
September 6th, 2017




I love barbecuing on the long weekend. Even Liam seemed to enjoy it. What he isn't enjoying is his new teeth. He hasn't been too fussy, but the little biter has gotten me a couple of times.

Private: Veronica
What are you up to? I've been thinking about something.




Do you say toe may toe or toe mah toe?

Year - o or jeer - o for gyro?

These are the questions we should be thinking about!




Walls were so much cheaper to repair when they were mostly paper.




Well, the original plan had been to send Chris to some fancy boarding school just outside of LA, but it turns out that didn't happen. And I lost my goddamn tuition deposit, son of a bitch. So, he started going to a public school instead.

So far so good, I think. Though it's becoming increasingly more obvious that I'm going to need to move into a bigger apartment if he's going to be staying with me during school. Nothing like nearly breaking your toe on the stupid hide-a-bed that takes up nearly the whole living room.

And I guess I should probably get one of those child shrinks too. This forum seems to be filled with crazies, so I'm sure someone has a recommendation.




I never thought I would say this about any fast food burger, much less about Burger King, but their new Rodeo King Burger is legitimately amazing. I am going to start putting onion rings on the burgers I make at home.




I just watched a video of a guy who ate a cactus. Like one of those small ones that looks fuzzy, but really isn't. I don't even understand why someone would do that. I mean, yeah, he obviously did it to try and get likes, but come on. I'm a vampire and drink blood and I wouldn't even eat a cactus.