
Posts Tagged: 'clint+barton+%28hawkeye%29'

May. 28th, 2015




Welp, I'm officially a superhero. And I am awesome. I mean, I stole security codes from Iron Man. Who does that?

May. 7th, 2015




I had the weirdest Dream last night.

Apr. 19th, 2015




On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it when your dog is more decisive than you?

Mar. 14th, 2015




We like to say that a cat, or another pet, moved themselves in. That it was entirely their fault that they're entered our lives. We give up our own agency rather than admit to ourselves that its our choice and our choice alone that lets the cat in. We don't often like to admit that we voluntarily take these creatures into our hearts and our homes.

It's easier to say that the cat moved in, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

Feb. 24th, 2015




Someone in the office shared this commercial the Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation made with us today during a presentation as we were talking strategy, so I thought I'd share it here.

The veteran in the commercial could easily be me, when I first got back stateside, and the dog resembles Lucky more than a little.

If any of you out there love dogs, or love a veteran, and are willing to become trainers for guide dogs, let me know. Our partner organizations are always looking for volunteers, because there are never enough dogs or dogs in training for everyone who needs one.

Jan. 25th, 2015




I never thought California temperatures would feel like a relief, but so far this is a heck of a lot more pleasant than Zambia was. No complaints here.

Doctor Bruce Banner. I'm new in town, so I thought I'd say hi. This is me saying hi!

[Filter to Tony Stark]
Hey there, pal. Remember that time you offered me a job, like fifteen years ago?

Jan. 24th, 2015




Okay, so this asshole is pretty much akin to a magician giving away all his fellow magicians' secrets, except for archers.

I hope the Avengers never find out. I'll probably lose my superhero status.




So I woke up to this beauty.

Probably one of the few good things to come out of my dreams.

Jan. 15th, 2015




This may seem like an absolutely insane request, but it's 100% real and I do need some sort of answer.

Anyone have a place were some dragons can call home? My dorm and my girlfriend's apartment don't allow them to live with us. They've been kinda hiding in the woods since making their appearance, but I want to find a real place for them to stay.


Jan. 9th, 2015




I had the strangest dream last night.

Dec. 21st, 2014




If anyone wants to like, give fencing or archery lessons as a fantastic Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/Festivus present this year, don't hesitate to contact me. Kate Bishop, reporting for duty. Definitely not as busy this time of year as I'd like to be.

Nov. 23rd, 2014




When you do people things you aren't proud of. But god that was good

Nov. 12th, 2014




A couple things to address. First off, and not very originally I suppose, but I want to thank all the men and women out there who have served and continue to serve their country. One day isn't enough to thank everyone for what they've done, but it's all we officially get, so there you are.

Secondly, I'd like to apologize for being an angry seventeenth century Frenchman for a few days there, and making embarrassing posts. Apologies to anyone I shouted in French at.

And last, congrats to Clint on his new place, looks gorgeous.

Nov. 4th, 2014




Not entirely sure how I feel about this, to be honest.

As a veteran who runs a non-profit that helps vets and basically runs on donations, part of me thinks that anything that brings money in for our guys is a good thing.

But camouflage ice cream?

Oct. 29th, 2014




May or may not have just bought a farm.

Oct. 16th, 2014




Woke up to find a bow and a quiver of arrows in bed with me.

Not sure if this was someone's idea of a joke or a present.

Either way, I guess this is a sign from the universe that I should take some archery lessons.

Oct. 4th, 2014




Stopped by the office today to find there was a service dog training camp happening. Couldn't resist taking a picture of these two.

Not for the faint of heart. )

Sep. 25th, 2014




Dear Dreams: Die in a fire. A really, really hot fire. No love, Elaine

Okay, maybe not die in a fire. But the Dreams aren't being very nice lately. I had a week or so without them, that was nice.. I need a drink or two after this last one..

Got my photos submitted for the edition, got propositioned for a new job as a photographer for National Geographic. Might take them up on it. I mean I doubt they'll send me to photograph radioactive boars.

Sep. 17th, 2014




Okay. So I'm pretty sure I just had The Dreams. It's pretty much the only explanation I have for the messed up shit that just went down while I slept.

So, like, I ended up joining NASA? (As if I'd ever have the actual patience to do that.) And I threw a fit when they didn't give me this fancy Space Cop job so I ended up stealing a ship and the title that went along with it, which, fun fact, was Star-Lord. Which is both freaky and awesome. So I took on this dude called The Fallen One or something like that and ended up killing several hundred thousand members of this race called ... Kree? Kree. I think it's Kree. And I went to jail. I mean, rightfully so. It was like genocide for a good cause but even I can't feel cool about that.

Then some big bro named Thanos came along and shit hit the fan and I got busted out of jail to help fight this big battle but my man pain was strong.

Pretty awesome dreams, eh? Eh?

