
April 11th, 2021




Days like today, National Siblings Day, where everyone is posting pictures of their siblings on social media really make me miss Sarah and Cosima. It also makes me miss Alison, Helena and Adele, which is weird since none of them have been real people. Although, the whole thing with Adele does make me wonder if I really have a bio sister out there somewhere. Does anyone know how one would go about looking for long lost family members?

[Blocked from Eliot Waugh]

It occurred to me recently, while going over my planner for the rest of the year that this summer will be mine and Eliot's four year anniversary. I can't even bloody believe it. I've never been in a relationship this long before. I honestly can't believe it's been almost four years.




I've mentioned that I've been dreaming an alternate version of the events of the first time I was dreaming. In them, there are these ghosts that keep forcing us to go in one specific direction. They exist purely to ensure that fate or destiny doesn't deviate.

We beat them. We made destiny our bitch and now I don't know what's going to happen only that everything has changed.

I don't even know what set these changes in motion...




So. Derek's moved and Lydia is moving too once we graduate. I didn't even know they were thinking about it, but it's pretty much a done deal. Derek already went, and he signed the garage over to me. I don't even know what he was thinking. I can't be trusted near the equipment! I'm just the front desk guy. Maybe he thinks I'll learn to actually repair my jeep instead of patching it up with Duck Tape, but, no, really. I'm just going to patch it up with Duck Tape.

So uh. Anyone who knows something about cars and fixing cars without relying on Duck Tape, want a job? At least I already manage the books and payroll and stuff, and I'm the one who organised the files but...yeah. I have no idea what I'm doing, otherwise.