
February 24th, 2019




Guess my dreams are back. Blake is being sweet but frustrating but I'm not mad Weiss and Ruby are both being adorable of course.

Who wants to guess the odds of this train we're taking reaching our destination without trouble?





I think I have officially had my first set of "Dreams". It was basically like my regular life except apparently being one of the five founding members of the Ipswich colony is way more important. Our five families have something called "The Power" and they've been keeping it a secret for about 300 years, but passing it and this Book of Damnation down the line of the families. One family disappeared, but the other 4 have always been tight and the ones I know are the same friends I have back home. But apparently we're all warlocks.

I don't feel any different, but I'm kind of nervous about what this means in the future if there's more of these Dreams.




Nothing ruins a weekend like waking up in the middle of the night to feel like your ankle is being branded by an invisible hot iron.

I passed out from the pain and it was tender in the morning but it's now there...on my skin. It signifies the death of One. It's to let the other 8 of us know that they died. Didn't expect that but I shouldn't be so surprised.




Bao just won the Oscar for Best animated Short. Domee Shi, the director, is the first female to helm a Pixar short.

I'm so thrilled. It's amazing to me how things have changed from when I was a child. Representation is slowly reaching the media, females are given opportunities...yes, I recognize there's hard work at play and it's ongoing but really -- so much better than before.

Positivity, my friends!




So last minute I know but I don't really have a choice this time. Anyone want to go as my date to the Oscars tonight? Mine had to cancel and I hate going to these things alone.

OOC: pretend this got posted this morning please




I'm trying really hard not to be that boss at Fangtasia. But when you show up to bartend for me and you're ass is hanging out of the holes in your shorts ladies? I'm sending you home for the night because I'm not dealing with that headache of you getting offended by the shit some of the guys that come in are going to say.


I know you're not on the schedule for tomorrow but can you come in for a couple hours to train on the bar? I got a feeling we're going to need somebody to fill in up there more.




I am getting the hang of my magic now. Though I have to wonder what limits I may or may not have to it being a goddess and all. Or perhaps there are limits this world imposes that may not exist in the world of my dreams. I have seen my dream self is rather powerful where magic is concerned, but she is a warrior first, preferring to use her sword and fight on the front lines as opposed to standing back and using spells.

I am also surprised. My marriage to Odin in the dreams is actually not horrible. It seems as though he and I genuinely did fall in love despite the bitter war both of our people fought over. Though I did not need to know I have a son with him. That is too painful




I am renting a damn storage unit for those books. I don't care how much it costs but I cannot have those two books fucking nonstop under my bed anymore. They're getting louder I swear which makes absolutely no sense since they haven't been separated at all since I woke up to them here. It's bad enough that they wake me up but now they're waking up Gerald and I think Felix at least once. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Margo didn't hear them in her room sometimes.