
February 10th, 2020




Now it's almost Oscar time.

What to wear, what to wear...

I look damn good in a tux. )




Sometimes, when I have a nightmare, I don't know if it's a Dream dream, or a regular dream and regular nightmare.

I just can't tell the difference any more.




Look. I get it. It sucks. But management made the decision not to offer the same discount to retired military that they do active duty. There’s nothing I can do about it without putting my job in jeopardy. And unless you’re willing to pay my bills after I get fired over you? I’m not putting it in jeopardy. And I couldn’t give a shit if the other servers here do it. That’s them and their choice to take the chance. You want that discount? Ask for their section next time. You will not bother me at all. In fact - it would make my day.




I never thought I would say too much homework, but alas, the time has come. And I'm only a freshman. I wonder what will happen in the coming years, but I imagine I'm going to adapt fairly well to it. I have so far, right? I have to remember to stay focused. I have a journal for all of my rambling thoughts when I can't seem to focus properly; usually a good thing, right?