
Posts Tagged: 'anna+of+arendelle'

Jan. 9th, 2017




Right, because I want to watch a movie where a dog dies over and over again. I'm not a masochist. Who thought this was a good idea for a movie?

Figured that might get some attention so this isn't a generic, hi I'm new, post. Anyway, I'm Philip. Someone left this page open on a computer in the library and I started looking through it so I decided to join. Don't really know why, but now I've done it, so I might as well see what's going on.

Dec. 13th, 2016




I JUST MET RUDOLPH! AHHHHHHHHH! Sorry. This has been an exciting day. Now I just have to find Frosty. Do you think Santa will show up? OMG. Also is anyone else loving all the snow? It's so pretty! I want everything to be snowy! SNOW FOR CHRISTMAS!

Oh oh oh! We can watch White Christmas now! Does anyone want to watch it with me?

Dec. 8th, 2016




If you did not see Hairspray Live yesterday you missed out on it! It was AWESOME! Ohmygosh! I am so HAPPY!!!! Who else watched it? sdjkalfnsjd. Even BUTTERCUP stayed for it! Mostly because I looked like someone had just kicked a puppy when she tried to escape.

Dec. 7th, 2016




I got the new armor I wear in the Dreams this morning. Good news is that I didn't wake up in it this time. I actually found it in my van, of all the weirdass places for it to show up. This one didn't come with an EMP bomb, though and I'm kinda disappointed about that.

Also, what the hell am I going to do with two sets of bioarmor?

Nov. 25th, 2016




So apparently I was dreaming last night about my five-year-old superhero self again. It was our birthday in the first half. It started out fun. There was cake (which we blew away by accident) and presents. Only Mojo, Princess, and HIM tried to ruin it. We were really upset about it, but then everyone said that they had a lot of fun anyway. Even though there was a giant killer robot, a rocket that tried to kill everyone, and a giant piñata gone wrong. Meaning it tried to kill us. The Amoeba Boys actually got us a really nice present. They gave us dolls that looked like ourselves. They were really cute!

Then the second half was basically us being called to do everything, which we were super okay with at first...until people started just sitting around and not doing their jobs because we did it for them. So we decided that Townsville needed to figure out how to take care of themselves. Which meant that when a giant monster invaded the town, we didn't do anything and we let them figure it out. I have to say that the people of Townsville are not that smart. It took a really long time to get them to understand simple things. But in the end, they handled it and once it was over the Mayor still tried to get us to clean up the city. I hope we left it to the people of Townsville.

Nov. 11th, 2016




I can't believe there's only 8 days until my birthday! Birthday celebrations start one week from today! ;)

Nov. 3rd, 2016




I think I've begun to have those dreams that I've heard so very much about. And here I was thinking that Killian was a bit mental when he'd been telling me about them. Sorry, mate.

So far they're not very interesting. They seem to be more or less be a rerun of my life. Though from what I've heard, I should be thankful for that.

In unrelated news, the small gig that Pocket Dial will be preforming is a go. We'll be playing at The Hanged Man on the 14th, and while our fan club members were of course the first to hear about it, I figured you lovely people could hear about it second. You could all probably use a break, if whatever I caught these last few days is the norm around here.

Oct. 24th, 2016




Hard to believe that this time next week Audrey and I will be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary. We have two beautiful kids, a wonderful home and I still love her with all my heart. I'm a pretty lucky guy.

Oct. 9th, 2016




That was an AMAZING party for my bestie Caroline last night! Happy birthday, Caroline! The food was amazing. Peeta makes the best cakes ever! I danced until my feet fell off! Well, not literally, of course. Though stranger things have happened in this place! God, what a party. Whew! Won't be another one of those anytime soon! haha Except maybe for my birthday next month? Who's in? ;)

Sep. 18th, 2016




Emmys are tonight! I love awards shows; especially tv and movie ones. Emmy watch party at mine, Anna and Stefan's place tonight for anyone who wants to come.

Oh yeah, Anna and Stefan, I'm having an Emmy watch party tonight. I just decided.




