
October 22nd, 2016




Given that this place turns a little strange, I think I've decided to forgo the dressing up this year and just decorate the house and hand out candy. It seems like the safest bet, at any rate. As much as fun as it was to turn into 17th century cavalier that one time and shout at people in French.




On a scale from 1-10, how lame is it to dress up as yourself for Halloween? Because I look pretty damn cool, and it's the best fitting costume I've ever had.

Though, Finn, I might need to borrow my jacket back.




Alright, I have a love/hate relationship with haunted houses.

That said, I want to go to one!

I also want to decorate pumpkins.




I am putting the final touches on the Purgatory Halloween party. Drinks are all Halloween themed, and we will have a costume contest and a haunted house upstairs. That's where the cool ghouls and goblins go.

Are you ready, Mistress of the Dark?




I've a question. What are the best costumes for babies{?








Be rewarded for procrastination!

Ten percent off candy and costumes from now until All Hallow's Eve, only at the Hahacienda!



[locked from non-puncturable SW folk]

Seeing small versions of my uniform for sale as Halloween costumes is so much more disturbing than anticipated.




Today is the official opening of Hotel Versailles, we have our first guests arriving this afternoon and everything is ready to go *touches wood*

We have worked hard to make this a welcoming and comfortable place to stay and are very proud of everybody involved.




Okay so the guys I'm kind of working with in my dreams aren't so bad. The dog is still the best thing about it though. Oh and of course the fact that I am a total badass doesn't hurt either.




So, I got my first dream gift or whatever, this morning. The texts from A don't count. In the dreams, Alison had give us each a friendship bracelet with our names on them and this morning mine was on my night stand. I was so freaked out at first that I just left it there for awhile. Eventually I ended up putting it on and now I can't bring myself to take it off, which is weird since I don't even know Alison in real life.




I'm extremely tempted to dress my cat up for Halloween. He more than likely won't like it, but I think it'd be cute. Or does that sound pathetic?