
Posts Tagged: 'bubbles'

May. 3rd, 2016




OMG I just spilled a Venti sized frap all over the front seat of my car. :(

And I don't have time to get another one before class!! I might cry.

May. 2nd, 2016




One of my classmates recommended this site so I figured I'd try it out.

Hi I'm Kurt! I'm from New York but moved out here to go to school.

I'm currently finishing up my first year at FDIM.

I have two cats, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser. I'm also a bit of a Broadway nerd.

Apr. 27th, 2016




Get back to my body just in time to have another dream. Everyone was going on a rescue mission to go save Crixus from dying and my half-dead ass wanted to go too note: kissing me is a really good method to convince me to do something, apparently. They brought back Oenomaeus and Gannicus with them, there was some drama, and Chadara ended up dead. I understand why and if she hasn't been killed she would have gotten everyone (including me) killed instead, but...still. She was something like a friend. Still, Mira and Naevia are continuing to cement my feelings on why you shouldn't fuck with women.

And apparently Spartacus has opened up a home for wayward Germans. They're fun when they aren't trying to actively kill us. I'd appreciate if my dreams could stop with the slicing off of things though.

Apr. 19th, 2016




Motivational talk: Check
Survived: Check
Would rather jump in the cage with no practice than do that again? Check.
Dream me totally could pull it off. I'm a bit more shy in public speaking.

That said it was nice, and I'm glad I inspired a few new members to join and give it a go. In other big news, New York State finally joined the rest of this country in allowing MMA to be legal within it's borders. Maybe if I train hard enough I can get in one last fight so I can do one in Madison Square Garden - it seems like a crowning achievement for my career.

Pretty sure my shoulder would be ruined but....

Apr. 18th, 2016




Getting stabbed isn't fun.




Someone today claimed I never take a selfie in which I am not smiling. I didn't deny it. I guess I don't see the point in taking a picture when you're not smiling? I've never been one for those pouty selfies. But, to appease the masses...
a pouty selfie )

Apr. 13th, 2016




I guess I can add "talks to animals" to my list of usable skills. I meant to mention this before, but I got distracted trying to get down responding to them.

Apr. 12th, 2016




I knew a blind date would be a horrible idea but I went anyway.

I must be a glutton for punishment or something.

Apr. 8th, 2016




Tomorrow we wrap up choreography on the first act! It's all going so fast! I can't wait 'til we start act two. That's when Alice dances with the Knave.

Also, this weekend I plan on baking some muffins. I'm totally going to indulge.

Apr. 5th, 2016




Dream me needs a little bit of chill. I mean, screaming that I can be hardcore is a little much, but then I sort of get it. Someone - well, multiple someones - said I couldn't fight things as scary and difficult as they could. I'm really, really bad at be underestimated.

Apr. 4th, 2016




Well thanks to my dream last night and some Roman shithead, I now have a scar on my face. In the dream and apparently in real life unless this is a very vivid hallucination. Not sure which I prefer at this point. There goes that fantasic modeling career I didn't have.

We found Naevia and managed to get her out. Lost Crixus in the process. Escaped into the forest. Lost more men. Killed even more. Spartacus was right: swords do get lighter with time.

Naevia's so weak, I'm not sure how we'll get her back to Vesuvius, and our numbers are so low I'm not sure how any of us will get back at all. Needless to say, morale isn't too great right now.

Apr. 3rd, 2016




Animaniacs was added to Netflix.

I know what my evening plans are.

Mar. 29th, 2016




Is there a way to introduce yourself on this thing without sounding like a dating profile or some kind of addicts support group? Probably not.

I'm Buttercup. I think my sisters Blossom and Bubbles are on this thing too. And I guess now I am too so you all get the complete set!

Also I do not like piña coladas. Or getting caught in the rain.

Mar. 28th, 2016




I spent the afternoon packing, and came to the realisation that I don't have much to pack. It's going to be an easy move down the hall in a few days. Almost feels like cheating somehow.

Mar. 24th, 2016




After a few false starts, thanks weird weather and so on, my garden seems to be growing well. I'll take that as a good sign!




[ooc: Haven't been able to post, so please backdate this to earlier today!]

