
July 1st, 2017




You know...

A pyrotechnician should know how fireworks!




I managed to go all month without making Pryde month jokes.

You're welcome.




Last year, when I wasn't dealing with crazy monsters, or whatever, I was babysitting my nephew on the 4th of July. Which means I didn't get around to much celebrating. This year I'm hoping to hit up all the fun spots.

So. What are the fun spots?




I donated my heart to someone yesterday. I don't think anyone expected me to walk out of the operating room after. I'm very sorry to the nurse I startled.




Future ain't all it's cracked up to be. We learned Gabrielle's niece had been sold into slavery to some warlord. One who was nastier than most. I've rarely seen Gabrielle that angry, but I can't really blame her. I'm more afraid she'll go running half-cocked and get herself killed.

So I knocked her out while a friend and I infiltrate the warlord's palace. I put myself up on the auction block. Discovered the warlord liked to have 4 or 5 people bid on his purchases to hide his identity.

But then while I'm trying to get more information of course Gabrielle gets herself gifted to the warlord too. She looked damn good dancing up there...

We did end up freeing her family and the rest of the girls. We discovered they were gonna kill one of them, but I made a little switch-aroo. The warlord got beheaded before his people realized they had the wrong person.

A righteous kill is better than one for revenge.