
Posts Tagged: 'derek+hale'

Jul. 18th, 2014



Desperate Times

Heeeey, everyone.

So, I know it's really uncool to show up to a new place and be all, "I need help," but desperate times. Desperate times.

See, I was supposed to have this really awesome internship with a startup in Redondo but they went bust and I'm basically screwed now. I should've known that an actual paid internship for a code monkey was too good to be true.

Anyways. If you know anyone who needs a slave intern for the rest of the summer, I'm around until basically October. Yay, quarter system.

Jun. 13th, 2014




So a full moon on Friday the 13th. That's gotta be lucky, right? Here's hoping nothing gets weird.

Meanwhile, I got the kids after my shift today, since Father's Day is coming up and surprises have to be planned.

Thor has his head under the couch, which clearly means I can't see him and will therefore not give him a bath to get glue and glitter out of his fur. Smart dog. So well hidden.




Not only is tomorrow Friday the 13th, but it's also the full moon. You would not believe how many times today, I've heard people saying that the extra crazies will be out tomorrow because of those two things happening at once. If I actually believed that bad things happened on Friday the thirteenth then I'd worry that I was in trouble tomorrow, but I highly doubt one has any bearing on the other.

However, it got me to thinking, is there anyone who believes that Friday the Thirteenth is unlucky?

Jun. 12th, 2014




Woah okay, yeah, uh first time Dreamer here, please tell me they're just really potent dreams, right? I have a feeling though, after seeing so much on here, that when it hits you like a ton of bricks and you wake up feeling weird about it all, it's not so much dream as Dream.


So I think I know now what everyone is talking about when it comes to these dreams. I had one last night that was so vivid and I really felt like I was there. I even recognized a few people like Derek, Lydia, and my parents. It was weird I was like back in high school I guess and I made friends with Lydia and there was some guy I was obviously into. I said some things in my dream that was totally unlike me, and I am either dating this guy or I don't even know. It was strange.

On a different note I am moving soon so is there anyone with a truck that wouldn't mind helping me move some stuff?

May. 26th, 2014



I heard this was a good place to meet people, so hi I'm Allison. I'm a sophomore at UCI and I'm majoring in environmental science. No that does not mean I am a hippie or some tree hugger, I just value the world we live in since it's our only home. I have a Great Dane puppy named Bella and she is my my everything.

May. 22nd, 2014




Lesson for this week, brought to you by me, for free: Getting fingers stuck in engine blocks tears skin off knuckles. That's common sense, right? But here's the real lesson, no matter how tired you are don't scrub your hands later on in the day with the hard bristled brush.

I may have been so tired when I got out of work yesterday I went through my normal closing routine, which includes scrubbing grease out of my hands, and I wasn't paying attention and wire-bristle brushed my knuckles.

New power words for the shop were discovered. Ye-ouch.

May. 15th, 2014




Saturday was crafts night over at my house, since all the kids had to make mother's day cards. I also tried to teach them to make pancakes to they could cook breakfast for their moms, but only one or two of the oldest really got the flipping down. All the feedback I'm getting is "Well they tried, anyway" so I'm assuming cold cereal was had all around.

Other than that, I've vacuumed every day since then and given Thor about three baths, but I'm still finding glitter friggin' everywhere.

Thor isn't sure what he's done wrong to deserve so many baths. He's upset with me right now.

May. 11th, 2014



Open to all, TW for reference to passed away family. )

Apr. 28th, 2014




I really love this city. I was able to find a really old Opel GT to work on. Project cars! I love them. Even if it's going to take forever to get her up and running again. That's okay, totally worth it.

Apr. 24th, 2014




Sometimes it's exhausting being the oldest cousin, but sometimes it's a ton of fun

Predictably, Easter was chaotic. There was an Easter Egg Hunt at Uncle Peter's house, since he's got the biggest back yard. Most of the kids decided I was too old to play, which is fine, but one of the really little ones (he's four this year) asked for my help. He gave me one of his Cadbury creme eggs to say thank you.

Of course, all the adults overbought on candy. So once they did a final sweep of the back yard to get all the unfound eggs, they dumped all the left over candy in a huge bag and handed it over to me so the kids don't find it and go nuts.

I might put some of it in a bowl on the counter at work, for customers with kids. But I might keep most of it to myself.

Thor got a stuffed bunny for Easter. I was a little worried he'd tear it apart within ten minutes, but he carries that thing around by the back of its neck like it's his baby. He's very, very gentle with it and looks worried whenever I pick it up to put it in his toy box. I guess this one is sticking around.

Apr. 16th, 2014




This whole blood moon thing had me pretty wary anyway. But then I had a dream about tearing my uncle's throat out, and that was just sort of the icing on the really creepy cake.

I mean, my uncle's a dick sometimes, but that doesn't mean I want to kill him. Though apparently killing him makes me the Alpha, at least in my dreams.

This morning I swear, for just a second, I saw my eyes go red when I looked in the mirror.

But I haven't seen anything like that since, so I'm hoping I just wasn't quite awake yet.

Apr. 12th, 2014



Ugh. Gross mouthbreather guy at work found out that I'm single. I didn't know what to say when he was all HEY LET'S GO OUT and was breathing garlic on me so I sort of panicked and walked off. I didn't even say no, I just went AUGH and walked away.

... that counts as a no, right? I hope that counts as a no.