Sep. 16th, 2014




Good morning, my name is Agent Coulson and I have just moved here from Washington, DC. I am a fan of history and am completely dedicated to my job. I look forward to getting to know all of you.

Sep. 14th, 2014




Has anyone been up to Santa Monica to try out our first Dunkin Donuts? I had to go up yesterday. I've been missing Dunkins since I moved out here and I bought like five bags of coffee. I might have to take a drive up once or twice a month just to stock up. Yeah, I know you can get them in the supermarket, but there's just something about going into a Dunkins and buying them that makes it different.

Sep. 10th, 2014



More Adventures in Dreaming

So, the first dreams were just the tip of the iceberg. Like I'd been seeing only half the picture...or a close up, and then suddenly the camera pulled back and what I thought was a fairly normal existence has been revealed to be...insanity.

My brother is involved in the craziness even more than I thought he was. Which makes me wonder if my brother here is as well. Is there etiquette for that? Somehow I get the feeling you're not supposed to call someone up and just ask.

Also, I'm not entirely sure what's a secret organization and what's public, at this point. Is S.H.I.E.L.D. public or private? Avengers? New Avengers? Dark Avengers? Secret Avengers? West Coast Avengers? Everything's a friggin' team or acronym, whether they're good guys or bad guys--H.A.M.M.E.R, A.I.M., Hydra...it's worse than the military.

Oh, and I was going blind for awhile, before I was deaf. Hawkguy cannot catch a break.

I guess the only good news is that I've reconsidered the relative coolness of Hawkeye as a codename.

Sep. 2nd, 2014




So, talking about your dreams seems to be a thing you do here.

Had the weirdest dream last night. One of those dreams that are so real that you think it might be actually happening. And I swore I woke up with aches and pains in places I don't usually have aches and pains. Must be getting old.

I know they say that when you dream you're a superhero it's supposed to be some kind of wish fulfillment.

I don't know anyone who would want to be this guy.

Also not sure how I feel about the name.


I'm not even from Iowa.

Sep. 1st, 2014




Gallery show is being put together. I'm actually excited. The director and I finally cut the list down to twenty of the best photos. I was a little surprised at a few of the selections but I think it'll be nice over all. I know I don't really know too many of you here but if you want to come see, there will be food and drinks, it's at Avantgarden in Santa Ana, and will be opening September 12th. I'm excited.

Cut for Photo, not filtered )

Filter: Clint Barton
So two things
one: can't find the card for the guy you told me about
two: Would you like to come over for dinner?

Aug. 17th, 2014



Watching world news was probably not the best idea today, it has me now questioning faith in people in general. Is there any good news anywhere?

Aug. 15th, 2014




Probably a good thing I was no where near Stark towers when whatever happened, happened.

I had a freaking panic attack just reading about it. It's okay, brain, this is California. It was a thing. and another another thing.

Any one know anywhere that delivers ice cream? I am not in any mind frame to leave my house right now >.

Aug. 11th, 2014



So I know I've been radio silent for a while, but there's a good reason for that, I swear.

Meet Captain, my new service dog. It took a lot of paperwork and a lot more training for me than her, but I've had her for a week now, and it's been working out great. I've never had a pet before, I didn't realize how much it would help.

I've had a couple weird dreams lately, too, I guess, but I can just put that down to the stress of getting Cap, I think.

Your ma's still alive, right? I didn't miss anything while I was working on getting my dog?



RIP one of the greats.

Good to see that alongside coverage of Robin Williams' death, there is an equal amount of coverage about suicide prevention and getting rid of the cultural stigma attached to mental health and depression.

If you think you don't matter, you do.

Depression is a fucking liar.

Don't be ashamed to talk to someone.




So instead of dealing with boxes (Yes, I am avoiding them) I went outside. I swear I didn't jump the time the big truck rolled by or the Humvee driven by idiot kids came too close I brought along my camera, of course. I got a lot of good photos, I think. Maybe. I suppose I'll see later. I just wandered because when I'm not feeling quite right that seems to help.

Cut for photo, not filtered, edited to have 2 photos! huzzah )

Sep. 30th, 2013



So...funny story.

Darce and I went out to lunch today.

And got married.

( Darcy )
How does it feel to be Mrs. Darcy Bishop?

Oh. Hey. Nat wants us to do dinner with her and Thor. Would you be up for that? Maybe this weekend?

( Nat )
Whatever you're thinking, you didn't make this happen. So stop patting yourself on the back.

Aug. 25th, 2013



I think my dog's judging me. I mean, yeah, I've been working a lot, but he doesn't have to give me judgey dog faces when I am home. I have a feeling today is going to involve a trip to the dog park to make it up to him.

( Darcy )
You wanna come, babe? We can grab lunch or something. Lucky probably likes you better than me at this point.

