
May 3rd, 2019




I think one of the weirdest things about the Dreams is how, you can have this one Dream and it throws everything to the wind and you're left grappling with what you've learned means and nothing seems to make sense and everything is just a mess. But then you come to terms with it, and maybe not make peace but you know where you stand about it all and you're okay again.

But then it's all "Oh, here's another Dream" and it picks up like right after the dream that made you lose your footing so you haven't had time to work it all out and so once you wake up, you're in this weird haze of where you initially might have been while also being like I dealt with this already and so you have to remember that and it might only take a few minutes, but you're still just "..wait, didn't I deal with this already?" initially upon waking up.

I don't know. It's the weird whiplash I guess.

Everyone's okay, right?




Back to business. The Vegas launch is coming. Hitting the final push is making me crazy.

I need a drink. Who else needs one?

Elena )

Tyler )

Thomas )

Alex )




You know, I personally wouldn't put a book titled The Borden Murders in Young Adult Self Improvement, but if that's where the bookstore wants to put it, then who am I to judge?




whose bright idea was it to give me a team and put me in charge of anything? i mean really. sure you thwart a major crisis or two, but someone needs to explain to the icepole that is our learless feeder that i am not management material.

pretty sure the wife will run more than me, but at least it's on the sunny coast for a while.

you think supervillains from california are more liberal minded than super villains in new york? property destruction still seems pretty high. i'm still sure this is why i get tigra and cap keeps pym though.




I need some suggestions on where's a good place to buy a bed and mattress. Now that Dragon has decided he'd rather sleep on my bed, with me, instead of the dog bed I bought him, it's getting pretty crowded. It'd be one thing if he slept at the foot of the bed, but he's decided that he likes sleeping next to me and he's not a small dog either.




So twitter finally made an algorithm to keep nazi propaganda off of their site and ban people that post it. ...but they are refusing to implement it because it would deplatform too many politicians. I don’t know, to me that sounds exactly like the kind of people that should be deplatformed.

At the same time, it looks like Verizon is selling Tumblr, because traffic went down 33.3 percent after they decided to ban nsfw artwork and make LGBTQ issues impossible to search for. It's almost like doing both those in a mostly fannish and LGBTQ space was a bad idea. Who possibly could have seen that coming?

How did the people in charge of both these sites even get hired?




I can’t believe how many cases of the measles have been popping up in the United States… in California… in the 21st century. We almost eradicated the disease, but now thanks to science disbelievers… here we are. If you wanted to take a gamble with your own health, that’s one thing. But these people who refuse to vaccinate their kids are saying they’d rather their kid risk death than risk the very much disproven theory that their kid be “different”. They’re also bringing down the herd immunity that those who CAN’T vaccinate for medical reason depend on.

And even if you survive the measles, one of the worst things about it is it rewrites your immune system back to factory default. Anything you have built up an immunity to, your system forgets. Making it easier for you to to succumb to other viruses. So a measles epidemic? Is only a start to other epidemics rising after it.




...Yes, you see me here a lot. Yes, I'm Japanese-American. No, I really, really don't work here. I just have an addiction to tuna sashimi. Please leave me and my food alone.