
May 15th, 2017




Che palle. I did not know the answer to the question 'can these dreams put you into the hospital?' was yes. Then again, it may be a combination of them plus my own stubbornness that put me into the hospital, but here I am. With many needles stuck in me and staying for 'observation.'

At least I can breathe again, that is a positive.

I took a nap and woke up to see that the statue of my likeness was also right here in my hospital room - I am not sure where it was located in a dream, though it must mean I die soon because why else would someone put a statue of me in their office? But anyway, here I had to explain it as a prank. I think I am delirious enough on drugs for them to have believed me.




I want to go to there.




SO I HAVE A CAT NOW.... I'm also blonde with really long hair and blue eyes um. But my face is the same!!!

My mom didn't seem to mind, and we had a really great mother's day for her!

But I woke up today holding a brooch and a cat at my side! Her name is Luna and in the dreams she can talk! I tried to make her talk today but she just stared at meeee. So I put a ribbon around her neck. isn't she cuuuute?!

I guess Im kind of a super hero in my dreams now. And we're looking for the rest of the sailor guardians. I'm Sailor Moon now.




My neighbor in the Dreams is alive! I don't really understand how, but she ended up in the Otherworld hospital. It took me a while to find her and along the way I was attacked by wheelchairs that moved themselves. I'm going to say that getting run down by a wheelchair with no one in it has absolutely no dignity to it. Also, the monsters here make this weird noise like a belch when I hit them. As terrifying as they appear, it's really hard to take them seriously when they make noises like that.




Had brunch with my mom over SKYPE yesterday. Well, it was brunch for her, but breakfast for me since she's on the East Coast. It was nice, even if she did start in on why I don't have a boyfriend and aren't there any nice guys in Orange County or don't any of my friends know any nice guys. Leo gets a girlfriend and she thinks she needs to marry Tish and I off asap. Gotta love my mom.




Today's morning announcements in homeroom included a reminder that seniors are not permitted to be completely naked underneath their graduation gown.

While this made the morning ten times more amusing, I have to wonder how often it happens that there needs to be a reminder announcement.




Well, looks like I've joined the rest of you nutjobs. My dreams are never as vivid as the one I had last night. Apparently I go to a fucking magic school! And before any of you losers ask, no, it's not fucking Hogwarts. It's less Gothic castle and more college in Upstate New York. This is insane, but at least Eliot is there. So we can go through this crazy shit together.