
May 25th, 2019




These Dreams really need to learn that Saturdays are supposed to be relaxing. I definitely shouldn't have to be trying to process them while fixing dinner for Will and Hazel. But at least now I know that my stay at Camp Half-Blood while Bianca was off on that quest wasn't completely lonely for me - I talked with the goddess Hestia which probably not something a lot of people can say they've done. And even knowing how that quest ended for my sister - didn't really make it all that much easier when I dreamt it myself.

So um...sorry about the Skeleton Warriors that I accidentally summoned there when you told me? You didn't have any show up at your place today right?




Well if my Dreams have taught me anything it's that I really need to work on teaching Sawhorse what the words Whoa and Stop mean. The only thing worse than walking to the Emerald City with him and Jack is walking there without them because bad company is better than not at all where Tip is concerned. Me here? I could live with a little bit less of Sawhorse's attitude while we're house hunting. I did meet someone else in the Dreams though - some girl named Jinjur who offers to share her lunch pail with me as long as I carry it for her and do whatever else she says. It's Old Mombi all over again for him apparently.

There's apparently an Army of Girls marching on the Emerald City to overthrow the ruler because "men have ruled long enough" and have been keeping all the jewels to themselves instead of "making them into jewelry for girls to wear and spending all the treasury money on gowns". I like jewelry and dresses as well as the next but even I have to say that this girl is clearly selfish. Bankrupting an entire country for gowns and jewels? Tip tries to talk her out of it by pointing out that war is going to cost too many lives but she won't listen because no man is going to hurt a girl and that is what her Army is made up of.

She was right though - the Army of Girls conquered the army of the Emerald City using their knitting needles and took control. I'm actually a little worried about the city and what's going to happen to everybody in the land of Oz.




Welcome to the Underworld! Tonight is the night- Saturday. Here we go!

We have a club in Vegas, and we are open!




Well, now I need a drink, or maybe a few. I'm out of my plane. I ran out of gas, but took the last German out of the sky. Instead of taking a header into the sea, I sailed over the sand, found a nice spot to land, and put it on the ground. I did have a problem having to hand crank the landing gear down, but I'm there, very much alive.

Here's the catch. I'm also alone. I'm away from the boats, my men are fuck knows where. I think they were picked up by the boats, and now I'm looking pretty screwed. As much as I hate to do it, I took my stuff out and burned my plane where I landed so they wouldn't capture the plane and any information. I watched it burn, then I heard soldiers leveling guns at my back. Fucking Hell, why can't it be the allies - but that's not how wars work. I did get on a train eventually as a POW! Until next time then.

Oh and dream faerie - thanks for the flight jacket and mask. I finally got to take it off and here it is.




I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. A big golden dragon on my back.


Any of you wanna come with when I do? For moral support.

... I might also need to spar after to work off my built up aura since where I'm thinking about is going to hurt really bad.