Well, the cast list was posted! It seems all the practicing of faces paid off. I was cast as Alice! Needless to say, I am really pleased with myself. One of my friends was cast as the White Rabbit, too, so this'll be really fun. Harley, what do you say we have oysters to celebrate one of these days?

Mar. 22nd, 2016




Well, today I danced for three roles - Alice, The Queen of Hearts, and The Duchess which are three of the female roles in the ballet Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Wonderfully enough, I found my name on the callback sheet, but I have no idea which role I was called back for! The artistic director decided to be mysterious and not reveal who they're casting until the final cast sheet is posted. So... I'm in the dark. I know I'm potentially in for one of those three roles.

Mar. 17th, 2016




My older brother can apparently talk to animals in the Dreams.

Mar. 12th, 2016





No, that’s too formal.

Hi, guys!

Wow, that’s rude. Not everyone is a guy.

Hey, peeps!

Does anyone say peeps anymore? Okay, Urban Dictionary is telling me they don’t.

I’m Merrill! Good start. This is so exciting. Has anyone else felt like they didn’t fit in before they started having their dreams? I know we couldn’t have known, not really, but this explains so much. I’m not even human! Well, I mean, I am I think?, but I’m not in my dreams. There were so many of us—elves, that is. It was an important gathering of some kind, and it was all very exciting. I set something on fire, too! With my hands! Does anyone keep a diary to record everything they remember? I should really find those scented highlighters.

Oh! We share something about ourselves here, right? I’m a Cryptozoologist. You should visit me at my office! It’s cramped, really, and a mess right now, but I like visitors. If you let me know you’re coming, I could bake something, too. One of my roommates is a chemist, and our kitchen is probably contaminated. You know what! I’ll just buy cookies for us. Would that be all right? Does anyone have any food allergies? This is too long. You’re rambling now, Merrill.

I’ll just be on Tumblr if you need me.

Mar. 9th, 2016




I've lost my memory in my Dreams. It's strange because I can remember it here, but not there. Dream Me was so frustrated about not remembering, falling for Elena all over again, before she told me she was with Damon... I burned all my journals. I wish I'd left them be. I would like to read them again. Maybe someday.




So Audrey and I are happy to announce that we are expecting another baby! He or she is due in September and we're ridiculously excited. As is Ben about becoming a big brother.

Mar. 7th, 2016




I seem to have joined the ranks of those who have received items from their dreams. I woke up this morning to find the Sonic Screwdriver I had in my dream from a few weeks ago. It's quite impressive. A little beat up, but impressive none the less.




Is "things randomly appearing in your house" the Weird Thing this week? Because if not I need to change my locks.

Mar. 6th, 2016




cut for length )

Mar. 4th, 2016




Do you ever wonder: 'What are whales doing right now?'

Mar. 3rd, 2016




I love my job, I really do but sometimes there's nothing I love more than coming home to a warm welcome after a long day. And now that warm welcome is doubly warm with the furry addition to our home. He's so cute I can't even be mad that he cost a small fortune in vet bills.

Feb. 28th, 2016




Heartbreak and magic certainly make an interesting combination. Feels like that's not only what sets things in motion in my Dreams, but keeps them going.




I just found this and it is actually one of the cutest things I've EVER SEEN!

[Private to Blossom]
I think I had one of those weird dreams people keep talking about.

Feb. 25th, 2016




Oh yay, I get a double does of my parents fighting. They still do in reality and now I get to watch them break up again in dreams too. Not like I didn't have enough worries about that before.

Feb. 10th, 2016





Is everyone else LOVING THIS YEAR so far?? Because I AM!

Feb. 9th, 2016




I got ditched by my best friend and roommates for Valentine's Day. Looks like I'm on my own.

I really don't want to end up one of those bar flies drowning his sorrows in pint after pint on the world's most fabricated holiday.




Hearing more things about Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I've never actually seen the ballet, but the idea of performing it fascinates me. I'll be happy dancing in whatever they choose for the end of year performance.

Speaking of things involving rabbits, can you believe Easter is around the corner? ...Sort of. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.




Pancake day in the home of a baker is a wondrous thing :)

Yummy image )

Feb. 8th, 2016




Did anyone watch the puppy bowl? Eeeee! That was my favorite part of the night!