a medal of friggen' honor for not only going out and buying every single pokémon game while, in my even more drugged up stupor, I said I wanted to play pokémon (actually what I think I said was choose you Casicuno and I'M NOT ANY GOOD AT MARIO KART RIGHT NOW MY THUMBS DON'T WORK YOSHI GET IN THE DAMN BALL) and then bought another system so that he could play with me and I'm pretty sure thought about getting a friggen gameboy color just in case.
  • He also gets medals for, I think, only leaving my room twice the whole friggen week and managing to combine his endearing, earnest powers with my giant fits of not being a very good person to be around to get me a single room after day one. Like, I'm 90% sure he used my hospital pretend shower thing and every time I woke up he was there and only once did he smuggle in pie for me. It was pie and pokémon. That was all he left for. That's how you know you have a keeper.
  • Possibly no longer have a job because of being kind of unfit to work? I'm not sure. I really need to call and check on that.

And I'm back in my own bed now. Earlier was spent watching Shark Week on the good TV (instead of the hospital one, which true to his word, Cas reminded me of,) and now I'm just sort of staring at the laptop filling space when really I should be making out with my husband since I'm not all hooked up to IVs and the bed is a whole decent size and I can roll over.

Never take rolling over for granted.


Rolling over is amazing.

Cas is here.

Have I mentioned that I love Cas? Because I love Cas.

Oh, and that beautiful, wonderful bastard took my name. True friggen' love right there. Didn't even know he was going to do that until he'd already filled out the paperwork.



I need to stop typing. I'm going to go pass out on Cas now. Get him all in my arms and not let him go because I can. It's going to be the most painfully adorable thing you've never seen. Unless you're in our room. In which case, I'm gonna have to ask first why you're in our room and second, for you to leave. This is our room. There's another bed down the hall. Creeper.

Jul. 30th, 2013




Cut for mentions of alcohol abuse and attempted recovery. Also swearing. )

Jul. 25th, 2013



How silly would it be to take a poll what color I should do my hair next?