
October 30th, 2016




My mom and Paul went all out this week and decorated the outside of the house. Back in New York we lived in an apartment, so we didn't really have much to decorate, so they went all out this year with some inflatables, plastic skeletons, lights, you name it. If this is what they do for Halloween, I can only imagine what Christmas is going to be like.




I've been so busy at work trying to learn everything that I just realised I never gave a thought to Halloween. I won't 'celebrate it', been years since I've done so but the fact that I haven't even bought sweets could be problematic. I guess I'll have to find time to run out to the store and pray that everyone here hasn't already bought everything! Though given I still live close to the College I don't imagine that there would be too many young children coming by.




You know how when you watch spy movies, and you're so sure they're full of shit on what these people seem to think happens? It's true. 80% of the time everything goes wrong and those insane stunts get people killed and/or tortured and/or very bad things happen.

Not even flying a military grade helicopter makes up for this bull.




Ladies & gentlemen...

THIS is the man I am going to marry in two weeks.

My mother must be so proud.




Halloween is easy when you work in movies, and know some epic makeup artists.




I feel so huge.

Any good costume ideas for a pregnant lady like myself?




Well this is convenient of the dreams to leave for me, right before Halloween no less. I guess I have a new costume to try out now.

Cut for image )




I didn't think I'd be back here in the OC, but never say never apparently! My year away has really taught me a lot and I'm excited for my new job here. It doesn't really seem like much has changed.

So, what up, OC? Still just as weird as always?

If we haven't met before I'm Rose. I do MMA and private security. Although not as much MMA anymore I can usually be found at the gym. And since I know what kind of network this is, fun fact: I'm part Moroi vampire.




As much as I try not to think about it I can't help it.

I think Halloween will forever be scarred in my mind as the day that I die in my dreams. It's a horrible thing to mar a holiday I truly enjoy, but such is life.

The small bright point is I can totally dress up in my school robes and carry around my wand like it's a regular day.




It's still really strange, receiving gifts from my dreams. But at least this ring is useful. Being stuck inside all day was starting to make me crazy. theres really only so much you can do in the house. Like mastering Color Switch