I'm kind of ready for the summer to be over, I'm tired of heat and hope we get snow this time around. Plus Halloween and pumpkin things. Can't forget the pumpkin things.




Haven't had any dreams in awhile, so I knew I was due soon. First, Katniss and a few others started doing these Propos to tell the Capitol that Katniss was the Mockingjay. They retaliated by bombing District 13. Luckily, District 13 was underground, so we were all safe. After that, they finally figured out how to get into the Capitol to rescue Annie, Peeta and Johanna so we did another Propo to distract the Captiol. I told them everything Snow made me do as a Victor and how he'd do it to other Victors who were desirable and that he could use. In the end, the distraction worked and they rescued them. It was pretty nerve wracking for awhile, not knowing if they were going to get caught too, but it worked and Annie and I were reunited.

I only wish that Katniss and Peeta had been able to be as lucky. Yeah, they rescued Peeta too, but it was obvious, even before he was rescued, that Snow had really messed him up. I can only hope that we figure out a way to fix him.




Okay. That was weird. I just dreamt about some girl's funeral that I am pretty sure I've never met in my life. All I know is that I definitely didn't like her and people were staring at Jenna and me.




I never thought I'd find myself going on a triple date of all things, but last night was actually kind of fun. Way better than the night before.

Of course, then I had to go off and dream. You'd think at some point, Mystic Falls would all get together and just collectively agree to just stop holding dances.




Okay that was an odd dream. I guess it was one of them. Just hard to imagine not knowing someone in the dreams when you've known them nearly all if not all of your life.

Anyone else in that situation?

Dad / Kate
Do you guys dream?

Sep. 14th, 2016




I can't decide if this is cute or creepy. I'm going with cute. Before anyone asks? No. I don't know if it's a Winchester or a Winchesterette. I'm hoping for a girl.

Don't tell my kid that if we wind up having a boy.

Also? My kid's not going to be allowed to date until they're 18. Regardless of gender. There are too many perverts out there.


Sep. 4th, 2016




My body hates me today. Ugghhhhh hungover.


Aug. 28th, 2016




Alright, all you pumpkin spice and Halloween people, stop trying to rush the fall. August might be almost over, but summer isn't quite over yet. Lets enjoy the rest of it while it lasts before ushering in the fall.

Aug. 10th, 2016




I think it must be Weird Dream Pet week or something, and I missed the memo. Or maybe the OC is trolling me because when my hellhound passed the security checkpoint of this realm or whatever, he sort of got...downsized.

Behold, the terrifying Cerberus.

picture viewable to all )

How did I end up with so many animals in my house, how. It's bad enough my evil imp henchmen are nothing more than a chipmunk and a bunny in their current form.

This is bullshit.

Aug. 9th, 2016




I have a pet. He must be from dreams. He's a little unusual.

This isn't Pokemon Go either, so don't throw a Pokeball at him.




I've lost track now of how many times I've been kidnapped or abducted in my dreams. This time it was at Clary's mom's engagement party. I was lured away by the girl I'd bitten earlier. Turned out, she'd been turned into a vampire after I didn't come after getting a message that my girlfriend was being held captive. She had been telling people she was my girlfriend, so the person who abducted her thought they could use her against me, but I thought they were talking about Izzy or Maia and they were both safe as was Clary. Anyway, she lured me away to Lilith's lair. Lilith was trying to resurrect Sebastian, Clary's evil brother, and apparently my blood could do that, but I refused and then she somehow possessed Jace and had him bring Clary there to try and make me do it. Could this get any worse?

Speaking of Clary. Pretty sure I have the best best friend in the world.

New Clary and I )




You know that feeling you get when the Dark Lord rises again and suddenly you're reinstating an old secret society to help fight him? The feeling you get where you know everything's about ready to go to hell in a hand basket?

That's basically my current state of being.




I'm Judy Hopps, and I'm a Police Officer at Irvine PD. I was informed about this place not too long ago, and figured I'd give it a go since apparently I don't socialize enough. Which to that I call bull, but then again maybe I'm not as social as I think I am.

