
November 11th, 2016




Shoutout to all the Veterans out there, and those currently serving!

Thank you for your service, and Happy Veteran's Day! All of you make me proud to be an American.




Oh thank god. Looks like Starbucks has like twelve different cups this holiday season so now we don't have to listen to people bitch about a paper cup this year.




What depressing times we live in. Left to go on a honeymoon and returned to...whatever this is. We ought to have stayed beneath the wonder of the Northern Lights for longer, I gather. But there were important things waiting for us upon our return - a fat calico cat (how is this fluff still alive), busy holiday season at my sister's occult bookshoppe, and of course our baby daughter. I missed her the most, admittedly. She's growing into her English nose.

Saw a few reindeer in Finland though. Reminded me that holiday madness is just around the corner. I can only imagine what will befall us this year, in Orange County.




Today is Armistice Day in the UK and Veterans day here in America. Please remember to take a minute to remember all those who served or are serving your country, if you so wish of course.

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It is so nice to have a long weekend. A lot of movies shoot through weekends, and don't have holidays off unless it's Christmas. We were due for a long one though. Now what to do?




Here's what I have to say about this election. Come on people. It's been a few days, and nobody is dying. Life goes on. Who knows what the future is going to be? Are states really talking about seceding from the US? Good luck there.

My motto this month is Business as Usual.


As though this week was not bad enough with the election results, I was so wonderfully disowned by my parents last night. I believe I will just sleep this weekend away. After that, then I need to start looking for a job. And making my stay here more permanent and not prone to being deported when my student visa expires.




I can't believe there's only 8 days until my birthday! Birthday celebrations start one week from today! ;)




I may or may not have fallen asleep with a baby on my chest while I was watching my nephew tonight for his parents. They got to go out and see a movie for the first time in several weeks, and trusted me to watch Roger for a few hours.

I was Dreaming about being in space, and when I got home I found a set of armor waiting for me in my apartment.




the houses in my dreams are pretty swanky. i mean, i don't really know what to say about it. it's giant. and apparently we're plotting lots of terrible things as usual. we should maybe plot less terrible things. i don't think that's going to happen, though. voldemort is pretty much out to take over the ministry.