
May 28th, 2017




Someone explain to me how dream-Clint gets all the whack jobs, even when he's not on a damn team. Clowns man. Clowns.

I'm so fully and totally over this bullshit. And it always seems to include Barney. I'm considering ex-communicating him just in case.

Seriously. Clowns!

And just to top it off, I wake up completely deaf with a dog licking my damn face. Fun times.




Dream!me has really got to make better choices. Kronos is not the sort of friend you want to have. He's also not the sort of person you want to pledge allegiance to. He wants Thalia my friend to be his host, I guess? Or at least to have the power to take down Olympus and I'm supposed to aid him and Atlas in this, but I hesitated, so he told me if I didn't do it, I would be forced to be his host and suffer a fate worse than death. So that's great. Who doesn't want a fate worse than death? I'm pretty sure everyone's signing up for that. Definitely.

So of course, in an attempt to trick Annabeth my other friend, I carry the sky and wait once she's been captured and is brought to where we are. Then I trick her into taking it from me. I think she believes too much in my goodness, which is why she would do that. I think she believes she can help me, but she can't. I don't think anyone can I'm probably the worst friend to have in the dreams, honestly.




I feel like I keep waiting for something more when I wake up. Like something was supposed to happen and it hasn't. Mostly I don't remember dreams or if I do, it's something ridiculous like forgetting to stock things at work or not being able to find something. It feels strange waiting for something when you've never even considered it before.

Also I think I did something the other day, but I'm not really sure?

So in order to distract myself with something outside of work and school (which is almost over), tell me something new you've learned recently that really interested you or tell me your favorite terrible joke/pun.




I think I finally got the hang of this text-to-speech software enough to actually use it for reals.

So, yeah, getting blinded sucks and I'm still making adjustments, but it's almost settling in as normal now.




In the ever so weird adventures that are my dreams, a pink furry man names Fuzzy Lumpkins became the mayor of Townsville. I'm not even sure what he is, other than the most redneck person ever. He turned the mayors office into a literal pig sty and then my sisters and I had to catch his stupid pigs.

The only reason the old mayor fought back and won? Fuzzy put on his hat.