
September 27th, 2016




I still can’t believe Jabba the Hutt is running for president. Clowns are apparently terrorizing the south eastern United States and Ziggy Stardust went back to the stars, but this is still the most unbelievable thing about 2016. It’s just been a really very strange year, and it doesn't look like it's going to get any less weird.




Is it normal to want to shake your dream self? Is there a way to shake your dream self? Inquiring minds would like to know.

[Sirius Black]

I don’t understand dream me at all. You were leaving and we were arguing. I took ...How could I take their side over yours? It doesn’t make any sense.




Watched a guy eat cheez its and jellybeans together at a store the other night. The snack bowls were next to eachother, but you don't need to eat them all at once?




Okay I should really never do undercover work. Like. Ever. I'm terrible at it. Even if I was the right candidate to do it because involving science. Though that experience was fucking horrifying Also watching myself getting sicker is not fun

[Clone Club]

So uh, I know Felix isn't at this point yet, but things are getting really kind of horrifying on the Neolution front. Does Brightborn mean anything to you, Sarah?




I have once again drank too much in my dreams, and I have also drank too much in this world. I cannot tell if this hangover is from my dreams or not but I am going to blame it on them. Never drink with men named Joly and Bossuet, they will enable you.

On the plus side I have received many bottles of wine. The one that I tried was very good. The me in my dreams has very good taste.




cut for undertale spoilers, visible to all )

Anyway, got some of my powers from the dreams the other night. Thanks as always to my favorite roommate for peeling me off the ceiling, I don't deserve you, Nico.