( Wilee )
What are you up to these days, kid? Feels like we never talk any more.

Jun. 23rd, 2013



Voice Post: Laika talking!

not work safe lol )

Jun. 21st, 2013




So Bring Your Dog to Work Day is an actual thing? They were just talking about it on the news while I was eating breakfast. Makes me wonder if anyone is actually taking their talking dog to work today. Might not be a good thing if your dog is blabby and knows you've played hooky from work before. Wouldn't want him to tell on you.

Jun. 17th, 2013




What is it now? 3-0? I'm actually starting to lose count of how many disastrous wedding attempts Tony and I have had at this point.

I can't believe I'm making another one of these posts

Despite popular opinion The Dragons were NOT a part of the wedding event. We did not hire dragons or a dragon tamer to put on a show during the reception. Believe me, I checked the invoices and our bank accounts. I thought it was another terrible idea of Tony's at first too.

We will, of course, be paying the hospital bills for anyone who was harmed during our attempted wedding. Please, everyone, accept our sincerest apologies for yet another wedding mishap. I'm not sure we will be attempting another one on such a large scale.

Jun. 15th, 2013




My sister's are saying I need a better outlet... So I'm asking if there are clubs in the area that are constructive? That are under supervision so I don't do stupid things?

Or any older guy willing to teach me something I know nothing about?

Jun. 12th, 2013




You're welcome.

Jun. 9th, 2013




So. While physics is on vacation, Queen and I have resumed our rivalry, leaving things standing the way they ought to be. We're having a shootoff with any interested people tomorrow morning.

Seriously. If you're better than one of us, and aren't Roy Harper? We kind of need to meet you so that we can bond. And what better way to try that then when everything is shut off, right? I don't care who actually wins this as long as it isn't him so it's my advantage to get a bunch of you people out there.

While we're at it, speaking of competitions, last year's labor day plans fell through but the network has funner...more fun? Fuck if I know, people around this year so...

Anybody up for a little bit of Labor Day paintball war? Two armies, two flags. One winning team. If people's superpowers or mutations are back? You can totally use them. Let me know?

Queen's gate is down

Jun. 4th, 2013




The next wedding is in a week and a half on June 15th. Invitations went out a week or so ago so everyone should have already received their invitations. This Saturday is the last day to RSVP. We need to know how many people are coming so we can get the rooms aboard the cruise ship allotted to everyone.

Believe me when I say Tony and I will completely understand if people who have attending the last couple of weddings don't want to attend this one. There will be no hard feelings if you turn down the invitations, but we thought we would give a big wedding one last go.


Alright... well I failed. I fell asleep last night, and I dreamed again... I just... I can't take these things.

What the hell are the Avengers?

May. 31st, 2013




Oh My God. Oh My God. It's been a little while now and I still can't believe how wonderful this is. I mean I'd hoped for it but was in the back of my head considering the worst and there is amazing Eowyn news that I'm just now mentioning here on the network for all of you! She's awake and everything is okay and amazing and AWESOME and some more wonderful stuff's happened since then too but full update later on if you would like. I have way too many other things to consider right now, but just...thank you so so much all of you who helped me get through this and I am so fucking glad it's all worked out!

I love this network also. Never change!

May. 24th, 2013



Things I Have Learned: The Hospital Edition (posted before Eowyn wakes up, whenever she does!)

1. Despite the large numbers of sick people, shiny machines that make noises, flashy lights, and people walking out with less money than they came in with, this hospital is not, in fact, a casino and yelling "Jackpot" when it's time for my fiancee's IV to get changed isn't appropriate or funny. ...Really.

2. Nurse Jerry is not, in fact, my arch rival, even if he does try to kick me out after visiting hours and I've had to resort to hiding in the ceiling as he comes to check. Nor is Nurse Patricia.

3. Laika is incredibly protective of both me and Eowyn. Therapy dogs are no longer allowed to visit us if she is in the room at the time.

4. Green Jello is the absolute best.

5. And so are those little individual cereal packets.

6. But really, do you have to give us an itemized list indicating that the meal contained a moist toilette? It's not something that either one of us is going to consume.

7. The chaplains are about as cool as army chaplains and willing to have long involved conversations with you about anything at all, even if you don't share a religion.

8. Meerkat Manor is actually pretty damn intriguing after the first two episodes, but thank fuck for closed captioning.

9. When you send friends to pick up clothes for you, they'll post embarrassing photos from your house online. So what if I sleep in a nest sometimes? It works for me.

10. As much of a good spin as I'm trying to give this doesn't make a damn thing better. Please let her wake up soon.


I have a job waiting tables. It's not exactly what I wanted, but apparently being in the army means you have no real world experience. I'm not really surprised that so many people go back voluntarily after they come home.

Trying to fit in is a nightmare.

