
August 3rd, 2017




We helped a family, they had horses, and were very friendly. They invited us to dinner. It was the most normal dinner of either of my dream lives.

More normal than most dinners I've had awake, too.




Obviously to be be in control, Hydra has to have a complete disregard for science and history and facts. Between that and people suddenly alive who should be dead and before we lose anyone el all based off of memories and being coded as 1s and 0s, I will be quite happy to get out of this bloody Framework world. It's just convincing the rest of the team that they belong in the real world.

I refuse to believe Fitz is this horrible just because I'm not in his life, there has to be something else




Well, good morning, everyone. Every day that we wake up not yet entangled in nuclear war is a good day, isn't it? Resident n00b here, and resident LGBT lawyer - Dorian Pavus, at your service, and I always keep up with my bar dues (yes, you have to pay to practice law, who'd have thunk?) and CLE requirements.

This forum is utterly fantastic and I'm so glad the idea to join came to me in a dream. Well, it didn't really, but I thought I'd mention that just to integrate myself seamlessly.

But what else about me? I live on a vineyard, I brew my own spirits, and then drink them. That may be all I can share at this time, and I eagerly await the scintillating conversations you will provide as I sip my oolong tea.




I think it's time to start considering daycare for Mareena during the day. There are things I need to do with the club in the moring hours before we open at night, plus helping her learn to socialize with other children--well---babies--can't be the worst thing int he world.

Do any parents have recommendations?