
May 2nd, 2019




If you had told me a couple weeks ago that I would be waking up to the sound of the ocean I would have called you a liar, but here I am, loving every second of it. Admittedly it would be better if I had a job but... slow and steady or whatever it is they say. Can't run before you walk. I'm just full of these sayings today, apparently. I blame the coffee, I've definitely had too much coffee.

Pretty sure it wasn't decaf.

Maybe I should put this energy to good use, like... job hunting.

Office hell here I come.




You ever look back at old posts you made as a teenager and get the overwhelming urge to punch yourself in the mouth?

... Speaking of mouths, I'm pretty sure I need this beautiful disaster for all them fine dining occasions I obviously go to where they'd judge me for talking with my mouth full.




In my Dreams, my marriage may not be as terrible as I expected it would be as Odin and I did manage to find love, but there are some things he does that piss me off. Such as the fact he calls me Frigg, an Aesir name, and anything that I accomplish while being the Queen of the Valkyries and his wife is attributed to the name Frigg, not my actual name. Because we can't have the other races know that a Vanir goddess is queen and doing good things, oh no. That would be the worst thing!

And yet aside from private squabbling, I won't make a big deal out of it lest I ignite yet another Aesir-Vanir War. Which I don't want to do. I've already been banished from Vanaheim, I'd rather not get myself banished from Asgard as well now that I have a home there. And a son that I wonder if he'll die like mine in this life did




I thought the dreams had stopped since I haven't had any in a long while, but then I was hit with a week's worth of them. I don't know which is worse...a straight week of them or getting them here and there.

You are the biggest jackass ever in my dreams.