
October 21st, 2016




My stupid dog got himself stung by a jellyfish tonight. I took him for a walk, like I usually do, on the beach and he goes running around, as usual, when I hear him whimper. Had to take him to the vet after that. He'll be alright, but hopefully this keeps him away from jellyfish that have washed up on the beach from now on.




Sometimes shopping cures an itch to do stupid things.

I don't spend money much. But I finally bought a few new things for myself. Small steps, right?




Wow. So I was just coloring, which I am amazing at. I am a great colorer! Yes, that's a word. Stop questioning me. And my drawing disappeared and then my crayons and Buttercup's meat. Why Buttercup needs to punch meat hanging on a hook, I don't really get, but someone stole it. And Blossom's clip. Talk about ruuuude!

Apparently it was this super creepy guy who had all of our collectibles and then wasn't happy with that, so he stole all our stuff and then tried to trap us in boxes! Luckily, the towns people and the Professor came to save us. They opened a ton of his collectibles and he cried like a baby. Then the Professor gave this really strange speech about how if he was a real fan, he wouldn't want us to be trapped in a box. I just didn't want to be trapped in a box. ANYWAY! We were saved! THANK GOODNESS!

Then we were playing jacks at the neighbor's house next door, which was super fun! Then Mojo kidnapped the Mayor and we had to go rescue him. So we went to rescue him, but then we became hostages! Terrible! Of course we then escaped and beat Mojo, but we exploded City Hall. Oops? And then we ate dinner over at the neighbor's house, which was awesome! Only then it got less awesome and our neighbor was trying to kill the Professor and become a super villain. It made things a little awkward. Somehow it all devolved into throwing pies at each other before the police showed up and arrested our neighbor.




So it seems the dreams have returned once again. Finally some more forward momentum in this new timeline.

The Sokovia Accords have split the Avengers severely, while my dream self seems largely unconcerned about this. My sole focus seems to be to avenge my father's death by getting to Bucky before the rest of them do. While that has failed so far, it seems I've aligned myself with Tony Stark's side of the conflict (despite the fact they temporarily took my Panther suit; thank goodness for diplomatic immunity) if nothing more than as a means to an end.

Now it seems we are in a bit of a brawl at an airport tarmac and I'm finding that I'm fighting Steve Captain America. This is a severe deviation from my other timeline dreams where I was on his side against the Accords (called by a different name).

The only moment of levity seems to have been when Ms. Romanov stopped me at my vehicle when I was about to depart the facility (prior to the airport fight) and one of my Dora Milaje threatened her.

"Move, or be moved." Now that would have been an interesting fight.




Apparently it's new dream time. I suppose if you're going to go to ride out a tornado, you might as well do it in a diner. That was an interesting experience. Ended up in Camelot and found Emma, but then after meeting King Arthur we wound up back in Storybrooke, but with six week's missing. Oh how I hate missing time. At least it's not a year this time. I'm going to assume we find out, eventually, what happened during those missing weeks and how exactly Emma went dark.

Oh, and for a town that has a considerable amount of cars and residents, it seems like the streets are always deserted when we really need a stand off of some kind.




Apparently my brother has assigned a boy to babysit me and bother me with food all the time despite my obvious lack of interest in eating at the moment. I'm concerned about that slightly, but my dream self is particularly uninterested. Of course he somehow managed to convince me by being stubborn and we talked about the Ke-Han, which led to a discussion of the Well and its being the source of our magic.

I want to say I can't believe my brother assigned me a babysitter, but then I guess I can believe it. At least the stew tastes good.