Mar. 28th, 2014




So aside from the world being crazy (I've been staying inside as much as possible) and my uncle being a dick (nothing new), I'm having more dreams.

In this one, I got show with a bullet filled with wolfsbane. Which let me tell you, even in a dream? Really, really hurts. Werewolves do not mix well with wolfsbane. Especially when we're shot with it.

So I spent my whole dream slowly dying of blood poisoning and almost had to cut my arm off.

That was fun.

Mar. 15th, 2014


Blocked from Kitty

Woo, I'm single again or something.

Derek, can I put in extra hours at your shop to fill up my free time?

Feb. 18th, 2014



Garment grids? Okay, that's the stupidest freakin' thing I've ever heard. Dreams, you are drunk, stop being in my head.

Baaaaasicaally I dream I can get awesome new superpowers by using this garment grid thing. And changing clothes. I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but WHO GETS SUPERPOWERS WITH NEW CLOTHES?

Oh that's right. I do.

I need more spheres - memories of people that they record on actual spherical things - but eventually I'll be able to do magical outfit changes like Superman only way more weird looking.

Derek, stop laughing.

Feb. 13th, 2014




Tomorrow is the full moon again. I'm thinking of battening down the hatches, just in case.

In other news, Thor has mostly learned how to sit. Or he does it when he knows I have a treat in my hand, anyway. It's progress. Training classes start the first of the month.

Jan. 30th, 2014




So I got through my first full moon after the dreams okay. The next one is on Valentine's day, fingers crossed it'll be fine.

Uncle Peter keeps wanting to talk about our dreams, but I don't know what there is to talk about. I dreamed he tore my sister in half, not something I really want to discuss.

I swear to god, if he suggests family therapy I'm moving to Alaska.

Jan. 4th, 2014



cw: gore and blood, talk of dead bodies. )




So Christmas this year was... definitely interesting. I had fun with my family, as always, but I also got a really amazing present.

Some crazy person got me a puppy for Christmas.

His name is Thor, he's a husky. He's... kind of amazing. I'm really happy.

Dec. 20th, 2013




Things have been a bit odd lately, what with mine and Derek's new dreams, and I've been feeling a little tense. But Christmas is a time for cheer, so that clearly means it's time to post more embarrassing pictures of my nephew.

Because what else are uncles for?




Merry Christmas to me, I get dreams about my family dying in a horrible fire and my uncle tearing apart my sister.

Also two teenage assholes trespassing on my property. Three guesses as to who that was, and the first two don't count.

Nov. 16th, 2013




Uncle Peter thought it was a great idea to post a picture of me on Halloween up here, so I figure fair is fair.

Have Uncle Peter in high school.

Nov. 10th, 2013




Life just isn't worth it once fruit pies go outta season.

Nov. 9th, 2013




For those of you wondering about Derek's Halloween costume, I managed to snag a picture of him while he was waiting for the kids to get ready.

Maybe a little bit of a cop-out (ha) but I still think he looks adorable.

Oct. 28th, 2013



Okay. Okay, seriously. I go to bed just fine and wake up having lost my voice. I cannot speak. At all. Do you know how horrible that is for me!? I couldn't answer anything in class! My parents are worried and want to take me to the doctor. I feel frigging fine! I'm not even sick!

Oct. 26th, 2013




All right, I bite. I told my cousins I'd dress up to take them trick-or-treating.

Now I just have to find a costume. Apparently I'd make a good Batman, but I don't know if that's going to happen.

Oct. 19th, 2013




Am I the only person who's not over the moon about Halloween?

... maybe that was a bad way to phrase it, considering dreams people have been having about me. But anyway, I'm just not into it. It's just another day for people to act like drunken assholes.

Oct. 18th, 2013




Does anyone else love this outfit as much as I do? I can smell a(nother) Disneyland trip coming on.

Also, Baseball. Who knew it was the sport of Vampires?

Sep. 25th, 2013




I swear to god, I'm so sick of getting lectures on how I need to be a more social person. I work a solid five days a week and usually come in to help on days off, it's not like I have a lot of time to be social.

If my uncle spent as much time worrying about himself and his own life as he did worrying about mine, he might have his shit together.

Sep. 24th, 2013




Being blown up sucks, an' I gotta say, I don't recommend it for no one.

Aug. 27th, 2013




The Camaro is not for sale.

The Camaro is not for sale.

I don't know many times I have to say that.

We're an auto body shop, not a dealership. There's no FOR SALE sign on it. Just because you see it in the parking lot, or see me working on it, doesn't mean it's for sale.

Especially if you see me working on it. It could be some random person's car. Why would you want to buy some random person's car?

Jun. 10th, 2013




According to my uncle, I'm not using this to its full capacity. Which means he doesn't think I'm being social enough. Apparently this is a good way to meet people.

So hi. I'm Derek. Consider this me being social.

May. 28th, 2013


001 ★ Enter, the Stiles

Sup, everyone? So I just found this network blog forum whatever thing and thought I'd hit it up. I'm Stiles, by the way, nice to meet you all- not that I've actually met anyone on here yet and I don't know if it would actually BE nice, but whatever.

How's it goin? What's up? What's new? What's the happenin'?




I swear, more cars come in when it's beastly hot out than at any other time. The garage is allegedly air conditioned, but hell if you can feel it when you're on your back under a car.

Pain in the ass.