So hello everyone out there in network land.

Aug. 6th, 2016




I wish I could sleep. I can't sleep. I don't even know why. No bad Dreams tonight, I just... can't sleep. I close my eyes and nothing. Then I open them again and... I just can't. I tried counting sheep, or whatever, and a cup of warm milk (which, by the way? Totally gross.) I dunno what to do, man. BUMMMER. :(

Aug. 3rd, 2016




Well damn! What I wouldn't give to be Katy Perry right about now. Or just on this beach when these pictures were taken. Wouldn't have guessed that Orlando Bloom was 39. Still looks damn good!

Jul. 16th, 2016




Nothing like reliving the worse moments of my life for a third time. Thanks dreams. I like picking out all the little differences, really. I almost want to go back to the 1940s dreams. Creepy undead magic and everything.


(ooc: gg IJ for the double post, sorry!)




A college friend contacted me yesterday saying that she was coming out this way to start up a dance studio. She asked me if I wanted to be a instructor there, and I told her yes. It'll at least be a more steady paycheck coming in, and I can still do choreography on the side if I want.

This morning I woke up to find the Hokage Hat on my dresser. It's still strange for me to think that they chose me out of everyone in the village. I suppose the Third had his reasons, and I am glad that he believed in me enough to put my name out there to the council.

Also? If anyone knows of a good PI or you are a PI hit me up. I've got something that I need some help with.

Jul. 13th, 2016




Normally I really like these funny Orange County events, but this one's just annoying. Why's everything so big? I had to stand on a chair to cook breakfast today! I'm lucky my dreams decided to also give me a pair of normal sized clothes so I could actually get dressed.

Also, funerals are kind of the saddest things ever, aren't they? Today really sucks.

[Filtered to Raistlin]

I uh... finally dreamed of Kitiara. Kind of.




I think my dog is actually tired of pokemon walks.

Jul. 11th, 2016




Oh my Gosh, the beach was like, a giant Pokemon Party all day today! I got so much sun, though! I definitely should have put on more sunblock! It was bizarre seeing all those people playing on their phones, though. Bizarre and good! I kept hearing people joking and laughing with one another, making up cheers for their team colors and whatnot. The rivalry between Blue and Yellow and Red is hilarious!

So, what team is Valarnet on?

Jul. 5th, 2016




Well, the break was nice while it lasted but then it was all "Oh hey, there's still stupid dreams to have" while dealing with doppelgänger boyfriends and demons.

At least I now know that going to the police would do no good because of course A would somehow manage to delete all the texts right as I'm there so I get arrested after being framed. As if that's not bad enough, A somehow manages to kidnap four teenaged girls from a police van because of course.

And to add pepper to the wound, the dreams thought it would be hilarious to bring the freaking prom dress A made me wear. So this just promises to be so exciting.

Jul. 1st, 2016




 photo 4c4e681538c1cf875d340fbd7e6df755_zpsggtnbbor.jpg

Don’t forget on Monday for one day only you can get your special July 4th cookies from Baxters Bakery (both locations)

These are available to buy all day or get one free with any purchase of a sparkling drink :)




Just wanna thank those who came over yesterday for my birthday BBQ. I don't tend to celebrate my birthday but I'm glad D'Artagnan convinced me to have a get together, it was good to see you all.

Grim was also happy about all the leftovers he got to eat - by stealing them off the kitchen counter.

Jun. 29th, 2016




I'm hiding in my room, watching Moulin Rouge on repeat. Thank you, DVD player. If I lose this remote I'll be even more unhappy because I don't want to leave my bed. :( :( :(




Yes, lets drop everything and follow a woman who may or may not hate me through a mirror.

Jun. 25th, 2016




I pulled a muscle fighting training yesterday. I'm not exactly the kind of person to take things easy, either.




It's that time of year again. The time of year that comes a very close second to Christmas.

That's right ladies and gentlemen...

Shark Week is upon us.

