
May 27th, 2017




I've just realized that I have spent 60 hours at the club this week alone.

I need to get out. Volunteers?




I have a son.

Liam Andrew Echolls was born May 15 at 720pm. He came in screaming and hasn't stopped. Well, not really screamins as much as demanding attention. I can't tell you how he knows when we want to sleep, but he does.

Liam Andrew Echolls )




Guys! I have been so busy with tea shoppe stuff I haven't gotten a chance to tell you! I landed the part! My first lead role! I am Juliet Capulet! Isn't it wonderful? I had my first practice today!

Apparently there's some talk, though, among the nastier members of the company that I got the role because I was cozy with a donor. I hate rumors.




I've been wanting to work through this by myself, but...

Does anyone have a space that's at least 40m x 30m x 15m in size?

Uhm, I have a space ship and it really needs repairs and I don't have the tools or workspace for it. She's kind of been sitting in one spot for weeks now.




Sometimes you really should listen to all the warnings you see about things. Tonight I decided to ignore them, and sat down to watch the Dirty Dancing reboot...

That is three hours of my life I will never get back. I lost count of how many times I said "What the hell?!"

I now need to watch the original so that the balance of life is restored.