
March 11th, 2017




After having repeating dreams I finally get new ones... Not sure if it's a good thing. Just me telling dream dad I don't have my abilities, and thinking I should give up on being Spider- Gwen. Even dream me is lost




After recovering from having my body stolen by a homocidal maniac things got interesting. An ancient space ship from another galaxy, Spock having to go back in time to save his childhood self, a cloaked planet, more adventures with tribbles, a giant Spock, and literal Satan.

I almost long for the days of Spock's brain.




I dreamed again!

I continue to be oblivious to the crush Kaeden has on me. But I'm rather occupied with helping to protect my new home from the Empire. Guerrilla tactics, the same kind of thing I taught Steel and Saw Gerrera to use against the Seps just a year or two before.

I had to hide who I was. Where I learned how to fight from Kaeden and my new friends.

But the Empire caught her. Tortured her. Naturally I rescued the fair maiden, but then I left the planet for their safety since I'd had to reveal myself as a former Jedi.

Then Bail tracked me down. I wasn't sure who it was at first so I might have broken somebody's arm. Oops. It was good to see him and R2 again.

I guess they realized she was important to me, because they used her as bait to try to bring me back. Last thing I dreamed was taking a detour to get some new Kyber crystals to rebuild my lightsabers. Woke up before I came out of hyperspace.

I know I get out of this alive because I've dreamed of the time after. I just don't know if I'll be able to save Kaeden and her people or not.




So dream me gets dumped by an asshole. Not sure that's a bad thing, but dream me seems to be really upset. Aside from that dream me makes out with my dream best-friend. Which doesnt sit well with me already. on top of that who the hell has flash bolts for arrows?!

Still, Allison knew I made out with Scott in the dreams so Im curious as to what happens next.