
April 19th, 2021




So I've been an EMT for a couple of months now and I actually enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would at the start. The only part I really dislike, which I would think is the same for doctor's, is when the person we're called for dies. That happened last night and I don't know if it's because I've been talking more about being a Medium lately and I've let my guard down, but I saw the man's ghost just after he passed and it shocked me for a minute since I don't usually see random ghosts. I can usually control it and it's usually people I know that I see or people I've had a connection to.

It reminded me just how much of a shock it is to see them unexpectedly and while I sometimes act like an expert on the subject and like it doesn't affect me, that's clearly not true like I thought.




Has anyone ever tried to find their people? Their dream people, I mean. Friends and family, that sort of thing.

I just feel closer to them than the last time I dreamed.