
July 24th, 2017




It really should not be surprising that a dark ops group that fake their recruits deaths would be prepared to completely destroy each and every one of them with an automatic fail safe. And yet, here I sit, surprised.

On a less deathy note; wtf does one do with apple trees? Someone failed to inform me that my property has about six apple trees in the damn yard and the birds are starting to piss me off.




These Dreams certainly have interesting parallels with reality. I'm still rather new to this Dream-memory concept, but I will admit it took a few moments to remember just which world I was in this morning. They reminded me of my days as a young man back at boarding school in England. The professors were strict, the classwork enigmatic, and the physical training exhausting.

Then again, they never sent new students flying off of a cliff. Perhaps it is for the best that I am merely a teacher in this world, rather than a founding Headmaster. The liability forms alone would level what is left of our forests.




Life goals: Get to SDCC before I die. Anyone else wish they could go?




Well, since my first post on this here thing was more personal than a general hello, let me remedy that by saying 'hi' to all you fine OC folk. You certainly have a weird obsession with dreams on this thing, though. Not sure what that's all about.

Anyhow, name's Yondu.