
February 9th, 2020




I do so love being a punching bag for people's racism. I was told to take my germs and go back to China while I was completely minding my own business and not showing any signs of being sick. I'm not sick. To my knowledge, I've never even been to China. But sure, accuse me of spreading the coronavirus just because I'm Asian. Racist asshole just needed to make himself feel better by putting me down. I hate people.




[Private to Alex]
So I just got to the point in my dreams where I've obtained the actual autopsy on Rosa and the evidence is all pointing to Max given that it was his glowing handprint on Liz's chest when we reunited at the Wild Pony and that same mark is on Rosa's face.

I don't know if that's where Liz is in the dreams so not sure if I should share or keep this to myself?