
May 11th, 2019




Since I haven't heard of any weird Orange County fuckery happening today... I'm going to guess the reason I came home from work to the entire apartment complex's mailboxes on the ground and the wood all broken has absolutely nothing to do with the weather and absolutely everything to do with them being original to the buildings?




Just when I think I've finally gotten used to the way normal everyday life is here in California, minus our regular area apocalypses of course, I find out something new that just has me wondering what the hell is actually going on out here. My roommate and I were feeling a bit too lazy to cook tonight so decided to go online and see if there were any new restaurants added to the list that deliver to our complex. And there's a Sno-Cone place that delivers here. In what universe do you need to have a Sno-Cone delivered to your house? Wouldn't it be practically melted by the time it got to you anyway?