
April 29th, 2018



These Dreams are fascinating. I don't think I'll ever be ready when the next rolls in. Another gift, another dream.




I think I may have had a couple of those Dreams you all have been talking about, but I'm not really sure.

The first one I had I saw what I think is a prehistoric forest. I don't know if that really counts, but when I woke up I realized that I'd been asleep for twenty-four hours. Is that...does that happen here? Like, is that normal?

The other dream was different, it was actually kind of normal, just me moving into a new apartment, but when I woke up, it didn't feel as though it was a dream. I actually expected to be in that apartment. Is that normal?




What do you call a really short Mexican?

A paragraph, because he's too short to be an esse.

In other news, it's really strange to Dream about a graduation that you didn't remember having before. Guess I gotta give a shout out to all those sidewalks in Beacon for keeping me off the streets.




Just when I thought I was done with the Dreams for good, they decided to rear their ugly head last night. Apparently, I decided to give civilian life a try. With the sims. I'm not sure what possessed me to go with those idiots, but things...seemed okay for a while. I was even learning how to be lazy. Or trying, at least.

But nothing the sims touch ever lasts all that long. After a bit of an incident with candles and lube (don't ask), they managed to burn down our retirement home. To get the funds to build a new home, the sims sold their movie rights And what did they build as their new home away from home?

The galaxy's greatest... water park.





I hear there's a big movie out this weekend?




The 2018 Pulitzer Prize winners had some fantastic stories about the last year. The use of social media in reporting the California fires kind of reminded me of this forum. For all the strange things that happen here, this place is rather ideal for organizing resistance and relief efforts. Don't you think?





Who here has a fear of clowns?




I haven’t had a Dream in a while, but not only did I have one last night, I woke up with presents. ...Still no broom, but life doesn’t always give you what you want. the only thing I want from the dreams is the br

I was a Fifth year in the dream… I guess that’s a bit like sophomore here, judging from the ages? I was chosen as my house and year’s Prefect, which is something like a glorified hall monitor with tutoring duties for the younger kids. I was incredibly proud to be picked. And my parents were proud of me. Not… really something I can say I’ve felt here since I was sixteen. It was really weird, feeling that in the dreams.

My brother was less than thrilled. I guess he thought I was going to follow around and snitch on him and his friends. Also a weird feeling. We’ve always been so close here.

When I woke up, I not only had the little green and silver pin they gave me for being chosen as prefect, but I also had my wand as well. I guess I get to ask my boyfriend how to use it. Mine didn’t come with the memories of all the spells I learned…. In the meantime, it’s been locked up in his safe before our dog thinks it’s something to play fetch with.