
March 12th, 2017




Is 3:00 in the morning too early for a drink? Moreover, is it too early for a drink in the shower? Because I'm covered in sweat, but I'd like about three bottles of wine right now.




Well, there is nothing like feeling as though you and everyone around you is following some unknown script by a man who has blackmailed you before and wants your husband dead and you're the only one who sees it. Dieu, I have a bad feeling about this. And here I was expecting things to end as they had in the first set of dreams. Clearly though that is not the case this time around.




So addition to my weird dream habits. I saved all the popsicle sticks and sold them as lumber in Little Rodentia. I told them it was redwood. I mean, technically it was red wood, but...

So then Officer good feelings showed up and told me she'd caught me and that what I was doing was illegal, so I showed her all my permits to prove I was perfectly in the right to do what I was doing.




Can I just say thank goodness that I can make people I work with see whatever I want them to see? Because it would be difficult to explain cat eyes. Not that I mind them, specifically, but that was my surprise from last month. But almost two weeks have passed and nothing's changed, so I get the feeling they're here to stay.

And in my dreams, we're going to find Desjardin's house, which sounds like a terrible idea, but here we are.




What does one do when their older brother, who has two children and a ... fairly decent wife, decides to drop the 'I'm gay' bombshell, having gotten to the point of wanting to live honestly with himself, and wishes to tell a horribly conservative and grossly judgemental father that he's divorcing his wife to shack up with his very male lover?

Considering I know what my father is capable of, regardless of how grown we are, I'm not entirely sure Christian knows what he's doing. Other than finally being honest about things. The sweet thing doesn't fully understand my concerns either.




Ever stare so long at a computer screen that when you close you're eyes you're still seeing it?




My dreams started again. Not too long after I yelled at Captain America.

They were bad. So I need something happy.

Give me your favorite pictures of puppies.




I got the nicest bouquet of roses from one of our donors tonight! These babies are absolutely going in a vase when I get home. I'm not used to getting things from the donors. Well, when I danced Odette those few times I did get some flowers, but nothing like this bouquet. It's funny because I'm not even the lead this time. Must be doing something right!




New Dream. Eph and I hunted down a special type of Strigoi called a Feeler. Feelers were once humans who were born blind, so as Strigoi their other senses are extremely heightened. We dissected its brain as part of our research and I decided that I could use it for my weapon. We'll see how it works. It's supposed to stun Strigoi, send them into a stupor. That could work to our advantage.

In real life, I may or may not have made a mistake. I bought a 48 pack of chicken ramen for about seven dollars. Am I going to get tired of this stuff? Will my apartment start to smell like chicken ramen? These are questions that will be answered soon enough.




My sweet little angel of a kitty ruined not one but two pairs of tights today and I still love the ball of fluff. It's weird how these little animals sneak into your homes and hearts. Is there any way to train cats not to shred your belongings?




My boss at the gym let me know, laughing all the while, that a woman asked him if there was another spinning instructor she could try because she didn't like my politics. I cracked one Donald Trump joke and the woman decided I'm some liberal heathen. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am liberal, but I try to keep that out of my work. It was just that he was on one of the televisions and I couldn't resist making a remark.

And for the record, no, there is no other spinning instructor, so you're out of luck, lady.




Two fights in one week. This is a club where people have a good time. It's not som pub, and having a punch up in my place is not something I take lightly. Take that outside.

So I might have broken the guy's wrist on the bar. The bouncers had it handled quickly, but my place isn't that kind of place.