
September 27th, 2020




The privatization and commercialization of space is gonna be a problem and I don't think enough people talk about that.




Certain people who shall remain nameless are very lucky I arrived in the Falcon when I did. Seriously, Poe? Finn? I leave you alone and get tortured for awhile and this is what happens?




These dreams get more and more strange as they happen. I never want to hear the name Miguel ever again.

[Lydia Martin]

Have you figured out what you are yet?




I have many regrets and most of them is getting involved in this Tik Tok.

I can't stop watching cat videos!




So...guess who didn't die in the dreams when he thought he would?


Guess who nearly killed himself in some stupid attempt at being a hero?


At least before that I finally kicked Captain Phasma's ass. That was satisfying as hell.