May. 16th, 2013



[Locked to those in the know]

Hey, those of you who've called or texted or asked what you can do to help right now with the...situation being what it is, most of all I'm gonna need you to pray, or send good vibes or whatever it is you do, that Eowyn wakes up from this soon. That's probably the biggest thing that we both could use right now, that little extra bit of hope getting funneled our way... I'd really appreciate it anyway.

Secondly, uh. I don't want to leave her any time soon, but I've got the hardest working, best dog in the world here to help me out with stuff since my aids broke again, and I think she'd kind of like to take a break, so if anybody'd be willing to come up here, get her outside and out of her vest, then back into it before bringing her back up, Laika could definitely use a little bit of running around time since I don't plan on moving further than the bathroom until I know something definite one way or the other.

Otherwise, most of all, keep your fingers crossed that she comes out of this sooner rather than later. I'll keep everybody updated on what's going on but the longer she stays out of it, well, let's just hope it doesn't go there, okay?

Thanks for the support so far, and I'm passing it on as they come in. They think that she might hear me so...I guess this is me hoping?

May. 15th, 2013



[Locked to People In The Know]

TW for non graphic discussion of violence and length. Not cut for network )

May. 14th, 2013




So... It's been a long time coming that I tell the world this. It's hard to accept it to start, even harder to ask others to accept it. A few of you know me personally and already know, a few of you I might have met and spoken to at one point. But I guess it's time for me to do this.

I am a female to male trans* man. I've been in transition for about a 13 months. That surgery I had? It was to remove my chest. I am on hormones and just trying to pass as well as I can. I know some of you might get uncomfortable, and I kind of expect that. But to those that accept me for this, and still choose to use the correct pronouns and name... Then thank you. So very much.

It makes my life easier and makes things calm. Hell, not like I'm telling anyone my legal name anyway.

May. 13th, 2013




A series of pictures gets uploaded to Wade's wall on accident. They include:

Pinkie Pie playing X-box
Pinkie Pie singing
Wade pulling the sheets off of Pinkie in bed
Wade and a Monkey playing chess
Wade losing to the monkey
Wade and the monkey lugging a torpedo
Wade running away from Monkey standing on the torpedo
Torpedo exploding
Up close to an Oliphaunt
Wade on top of the Oliphaunt
Wade shooting orcs from the Oliphaunt.
Wade on the Oliphaunt at Taco Bell
Wade and the Oliphaunt in front of Disney Land
Wade and the Oliphaunt at the ocean
Wade mooning the camera.
Wade and the Oliphaunt on the road.
Wade and the Oliphaunt in front of Reno's 'biggest little city' sign.
Wade and the Oliphaunt at a wedding chapel.
Wade and the Oliphaunt at Lake Tahoe
Wade and the Oliphaunt confronting some Gangsters
Wade loading the Oliphaunt up with a large stockpile of weapons.
Wade and the Oliphaunt on the Road again.
Wade and the Oliphaunt approaching Los Angels
Wade and the Oliphaunt getting pulled over
Wade getting beat up by LAPD
Wade strapping rocket launchers to the Oliphaunt's tusks.
Wade and the Oliphaunt charging into Easterlings, rocket launchers firing.

Apr. 29th, 2013



I wouldn't usually do this, but I am getting desperate, and I've heard people on this board can be very generous and helpful. Is anyone looking for a bodyguard? Or know where a former soldier could get some good work? I've just moved into the Newport Beach area and I don't have a job yet. If needed, I have references from former clients.




My name is Will Graham, and I was recommended to this network by a professional acquaintance. I train dogs for a living - I find them a fair amount kinder than people, most days. Though in the interests of full disclosure, I probably ought to state that if your dog is named Muffy and you're fond of kicking her when she misbehaves, I will seize possession of the dog and risk the misdemeanor.

Apr. 28th, 2013




So THAT was Budapest.

Also, wow. Does anybody else not have dreams for a while and then BOOM they're coming at you all at once. At least I see how I got possessed now, which wasn't a whole lot of fun to watch, and like I said last summer, some of you are now required to strike me down should I wind up susceptible to that kind of thing HERE. I mean I'm not gonna feel guilty over something Dream Clint did while he was possessed but I can make damn sure that should I get within a bright blue glowstick here, somebody's ready to go ahead and cut me down for my own good, you know?

Weird night. Really, REALLY weird night on top of a really weird day at competition and a weird morning of dismantling camp as well. Sorry, but it's weird to go from Middle Ages to Superhero back to Middle Ages to packing up your household's tents and equipment into your modern U-Haul.

My life is incredibly, incurably weird, but my kid, who isn't speaking to me now, don't ask me why, took first in both of his events so color me an incredibly proud coach right now. Sorry, about that Queen. Your kid's just better than you are this week. But hey, if you ever need a hand...

Apr. 23rd, 2013




Hey. Hey. I need an Avenger! I want to join your boy band!