Jun. 23rd, 2016




I've said it before and I'll say it again, the one thing I really miss about being human is tanning. Sure, I could use self tanner, but it always looks so fake. Even if I can't actually tan, that doesn't stop me from laying out in the yard though. I suppose one up side to not tanning is, I don't need to worry about sun screen and skin cancer.

Jun. 13th, 2016




I'm apparently now the antagonist in my own Dreams. Nice.

Jun. 8th, 2016




In 26 hours and 42 minutes, I'll be finished with finals! I'm very much looking forward to it! I can't wait for summer break, and to take some time off of school! I already decided not to take summer classes. I'm taking the summer off so I can play! Finally. Taking eight classes is quite the load! I can't wait to read some books for fun and go see some movies and relax!




Help, help, help....

My bad jokes need an update.

Tell me some.

Jun. 7th, 2016




So apparently we hit ball into Mojo Jojo's lair and broke his window accidentally? And then we started fighting about whose fault it was that the ball went through the window. And then we went into his lair like it was no big deal. I mean, he is evil and wants to destroy us, but we're just like, "Sure, we can walk in here like it's not an issue." Granted, we are five. We probably don't realize that it's a bad idea.

We found his photo album...because evil monkey villains have photo albums, too...and then we laughed at the pictures. And we started playing tag with him because that's what we do? We're also very easily manipulated by candy. Then when we started to help look for our ball (because he said he was looking for it), we just sort of destroyed his lab. Sometimes I think that it's not that surprising he wants to destroy us. But he did fire his own laser at himself accidentally.'

Then the dream switched to another one. There was a clown called Rainbow the Clown and he apparently lost his colors and became Mr. Mime? Also I am adorable and sing while I color (This is still true of me now). And then we saved the bus and this little old lady in a car from crashing into each other...and I decided all the color missing was a serious issue (which it clearly was) and I sort of screamed about coloring things and started coloring everything. I seriously did and thought I'd saved the day...only to realize my sisters were missing. I don't know where they were this whole time, but when I found them, they were devoid of colors just the same as everything else. I tried to color them, but it didn't work...and I was really upset at the lack of magic in my crayons.

Apparently the solution to this is to play music? And that song is stuck in my head forever. I'm apparently the drummer of the band. I wonder if I know how to play the drums.

In other news, I am free from school. Freeedooooom!

May. 18th, 2016




Does anyone else think it's weird that KFC doesn't give you butter with biscuits, but "Buttery Spread"?

I think it's like margarine, but I have my doubts as to whether or not it's actually food.




It's mornings like this that I'm glad I work from home. I get along with my housemates well enough, but sometimes they don't understand the meaning of sleep. I think I'm going to invest in a good pair of earbuds. Anyone have any good suggestions?

I'm Maria, by the way.

May. 17th, 2016




I woke up this morning and my ears were pointy! Not elf-pointy, but more like kender pointy! Which is less pointy than an elf, but more pointy than a human's! Isn't that exciting?! And I'm pretty sure I can hear even better now!

May. 12th, 2016




Anyone else need to stay up at night and watch Golden Girls repeats on Hallmark? It has somehow become a nightly ritual for me. I clean up from dinner, get ready for the next day, get ready for bed then get into bed and watch Golden Girls until Frasier comes on then it's time to turn off the TV and go to sleep. I hope this doesn't mean I'm beginning to turn into an old lady.

May. 11th, 2016




I'm so glad I only have one more final. This first year was tough but I made it through with all of my limbs and most of my sanity in tact.

May. 12th, 2016




Okay, at this point, I just need to ask here, since nothing's turning up out there.

I need a job. Badly. Or I'm gonna be outta a apartment and become another homeless vet. So anyone need a former special forces Navy Seal with crazy high marksmanship skills, leadership qualities, and a charming smile?

Okay I dunno about the last one, but the first two skill sets are for real.

May. 11th, 2016




Like most people I listen to music while I work out. Only today while I was on the treadmill, my playlist went from Papa Roach to that song from fucking Mulan.

Thanks sis.




Apparently, I got dumped in my dreams